
Thursday 7 November 2019

Crisp and Brilliant

Hi Everybody!

It's another grey and dismal day here, but I'm still hoping the sun will peek through sooner or later!
Today I am joining Rain at her Thursday art date where the theme is crisp and brilliant. I have no idea what others will be making for this theme, but it made me think of cold and frosty days. The first piece is an altered photo, set into a frosty frame:

The second one is the view from my balcony on a cold, wintry night back in 2014, which has been given a digital frame:

This one is my fave - a photo from my wonderful and never forgotten dog Scruffy, who loved playing in the snow, also with an added frame and a quote. All frames are from Serif:

I am linking to Rain's Thursday Art Date and

The little town I live in is very ancient, but last Sunday I even saw a unicorn wandering through the castle ruins. There were some very strange happenings there, which I was able to photograph in passing by:

And yes, a unicorn!

I have no idea what they were doing, but lots of passers-by had fun watching and taking pics!

And this strange person was seen yesterday walking along the Rhine with a friend:

Back soon with more pics!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie what an interesting post,love your altered photo it looks fantastic,you are very clever my friend,well done.
    Oh how exciting seeing the unicorn and the people dressed up,i wonder if they were making a movie xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I don't know what they were up to, but it was certainly fun watching!

  2. Gorgeous ladies both of you, obviously you have loads of fun. Great post, love those gorgeous pics.xx

  3. Liebe Valerie,
    was für schöne Rahmenfoto gerade mit dem vereisten und dein geliebten Hund ruhe er in Frieden in deinem Herzen als Erinnungen wunderschön.
    Das ist ja toll in der Ruine haben die Fotos von den Kostümen gemacht interessant!
    Nah und dir winke ich zu!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Donnerstag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Scruffy war wirklich ein Liebling!

  4. Good Morning Va! Hope you slept well and are feeling fit today! Love seeing your frosty photos, especially Scruffy, who was such a darling. I can imagine that you still miss her. Here it's cold and frosty, too, but not so pretty as on your pics, just grey and grey and grey! I wonder what they were up to in the castle grounds? Looks very intriguing! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Keine Sonne hier heute!, eher frostig! ;-)
    Nicht so schlimm frostig wie in deinen Arbeiten, glücklicher Weise!
    Es sieht so schön aus, aber brrr...
    Tja... Earl Wilson hat wohl ein bisschen Recht. Da ich keine Kinder habe fühle ich mich nicht wirklich "erwachsen". Schnee kommt aber trotzdem ;-)
    Ein Schnee-Bart :-) Und das Einhorn!!! Meine Nichten würden ausflippen!
    Einen schönen - bei dir hoffentlich bald sonnigen - Tag, GlG, Iris
    P.S sh meinen Kommentar bzgl Löwen-Spekulatius, falls du magst.

  6. It looks like a beautiful town that you live in Valerie, so cosy with all it's history. Wonder if they were filming something for TV..?? I'm so envious you got to see a Unicorn. That's a great take on the prompt, crisp and bright sounds very wintery to me.
    Thursday Hugs Tracey x
    P.S What a beauty Scruffy was, always in our hearts <3

  7. I could barely get past your beautiful new header with all those CANADA Geese! And then you follow up with a Unicorn! How good does it get?

    1. Thanks! I'm still hoping for a dragon at the castle ruins, I will let you know when I discover one!

  8. Your frosty pieces are gorgeous. I especially love the second one. And of course Scruffy. I also remember all my beloved dogs. They certainly make life interesting. And was that a movie being filmed? What a fun thing to come across. You must be one of the few people who hs seen a unicorn, at least recently. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. I really never, ever thought I would see one here!

  9. Valerie,

    The iced window is so cool. Literally and figuratively speaking. :) The details are amazing. I snapped a shot one morning after climbing into the car. The heavy frost on the window looked beautiful especially as the early sunlight struck the glass. I need to play around with that photo to see what I might create with it. :) Thanks for the inspiration. Oh, how neat to see these actors in costume. Was it just a photo shoot or were they actually filming a movie? Either way, very cool and I love the unicorn. And, who said unicorns aren't real? You have proof to bunk this controversial matter. ;) Have a doodletastic day, dearie!

