
Thursday 18 February 2016

Music and memories

Hi Everybody!

This week has gone by very quickly, which means it's time for Paint Party Friday, and every day is time for Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love. I chose a painting from Modigliani again - Anna Hanka Zabrowska, painted in 1916. I just copied the figure and the chair she is sitting on and left out the background. I have made 2 different backgrounds for her, a painted one and a digital one, which I am showing today. I used an old photo, which I digitally made transparent, to show the grungy, painted background underneath. She looks like she is thinking about something, perhaps about family festivals and the music she danced to as a young girl.... Then I created her shadow in lace, and placed her on top. I had fun painting this one, and playing around with this background - I will show the other background another day. I am also linking to 99 faces.
This is face 68.

My blast from the past this week is an abstract landscape painted with tempera paints back in the 90s:

The weather has been very cold, but sunny and bright, and I have enjoyed my walks along the Rhine as always. The water is receding slowly:

The cormorant was practising yoga again:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie i love your creation and also your blast from the past. so colourful and vibrant. I adore your gorgeous nature pictures, you live in a very beautiful part of the world. x

  2. I am really in love with your Modigliani creations, and your blast from the past is great too. Love the photos with the spark water. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wow.. das ist einmalig schön geworden - absolut raffiniert Deine Seite .. grad mein neuer Liebling Deiner Modigliani Reihe!
    Auch Deine abstrakte Landschaft von einst gefällt mir sehr gut und die Bilder vom Rhein und der Natur bringen schon frühlingshafte Gefühle, auch wenn noch nicht viel Blühen und Farbe zu sehen ist. Es liegt an dem warmen Sonnenlicht, dass Du auf allen Bildern zauberhaft eingefangen hast!


  4. wunderbar deun bild,ich mag auch deine modigliani reihe,und du hast schöne bilder eingefangen,schon fast frühlingshaft,das ist wohl die sonne die scheint,ein paar osterglöcjchen hab ich auch schon endeckt.
    deine bilder strahlen warmes sonnenlicht aus,ganz toll.
    ein zaberhafter post von dir wider.
    ich geh jetzt schlafen ,gute nacht.

    hugs jenny

  5. Totally cool, the variety of techniques you had used create the mixed media face. If the birds are out then spring must be just around the corner. Good luck with the surgery. I am glad that you can stay in touch with your virtual admirers :)

  6. I love the Modigliani version. i really like the digital background. It fits Ms Zabrowska perfectly. And interesting abstract too. Glad to see the river is receding, but it isn't going down that fast, is it? Hope all goes well next week with the surgery since I might not be responding to posts for my vacation. Hugs and good wishes!

  7. Beautiful pieces for PPF Valerie! Thinking about you and your upcoming surgery. Enjoyed the sunny photos. It is hard to ignore the cold even with the sun these days.

  8. I'm getting ready to go to bed and you are up and ready for Friday. Your shadow out of lace was remarkable and I love the use of old paintings in your art. This Modigliani painting was perfect for your theme of music and emotions. BRAVO!

    Hugs and rest well,

  9. Ohhhh that painting is stunning. Such talent. My Hubby and I just looked at all your wonderful photos.

  10. Fabulous journal page...I love it as well as those abstracts!! Great photos too! Love the duck so much!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Ein fantastische Journalseite, liebe Valerie! Sehr harmonische Komposition und schöne Farben! Das gefällt mir sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  12. Love the lace Background and the landscape. The Colors of the landscape and this style of painting makes me happy.

  13. your photos are so gorgeous and I really love your modigliani... fabulous

  14. Love the page Valerie it is so well thought out and then painted. The lace shadow is very unusual and adds so much to the page.

    The abstract is a terrific design with wonderful colours.

    Lovely to see sunlight again Valerie and the reflections on the water. Sunny here today with thick frost so I will wait until it thaws before I venture out

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Isn't Modigliani a gorgeous painter to get inspiration from? I love all his different faces and their expressions. It seems you had fun working with his art, and your result is lovely. I really like how you've added the lace and what that brings into your piece. Clever idea.

  16. I like the feeling in your picture...
    Our weather has been mainly rainy, grey or sunny with cold wind :)

  17. Another fabulous make! You and Susi both are two busy ladies with your daily postings.....

  18. Your journal page is really good - I love the transparent background with the lace shadow over. Her face is wonderful -so wistful looking.

