
Tuesday 5 November 2019

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is gong well! It's cold and damp here, which is not good for my bones, but that's life - we have to take the good with the bad.
Lately I have been hearing a lot on the news about the hate attacks on politicians, people of public interest and others. The people who leave these comments on the internet use false identities. It is so easy to hide behind a mask and spew hate, make threats, and cause others distress. I hope sooner or later that the possibilities to do so will be curtailed. Freedom of opinion is good, but this does not give anyone the right  to insult, mob or threaten others. We don't have to agree with everything people do or say, we don't need to like everybody, and are all entitled to a personal opinion. 
This is a remake of a piece made a few years back, as I want to use the message again. It is an A3 mixed media collage painted with blue and black acrylics. The sentiment from John Lennon was stenciled. :

I am linking to More mixed media, anything goes with optional black.

And I have more impressions from beautiful autumn, my fave season:

The prehistoric menhir (standing stone) is the oldest object in my little town, from about 2000 BC and is on the corner of our street - I pass it at least twice a day. I wonder what this stone could have seen in the course of all those years?

The ruins of the imperial castle are also very ancient, dating back more than 1300 years:

Loads of toadstools this year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Autumn really does look great in your part of the world.
    I think it's been a good year for fungi, and there are so many colours, shapes and varieties.

    Happy mid-week wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hi Val, your art and its message are both wonderful. It is awful to see and hear the hate and evil which is being bandied about by people misusing the net. Love the beautiful autumn photos, as always a pleasure to see them. Hope your appointment today went well. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful art and message, it is sad to see and hear how people use social media these days to put down, criticise and force their message onto others. Shame people feel the need to spread hate and negativity. Your autumn photos are beautiful, so many different fungi and the leaf colours are amazing.

  4. Thanks Laurie. The fungi seem to love cool and damp places, and they flourish wherever they have good conditions.

  5. Your pictures of fall are quite outstanding, Valerie, showing a real palette of colours, and I especially appreciate the attention paid to the fungi, those essential agents of a healthy forest ecosystem.

  6. Hi Valerie. This is such a lovely post. Those photos are amazing.

  7. Hi Valerie, had to stop by and comment before I hit the hay as your words really hit how I feel about the world and it's media. It's difficult for me who just want's peace in everything to understand how people can be so cruel and spiteful to each other. Sadly it is not only online that this happens now, respect for others seems to be sadly fading. I'd say the Menhir has seen many changes over the past 2000 years or more, if only we could freeze time and step back to the good old days...
    Your glorious photo's really show that Autumn is truly in full swing. Hugs Tracey xx

  8. How timely is your beautiful mixed media Valerie - says it all.
    Lovely fungi, gorgeous colours all around :D) xx

  9. I sympathize on the aches and pains with this weather. If only there was not so much hate in the world. Lovely art and I enjoyed the photos today. I like how you personified that ancient stone.

  10. I love seeing fall through your eyes. Oh, it's incredibly beautiful where you are, isn't it? All those golds and yellows and oranges. Don't they make your heart sing? Love this!

  11. Traurig, wenn man so feige ist, dass man anonym hetzen muss.

    Eine Freundin meiner Schwägerin versteht so vieles nicht und postet so viel Quatsch. Naja, ich halte den Mund.
    Manche Menschen - sie tut es immerhin mit ihrem echten Namen - sind einfach dumm, "don´t understand".

    Schöne Herbstbilder - müssen wir genießen, solange die Natur es noch bietet! GlG Iris

  12. I am with you. The world seems to full of bullies, because of course bullies are always cowards who lie and hide behind something. But of course we have one world leader who is that, and maybe I should not call him a leader. I love your John and Yoko piece today. It really speaks to a better world. And ice autumn photos. We don't have much color left at all, so it is nice to see some. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Some people are really not fit to lead themselves, let alone others!

  13. Beautiful message, love that works! It is so sad to see hate everywhere...

  14. Wonderful page and sentiment. Your Fall photos are just gorgeous. All those different toadstools. So many varieties. I was fascinated by the standing stone. More because I'm a fan of Diana Gabadon's Outlander series.

  15. What an absolutely amazing mixed media page, Valerie. In the states, we are being torn by a president who wants to be a dictator, in the UK, they are being torn by the Brexit REVOTE (something I totally do not understand), and that leaves China and Russia to infiltrate the internet and steer our thoughts in their direction. Your lovely entry is right on point and very powerful. The message comes through LOUD and CLEAR.

    Your leaves are gorgeous. I want some that look like yours. Instead, I have my choice of green or dead. This is a beautiful walk you take every day. I am also curious about that stone and always love seeing the old castle, too.

  16. The world would be a better place if we could disagree and even get angry without insulting and threatening :( I like a good political spat as well as the next person, but the threats are scary :(

    Your Autumn colors are breath-taking :) I'm impressed by the stone and its marker. Fascinating! That's a nice place for the benches. I'd enjoy sitting there and soaking up the view and the atmosphere. You got perfect photos of the toadstools! My close-ups always have problems...

    1. You are so right. It's fine to have a spat, but it should always be honest and face to face.

  17. Out visiting some blogs sure look like fall in your area.
    Coffee is on

  18. Wonderful art with a great message Valerie. I love your Autumn photos too, and how special to have a local standing stone.
    Alison xx

  19. Perfect words to live by Valerie!! Love your gorgeous photos. Your Autumn seems very like our Autumn over here in Ireland.

    1. Thanks Pinky! Ireland is a beautiful place in all seasons!

  20. A good post to read Valerie, what is going on in the world is worrying. Its no help that our leaders cannot agree either or carry out the wishes of the people.
    Your mixed media page is awesome and its a powerful quote.
    Lovely photos as well I hope your aching bones feel better soon. I agree this age thing isn't funny.
    Yvonne xx

  21. I believe in the ideal of free speech, but it's hard to stomach when people abuse that freedom by spewing hatred and cruelty. And even harder when the people who do that are political leaders. Not very good role models, eh?

    Wow! A stone from 2000 B.C. right there by your neighborhood? That's impressive. The oldest thing near our neighborhood is probably a fire hydrant... circa 1966... HA

  22. What a beautiful post and gorgeous interesting goodies..xx


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