
Friday 19 February 2016

A bit of this and a bit of that

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love,
I have another hybrid piece. The background is a photo of a spider's web full of raindrops- I added the other creatures digitally.

For 99 faces I have digitally altered a face  (no. 69) I painted some weeks back and didn't show because it reminded my of a cousin I never got on with! 
Here I have placed her digitally on a different background 
and given her a lacy mask. I am having fun experimenting just now:

The minutes before dawn are always the best time of day for me:

After that, the weather was just grey in grey, and we even had a snow shower, which thankfully didn't settle:

My most frequent visitor today was Mrs Blackbird, who shouted at all other birds - including her hubby - when they came near 'her' food.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art, Valerie. The best for you on Monday, may it be over timely and recovery easy and pain free. BREATHE!

    Love hugs,

  2. Great post, love the fantastic journal page and the very clever faces. Wonderful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Deine zauberhafte Hybrid-Seite ist wunderschön! Sogar ein Vögelchen hast Du dem Engel auf die Hand gestetzt..wunderschön mit dem Spinnennetz und von deinen Experimenten mit der Spitze als Hinterlegung für's Gesicht bin ich wieder begeistert! Beides sieht toll aus!
    Jetzt brauchen wir wirklich keinen Schnee mehr - wir wollen Frühling!
    Schöne Bilder - Frau Amsel scheint sich bei Dir sehr wohl zu fühlen!

    Hab einen schönen Samstag Valerie!

  4. eine schöne seite,gefällt mir sehr gut,die engelseite hat was märchenhaftes und das spitzengesicht ist einfach toll.
    schöne bilder hast du gemacht,der frühling kommt,sehr schön.
    einen schönen samstag.

    hugs jenny

  5. Wonderful photographs today Valerie and so pleased to see the spider's web photograph used in such an amazing way on your beautiful page.

    The face is fantastic and the lace version just amazing. Wonderful work and wonderful ideas as always

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Great pieces again today, Valerie. The cupids are wonderful and of course full of love. The 'lace face' is brilliant ... always thinking of something new. The first photo of the light just coming into the world is beautiful, and your birds are so entertaining. hugs, Donna

  7. I think you've given your cousin the measles Valerie! :) love the spider web collage and Mrs Blackbird obviously feels quite at home on your balcony. Have a good day! Xx

    1. Funny you should say that cause I caught the measles from her! My subconscious revenge?

  8. A beautiful hybrid piece, love the spiders web and additional creatures, the face is fabulous and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Beautiful work Valerie. I love the lacy face!! Great shot of the snow falling! Our snow is all gone again sadly. All this mild weather is causing a lot of problems with our eco-system, trees and animals are getting very sick around here. As much as Canadians complain about the cold weather, it's a necessary evil. happy weekend :)

    1. That's so true, the climate is going crazy all over the world just now.

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    woooow, so tolle Fotos hast du eingestellt, ich bin absolut begeistert davon. Das Bild 'lace face' fasziniert mich, wunderschön und faszinierend kreativ.
    Herzliche Samstaggrüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Fantastic pages, I love the lacy face, an experirment that looks beautiful. Love the photos, birds get very territorial especially when food is concerned.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Your 'this and that' pages are a sheer delight.xx

  13. Fantastic photo of the falling snow Valerie. Gorgeous art work, the detailing is so nice to ponder about. Isn't it interesting that faces of people we know or have met, suddenly emerges from the colours or the drawing. Enjoy the weekend!

    Love and hugs

    1. True, I was thinking of her recently and then she appeared in the drawing!

  14. I love that first page. It is so rich in texture and the colours are glorious.

  15. Oh my gosh, I love the first piece. Best ever.
    That mask is great.
    Sweet, sweet birds.
    Happy weekend, Valerie.

  16. Sehr interessant ist das Lace-Face und hübsch die Collage!
    Dein Amsel-Mädchen hat ja einen schönen hell gepunkteten Bauch... das haben nicht alle. Schönen Sonntag von Ulrike

  17. What a wonderful idea to use the spider's web and I love your face, the lace is fabulous. Such beautiful bird photos too.

  18. I'm still amazed at the lace face. It's gorgeous, and I can now see how you created the Frida.

    So that's what a blackbird looks like. She is quite vocal, I take it. I sure enjoyed the photos, anyway. I hope you are packed and ready to go. Monday will get here sooner than you think. It sure will get to you before me (grin).

  19. Lovely pages, Valerie and what a stunning sky. Will be thinking of you! xoxo

  20. That spider web full of drops is one of the most amazing photos you have taken - soooo awesome and it looks fabulous on this hybrid piece. Pretty lacy girl too!!!

    Love seeing Mrs. Blackbird and those gorgeous silver flowers behind her too!!! j.

  21. Your artwork is stunning again! I love the blackbird - we don't have them here and I do miss them, especially their beautiful song. Lovely image from just before dawn; the Stimmung (is there an appropriate English word for it) is beautiful. I love that time of day.


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