
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Birds big and small

Hi Everybody!

Had a long day today (Wednesday), as I had to go to the hospital for the pre-OP examinations. The staff were all very friendly there, and after completing all the formalities and signing lots of forms I had to go from room to room to answer lots of questions, and was told all about how the OP will be done. (Yikes!) I had blood tests, an ECG, some rather complicated X-rays to determine the exact size and form of my knee etc etc. And then I visited the ward where I will be staying. 
Back home I had a meal and  a large cup of coffee and then slept all afternoon - bliss! And the most important thing I found out is that I can connect to the wireless internet there and stay connected with the rest of my world....

For Art Journal Journey, music is the food of love, I have another hybrid journal page. The background is a photo of the sunset at the Rhine, and the woodpecker is one of my regular and very hungry visitors. Here I have given him a crown. I remember this song from when I was a child, perhaps some of you oldies might remember it, too!

The song was sung by Glen Miller, here you can hear the original blast from the past if you want to:

Lots of birds visit my balcony, and I like to visit those at the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh all the best for the op when the time comes, - that does not sound like fun, but good to know there is wifi....
    Lovely hybrid page, love the little crown you gace the woodpecker!

  2. Love your page full of golden light, and I remember that song from my granddad. Lovely photos, hugs, Sarah

  3. Glad today got over okay for you. The wifi is a bonus, we will all be thinking of you. Loved the page and how you used the handsome kingfisher.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Woodpeckers that pretty deserve a crown. Lucky that you will be able to stay connected while you recoup. xox

  5. Lovely piece for AJJ today. The birds are so naturally beautiful, their plumage is nature's art. Be brave Valerie, and all the best for the operation. It is great you will have internet access.

  6. The pre-OP completed; and, good news about the WIFI you can connect to while recuperating. Your bird with the crown is handsome and goes so well with the song. Your other photos are wonderful too. Hope you can sleep tonight. Rest is good prior to surgery.


  7. alles gute für die op,ich denk an dich ganz doll.
    eine wunderschöne seite hast du gemacht,und all die vögel sind so süss.
    ich wünsch dir alles gute.

    hugs jenny

  8. I was my friend Sally's advocate when she had knee surgery. I stayed with her before the operation and was there when she woke up in post op. She had me write on the knee they were NOT working on "Wrong KNEE" for the first operation. About a year later, she had the second knee replaced. It's murder going through airport security because she now has so many body parts that are not her own, but she manages.

    From MY experience from staying with Sally, you will be groggy for about a day. You will be in and out of consciousness and will probably not remember a lot of the mumbo jumbo that you say. On the second day, you will be cognizant when they hook you up to the machine that keeps your leg moving. You probably won't remember it much the first day. Depending on your Dr. and the facility, they may have you walking on day 2. But, at least they will get you up to go to the toilet, even if it's in a wheelchair. The first day, you will probably be using a bedpan. So much for that, because you were probably told all this beforehand.

    Love the various birds, and I was surprised I didn't know any of the birds except the woodpecker and pidgin.

    Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your walks while you can still walk. Your new knee will make it much easier for you to walk in the end.

  9. Liebe Valerie, Deine Vögelchen sind alle herrlich und ich denke, entweder hast Du eine wirklich wirklich gute Kamera oder sie lieben es, in Deiner Nähe zu sein. Wunderschön.
    Ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Knie alles Gute! Das die Operation gut verläuft und dass Deine Genesung rasche Fortschritte macht!

    Alles Liebe, ich denke an Dich
    Deine Erika

    1. Ich habe leider keine gute Kamera, aber dafür viel Geduld und Zeit, und liebe es sie zu beobachten und fotografieren. Danke ür die guten Wünsche!

  10. ever since we moved here and I've walked in the woods I've heard the woodpeckers pecking but never seen them (although we do have a woodpecker who regularly visits the back garden). Then, when I went for a walk on Tuesday, which was a gloriously cold, but sunny, day, I heard and saw, not one, but two woodpeckers, way up in the trees. I took a couple of photos, and a video, but it was only my mobile phone so you can barely see the woodpecker, but I was still happy to have finally spotted them. Love all your bird photos :-)

  11. Liebe Valerie,
    dein Bild vom Vogelkönig mit den Schmetterlingen ist allerliebst, es verzaubert mich. Wunderschöne Fotos hast du gemacht, ich bin begeistert.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  12. Brilliant designed creation. Love it....the colours are just oh so awesome, your photos are amazing and so are

  13. Your pre-op experience sounds a bit like mine-I suppose it's best that way rather than not explaining etc. - although no one warned me about the trapped wind I might experience! Great that you will have wi-fi! I only used mine to comment on blogs but you will be in for a while I suspect! I love your hybrid woodpecker and all of the bird photos! Will be thinking about you! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Oh My! The birds must love you and your well stocked balcony. They all certainly look healthy and very beautiful. Great page .. the Glen Miller song is a lovely addition to the theme. Hugs, Donna

  15. Beautiful piece Valerie. I didn't recognize the woodpecker song, but the music style sure reminded me of some forgotten moments! Love your bird images, I so look forward to hanging my bird feeder in the spring!! Hope you had a wonderful week so far! hugs :)

  16. I love ALL your birds today! Your piece is beautiful- Glenn Miller made some great music, perfect for today's post...and what fantastic photos!!! Glad you'll have wi-fi so you can keep in touch, it will definitely makes the time go faster I am sure. Enjoy your day! :) and Hugs.

