
Friday 1 November 2019

2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody!

November got off to an appropriate start, cold,  grey and very wet. That seems to be the trend for the next few days, although it should be getting a little warmer, too, so it's not all bad. Still, what do we expect - it's November!

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am sharing some journal pages made back in 2016 with the theme of light and darkness, as I find this very suitable for this time of year when the days are getting shorter and the nights longer, making light so important for us:

And I have one more tag for my challenge at Tag Tuesday, anything goes. The image is from Gecko Galz and was printed onto canvas, which I fringed at the edges and sewed to a recycled card background:

Some Halloween decorations on the street where I live:

A cold and frosty early morning:

I love the beauty of frosted leaves and plants, even if it makes my fingers very cold taking the pics:

On Sunday  I visited my friend Nelya, and enjoyed the views  walking home over the bridge in the evening:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad you had a nice visit with Nelya. Beautiful art today.

  2. Thanks so much Laurie. That barfing pumpkin made me giggle, too, so glad it amused Gracie!

  3. Happy November Wishes.
    Lovely art and great frosty photographs.
    We've had a lot of rain today … not a great start to November, but never mind.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Fabulous photos, the frost is amazing as is this fabulous post.. you enjoy the November month and I am experiencing our heat

    1. I think I prefer the frost, but I'm sure you'll be enjoying the heat!

  5. The frost on the leaves makes them very attractive, as though decorated with tiny gems. The pictures richly repay a few minutes of cold fingers, and permit you to share your delight with everyone.

  6. Love the new header Valerie. Being an owl fan, how could I not? I am glad you decided to show us your heads again. I remember them from before and I always enjoy seeing the heads. And you did have some chilly temperatures. I can tell by the frost. Stay warm on your saturday walks. Hugs-Erika

  7. I don't know how to comment on the first works... astounding but what to say?? I like. Those wee owls... love the stitching. I also quite enjoy your neighborhood views and commentary. Where do you live? It's been so cold here the leaves stopped their color show and turned brown and fell. LeeAnna at leeannaquilts at gmail dot com

    1. I live in Kaiserswerth, an ancient little town by the Rhine

  8. Wonderful art. I love the moon and star page. Fun Halloween decorations .Made me laugh. One of the frosted leaves looks like a feather. Cool. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.

  9. Your first piece is a real statement Valerie, it would be fabulous to frame and reflect upon daily. Love your three owls, as a collector of owls these remind me of my babies hee hee. Lovely to see them stamped on fabric.
    Those pumpkins are such fun we see nothing of that around here, everything tends to take place indoors now, not as many trick or treaters.
    Those frost bitten leaves look so beautiful, little pieces of artwork.
    Wishing you a fabulous weekend, warmest of wishes Tracey xx

  10. Beautiful work Valerie! I too love those owls (they're so cute in your header as well).
    Love the cup of morning sunshine too... what great thoughts at the start of the day!
    The weather has certainly turned much colder since I last visited (just popping back quickly as I love to check in here and there and catch up).
    Those leaves are so pretty with the ice and the frost on the ground. I'm sure you're nice and cosy on your walks - appreciate you getting cold fingers for photos ... hugs xx

    1. Thanks so much, Sue. Always good to see you around. Miss your blog!

  11. Good Morning Val! Another lovely post, gorgeous art, gorgeous photos, gorgeous everything. Love the quote in that first head, so true. The frosty photos are magnificent, I can imagine you crouching by the frosty path to get them! Love the pumpkins, too, so funny, and the night photos look like you were heading over the Oberkasseler Bridge, beautiful. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  12. Hi Valerie what amazing pages and your tag is awesome,well done my friend on such beautiful work xx

  13. Hi Valerie and happy November! I love your journal pages, and I remember them from 1st time around. Those owls have printed beautifully onto the canvas - such a fab image. Your photographs are fabulous, I love the frosty leaves. No frost for us at the moment as we are in Spain and it's like being thrown into the middle of Summer again! Have a lovely week, and I'll catch up when we get home xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Poor you, having to suffer the Spanish heat when we are enjoying the pleasures of cold, grey and wet November!😍 Have fun!

  14. Valerie das sind wunderschöne Arbeiten, ich liebe deine Kreativität!!! Die Kürbisse ich musste so schmunzeln drüber und frostblätter ach und die schönen Abendstimmungsfotos..
    Ich habe mich wieder drüber gefreut!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Novemberzeit!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  15. Beautiful artwork Valerie. And your photos are fantastic. I like the leaves with frost on them. It turned cold for November where I am in Connecticut US, too.

