
Friday 29 January 2016

Winter wonderland is nearly over....

Hi Everybody!

Only one more day and then our winter wonderland challenge at
Art Journal Journey will be over, and on Monday a new challenge will be starting.
Here I have a hybrid piece, using one of my snow photos and some digital elements. The haiku is from Matsuo Bashu.

And here a beautiful happy mail letter that dropped into my mailbox this week from Donna:

A wonderful collaged card packed into the cutest envelope. covered with flowers and pretty tape with music notes, and inside 2 little heart shaped notebooks!
Thanks so much Donna!

This gull was busy having a little snooze:

I wonder what these ones were thinking about?

The dried seed pods look beautiful against the blue sky:

This one is specially for Yvonne:

Bath time for the birds:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful creation Valerie and love the cute fairy and mice. Love your wintery artwork below too.
    Have a lovely weekend and stay warm and dry xx

  2. Another gorgeous project, and love the card Donna sent. Great photos as always. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful!
    Such a lovely gift from your dear friend, the cutest of notebooks.

  4. Lovely wintry piece, the mice make me think of Cinderella! Nice blue skies today, is that how the birds sleep?

  5. Fantabulous wintry design and the haiku is perfect. Thanks for sharing the sunny pics today! That seagull is a hoot and a half! Hugz. ~Niki

  6. Winter looks like it has passed you by, except in your lovely hybrid entry. Such a cute little mouse.

    How sweet to think of Yvonne for the boat. It's a genuine beauty, and you are always so thoughtful.

    1. Today it is cold, windy and pouring with rain - spring has taken a spring backwards!

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    wiederum faszinierende Bilder und Fotos, die du uns zeigst. Hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Es sieht bei uns ähnlich aus, so irgendwie nach Frühling ;-).
    Schönes Wochenende dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. Hach...deine Bilder sind immer so entspannend. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog. Happy PPF und ein kreatives Wochenende! - Irma

  9. Fabulous photographs Valerie. Just had to save the tree one it is so wonderful.

    What a wonderful winter page with the very beautiful images and a haiku.This reminded me that I used to write lots of those but they were all a bit sad for some reason.

    How kind of Donna to send the card and little gifts. The heart books look interesting.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Lovely photos, lovely happy mail and extraordinary winter page, love it.xx
    enjoy your weekend.{aNNie}

  11. Love your angel. She and all her cute friends look wonderful on that photographic background. And lucky you to get that wonderful card. Hope your weekend is going well! Hugs!

  12. Hi Valerie, another beautiful fairy winter page today, and the haiku is a perfect match for your page.
    I also like the photo of the tree and the others remind me that spring is on its way. The birds are happy and the boats just keep arriving for a photographic treat. Thank you. Happy you received a lovely Valentine from Donna.

  13. Oh I love your winter fairy. What a lovely page. And how nice to get happy mail.
    Blessings on your weekend.

  14. Die Seite ist ein Traum.. so süß und Deine Fotos sind wunderschön! Ein ganz liebes Geschenk von Donna!

    Sorry für den superspäten Besuch heute♥♥♥

  15. Love this page -- I really love faeries and little critters especially when they all live in harmony and don't eat each other!
    Sandy xx

  16. Perfect words for your precious collage.
    That angel/fairy is so very sweet ♥
    Fun art mail you got liebe Valerie and I smiled when I saw Yvonne's ship come in :-)

    1. I'm sure I will find one with your name sooner or later!

  17. A wonderful magical winter page, felt like it told a fairy story.
    I hope my boat got to its destination. It was good to see it again.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. hope you don't mind I have copied the photo

  18. I adore your Winter page -she looks so warm even though she is in the snow! Great surprise package from your friend! Lovely sunny photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Ooh, ooh! Winter solitude should be made into Christmas cards too!

  20. There is that adorable little angel and birds friends again! I love them, so sweet!! xoxo


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