  17. Are you getting a new knee Valerie? It's amazing what they can do these days, here's wishing you a speedy recovery, it will be well worth it to be pain free. I recognise that woodpecker song now that I hear it sung, I'll be humming it for the rest of the day! Xx

  18. Was für eine tolle Seite Valerie und die Vogelbilder sind wunderwunderschön!
    Es wird alles perfekt laufen bei der O.P. - Du wirst sehen!


  19. Ah, that was such a cheerful, chirpy piece.
    And love the birdie pics.
    When is your surgery? Wishing you an easy surgery and quick and painless recovery. I may have already mentioned, the HH had knee replacement a couple of years ago.

  20. Love the art today!!! The woodpecker wears his crown well ♥ Glad to also see the birds of your neighborhood again. It almost looks as if Mr. Heron is trying to surf the river :)
    Hoping your surgery goes well and you're up and about quickly♥♥♥♥

  21. I love all of your bird pictures. You take such good photographs. Your hybrid page is lovely with your beautiful wood pecker, fitly crowned.

    It sounds like your hospital is very thorough and the care you will receive should be as well. How nice that they provide Internet service.

    Blessing hugs,

  22. Hi Valerie, I will pray your knee surgery goes well and you are back on your feet quickly. So many have this surgery now and it seems to really help. So glad you will be able to stay on the net while you are in the hospital. Let us know how you are doing!!
    Love the little song to go with your beautiful page.
    Lovely walking photos too.
    Hugs and Prayers, xo

  23. Ganz, ganz festes Daumendrücken auch von mir, dass die Ärzte dich gut wieder hin bekommen! Es kann ja nur besser werden! ... und wie toll, dass du dort auch mit deiner Blog-Welt verbunden sein wirst!
    Alles Liebe von Ulrike

  24. Hello to all your wonderful birds and the amazing page.

    Sounds like you had a very busy day and I am sure you enjoyed and deserved a good sleep when you got home

    Good news about the connection in hospital

    Love Chrissie xx

  25. Hello Valerie, glad you got the most important thing sorted out today!
    All the best for the rest of it.
    Your woodpecker page is lovely and your photos of birds are quite spectacular. That looks like a young robin, and I always like the wood pigeons, they are so gentle.

    1. Yes, they do tend to hoover up the seeds that get tossed on the ground, but the little birds seem to know they mean no harm.

  26. You have some gorgeous birds come calling -- I have some of the birds I had in N.C. but not as many. Of course there are the water birds that like the Ocean. They are fun. So you should be going into the hospital any day. I wish you would forget the computer and just rest and sleep.
    Your journal page is delightful - afraid I do not remember that song.
    You know I always enjoy your pictures Valerie. Your birds must really love you!!
    Sandy xx

  27. Was für eine zauberhafte Kollage! Dein Königs-Specht ist einfach herrlich!
    Liebe Valerie, ich drücke dir ganz, ganz fest die Daumen für deine Knie-OP. Es wird alles gut werden.
    Ich habe letztes Jahr eine Knie-OP gehabt und kann jetzt wieder schmerzfrei laufen. Es braucht zwar Geduld und viel Training mit Diziplin ... aber es lohnt sich.
    Ich denke an dich, liebe Grüße, Annette

  28. A fabulous page, I love the woodpecker with his crown - I don't remember the song. I'm glad that you managed to have a good sleep after your busy time at the hospital.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. I always love your birds you share! We have had several Woodpeckers feeding away at the suit! One even ventured up onto the platform for some old pasta!
    Thinking of you and the 22nd. xo

  30. Soooooooooooooo love your woodpecker song - eheheheheh AND your page! All your birds are so pretty but especially your woodpecker.

    Sad though - to hear you are having surgery. You so love to walk though that it's understandable.... and I am starting to pray each day for a successful easy surgery and very speedy recovery. So thankful for wifi so you can keep us posted. Just want you to know... I love you XO j.

  31. Soooooooooooooo love your woodpecker song - eheheheheh AND your page! All your birds are so pretty but especially your woodpecker.

    Sad though - to hear you are having surgery. You so love to walk though that it's understandable.... and I am starting to pray each day for a successful easy surgery and very speedy recovery. So thankful for wifi so you can keep us posted. Just want you to know... I love you XO j.

  32. Beautiful birds. Valerie sending you healing prayers amiga. Take care.


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