    1. I have no idea what those people were doing. They had hired the castle grounds for the day, and everybody here had fun watching them! And the unicorn! Icy windows and panes are just beautiful, always worth taking pics.

  10. I love the frosty colors of your pictures, but I'll skip the snow. Aww, Scruffy is cute. I wonder what the people at the castle were doing. Some sort of magical photo shoot. Too fun! I hope your day is magical, too.

    1. Thanks! Scruffy was really cute, and clever, she trained us perfectly! She always loved snow, although I don't - she won! We might be getting some next week, too 😕

  11. I feel the crispy brilliance in all your snowy photos, wonderful job! Brrr. Interesting happenings at the castle ruins.

  12. Hi Valerie :) I love your frosty photos, and that Shakespeare quote is wonderful. You are a girl after my own heart! :) That is a lovely quote and it reminded me of my days at school where I minored in English literature, Shakespeare was my main subject!! The Earl Johnson quote is funny! And Scruffy...what a sweetie. Our never-forgotten pets always bring a tear to my eye and lots of joy too! It's snowing here and our huskies are LOVING it! The unicorn is great, I wonder what kind of show they were filming? Very cool! I love your funny looking stranger along the Rhine! :) Thanks so much for joining in!! :)

  13. Great minds (or should I say "brilliant" minds) think alike. I too interpreted crisp as cold, crisp air. Loved all of your pictures especially Scruffy, as I too have an Aussie who loves to play in the snow. It would seem you walked in on the filming of something special in your ruins, how beautiful. And a Unicorn ... It will make a believer out of me. Don't worry about the gray days, Valerie, because the sun is shining in your heart. Have a wonderful week ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  14. Ohhh I love how you have altered the photos. Just wonderful. As always the photos are amazing. We are in Indian summer and our days are just gorgeous.

  15. I love your frosty art. We hardly ever get snow here, so I can revel in yours :)

    That event looks like great fun! I'd love to play in their props department ;)

  16. I hope that horn was adhered in a nonpainful way. The pageantry looks like all kinds of fun. And speaking of fun...Enjoyed your photo:)
    As always, enjoyed the post.

  17. PS Adorable pictures of your Scruffy.

  18. I love your icy art and quotes Valerie, Scruffy looks gorgeous.
    Interesting photos too.
    Alison xx

  19. I love those snowy art pieces. I can really feel the cold snow. Lovely dog, scruffy. So nice to see your out and about photos too!

  20. Wonderful cold and frosty art work. Interesting movie being made in your town. Not often you see a unicorn!! 😁😁

  21. I love how you used your own photos to create these fabulous pages and it was good to see again Scruffy, we never forget our faithful furry friends.

    It looked a fun event beside the castle, seeing a unicorn was quite magical, I think all the children would have loved seeing that.
    It was a good photo of yourself as well.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I love all of your pieces for the crisp and brilliant theme - they are brilliant :)

    It does look an interesting and fun event at the castle - great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  23. I was thrilled to see these beautiful photos you created and the adorable Scruffy, who we can't forget. I loved the quote about snow and teens. I laughed and laughed when I saw that. I need to tell my teen friends in CA that one.

    The view at the castle was really fun to watch and see. I was blown away by the unicorn. They certainly picked the perfect horse for it. What a fun, fun, post, dear. One of these days I'll get here on time!!!

  24. WOW, WOW, and WOW!!!
    Amazingly beautiful and magical!!!
    Happy PPF

  25. Every bit a gorgeous post Valerie. Happy PPF. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  26. Wow, I'm loving your crisp and brilliant artwork using the photos! The edges of snowflakes and ice that you created look so beautiful 😁. It looks very strange at the castle this week and it seems it influenced your selfies too 😉. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  27. Your Scruffy was so very dear. I love that expression so very much. What a unique event you witnessed!


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