  19. That journal page is interesting, those photos does it!

    But I really love your abstract landscape, oh, those colors!!

  20. love your journal page .happy PPF x

  21. Beautiful piece today Valerie, 68 already, wow. Amazing photos, you would never know it's so cold by looking at these. Beautiful shots. hugs :)

  22. Such beautiful work, and lovely photos!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  23. A fabulous piece, the background is wonderful and I love her shadow.
    xxx Hazel.

  24. Yea I find the doily shadow very interesting. Brings a lot of nostalgia to the piece. Happy PPF

  25. Absolute stunner, love the stern faced image and colours are

  26. Hi Valerie, so happy to see sun where you are. Love those Mogs but I enjoy the old-skool abstracts you've shared as well. So bright and bold and sure. You'll be in my thoughts, good luck with your knee op! xoxo

  27. Love this Modigliani - very rich with the layers and a very good copy. Nice walk today - sunshine and birdies - what more can we ask. hugs, Donna

  28. I so love your Modigliani's and your abstracts are way too cool!! xoxo

  29. another fantastic digital piece Valerie! Love the flash back art too-super composition and colors. Lovely walking along the Rhine with you too.

  30. Love how you created today's fabulous pages. the abstract is awesome as well.
    Yvonne xx

  31. I am really drawn to Modigliani's faces. His people look like they belong to the aristocracy - people who always take tea at four along with little cakes and sandwiches. Women who have ladies' maids and little lap dogs. I often wonder what you are thinking about when you do these pages.
    sandy xx

  32. Seriously in love with your lacy "shadow" Valerie. Genius. So pretty. This page is just intriguingly stunning. And what a neat abstract landscape. That would be great in one of these popular coloring books all around now!

    Wonder if ducks feet get cold in icy water!!!! SUPER duck photos!! XX j.

  33. I love your photos. Your work is awesome. Love that lady! Hope you are doing well. ::hugs::

  34. She looks so heartbreakingly sad. I was not familiar with the artist so thank you for the introduction.

  35. Enjoy immensely, your share today

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  36. Love your painted lady and the lace shadow is fabulous! The tempura painting is so much fun! TFS!

  37. Ha ha ha, I said tempura and not tempera. Lunchtime, I guess... So silly forgive me. :)

    1. I wish I had a $ for each time I type something wrong!

  38. Love these pix! SO nice to be around nature like that. So relaxing and rejuvenating. Love the Modigiani-eque theme--very cool. Hope you have a lovely week my dear. xo

  39. LOVE that shadow! Very creative and pleasing to the eye.

  40. Wonderful Modigliani! And your colorful "blast from the past". We have cormorants that gather at the edge of the lake fluttering their wings and we call them the "aviary chorus" because of how they wobble their necks as if singing.

  41. Fascinating! How on earth do you create a lace shadow? Great effect it gives!

  42. Hi Valerie,
    What a clever way to make a shadow! I love all the digital things you are doing which I have no concept of! This week I also started an abstract but it will have to wait until after my trip. I love the photo of looking across the water to the colorful buildings on the other side.

  43. Love your "music and memories"! Your photos are fabulous - I wish I were there painting right now!!

  44. The lace shadow and your lady is so elegant. Love your photos.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  45. Love your page today!!!! The Rhine still looks high but I can tell it's going down slowly. Maybe I need to sign up for those Yoga classes :) Take care of yourself :)

  46. I wish I could join you on your walks. Your photos are beautiful and your art is always amazing! Happy PPF!

  47. You really have a knack for that style of portrait, Valerie. All of the ones you have shown are wonderful and feel like they should be hanging in a gallery.

  48. Another fabulous portrait and I love the lacy changes too! Great photos once again! Hugs, Chrisx

  49. What an unique idea of using a lace shadow! Your photos are beautiful!

  50. Wunderschoen!! I love all of your photos - your art and the nature photos. Now, the painting ... was it a digital piece from a traditional painting you did? I love this lace shadow! What a great idea!! Happy PPF! xoxo Silke

  51. Wonderful collage, and beautiful photos! Looks like a lovely walk!


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