  16. Beautiful pages and a fabulous tag, you’ve reminded me that I have some printable canvas somewhere in the house, I’ll have to look for it as the owls look fabulous printed onto canvas. Wonderful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. those frosty photos are nature's art-loved those. I enjoyed the second look as I hadn't seen it before, and your tag is just awesome! enjoyed the halloween and bridge photos too we are bit chilly here as well-Happy second on the 2nd Hugs Kathy

  18. Oh Valerie, I remember these wonderful journal pages you created and they are still as beautiful and timely as when you created them. They are simply PERFECT for your second look on the 2nd.

    Those owls made me smile. They are truly adorable. I like how you took the time to fringe the canvas, and of course, I LOVE that you sewed the canvas all wonky, even though I KNOW you can sew perfect lines if you so choose. I also like the floral arrangement you added. This is truly adorable.

    Your street always surprises and thrills me. Your neighbors have a sense of humor and a bit of Halloween type fun. It's like the pumpkin ate too much candy before reaching home and this was the result. I loved it. Of course, I enjoyed the frozen leaves, too. It snowed in Wichita, and I missed it.

    Thanks for joining me with your second look on the second, too, dear.

    1. Thanks! Believe me, after so many years teaching students to sew properly - which of course meant straight - it is not easy to sew crazy lines, but slowly I'm getting to enjoy 'wild' sewing!

  19. Dear Valerie thanks so much for your kind comment and always visiting my blog posts so quickly!
    I always enjoy popping over to see your posts too, this is another post filled with such beauty, your art is always a treat for the eyes, ahh that cup of sunshine, wonderful!
    I also really love the frosted leaves, still no frost our way in the south of France but lots of rain!

  20. Purrfect fall pictures. The pieces are too. I love the little owls in your tag and your header. And the sayings are so true.
    Have a wondrous weekend.

  21. Brrrr! We haven't had a frost yet, but that cuppa sunshine is warming my morning anyway :) The colors in your art are beautifully seasonal, with those fall flowers and orange-y leaves. I'd love a ride on the ferris wheel, even with the nip in the air :)

    1. I will go for a ride soon, it's great to take photos

  22. Hi Valerie :) Yes, November is like that here too! I love your light and darkness's so true that we need to show who we really are and hopefully it's the light side!! :) Your owls are very nice! The frosty photos are so pretty!

  23. Beautiful journal pages and I love your tags so much! Your photo feel perfect for this season too.

  24. Your second on the second is perfect for the time of year and I love it as much the second time around! I love the free stitching around your lovely little owls! We have seen a few pumpkins around - one similar to the one throwing up here!! I do love a good look thanks for being the brave one here! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. An awesome post to read and see all the fabulous photos and art pieces. I loved the page with the heads and the reference to light and dark being part of ourselves, yes good to see it again.
    Gorgeous autumn tags Valerie as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Very powerful pieces of art. I have said this to you before, but I just don't know where you find the time to create amazing pieces of art, take your walk and photos and everything else you do. I bow down to you my friend. LOL

  27. Weise Worte.
    Und... Eulen :-) Der Kürbis ist auch super, The Simpsons-like!
    Ja, der Frost - hier ist es plötzlich warm!!!
    Das Riesenrad sieht toll aus (sofern ich nicht rein muss!).

  28. I love those cute owls Valerie, and the frosty leaves are gorgeous!
    Alison xx

  29. Fantastic Tag, I love the Owls and how you printed them on to the fabric. It's just always stunning photos again in your blog post Valerie...xx

  30. I remember those light and dark heads - so atmospheric - and your little owl trio is adorable. I love the texture of the fabric showing through. Magical photos of the frost on the leaves and stems. We haven't had any frost here yet - just grey and gloomy really. Bah!
    Alison x

  31. Love those words on your work, so true. In here November is the same, grey and wet. Have a lovely week ahead☺

  32. truly gorgeous journal pages! and i love your owls! stay warm! xo

  33. großartige seiten hast du gemacht,und die eulen sind auch toll!!!
    schöne herbstliche bilder die du gemacht hast,dein post heute ist super,toll,toll !!!
    einen schönen tag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  34. Isn't it so cool to look back at the things you created over the years, and your are lovely. You always make the best tags ever, and it's super fun to look at decorations for the season. Hugs, RO

  35. Gray, wet and cold here, too. But somehow, you still managed to have wonderful photos of outside! Love your owls especially!


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