
Thursday 28 January 2016

Friday this and that.

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid page,
mixing painting, marbling - the head - and some digital items to make a magical winter piece. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

On Tuesday we had a wonderful orange moon again, which inspired me to show this moon painting (18x18") which I made at the last 'orange moon' a year or 2 back:

And I have been busy marbling these past 2 days, using up the last remnants of marbling ink I had. I made several of 'my' heads, which I cut out beforehand - one I showed yesterday, one today, and the others will be shown bit by bit when they have been built into other journal pages or painting. I also marbled some scraps of paper. These will be used to make covers for tiny notebooks.
I am linking to Moo Mania and More, use your scraps

I have made one already, using some handmade paper for the pages and sewing i together with white twine:

Mrs Blackbird is still the best eater on my balcony:

We had some nice dawns again this week:

The weather has been sunny and mild, and the first daffodils are blooming along the Rhine by the castle ruins.

One of the banks was covered in snowdrops:

And of course, the gulls were out in force:

The little flower shop has a tempting array of spring flowers:

And last but not least, Mrs B just LOVES peanuts:

Have a good day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Daffodils and snowdrops, oh my! Magical piece for AJJ and PPF. Love your orange moon. You know so much about art, marbling ink is interesting.

  2. WOW what a fantastic blog post for Friday...your winter scene with the fairies and the birds; your painting of the full moon (awesome); photos of spring in January of daffodils and snowdrops and wonderful marbling. What will you show us next? I admire your artistic talent so much and I am constantly amazed at how much you accomplish in one day, let alone a week. The birds will definitely miss you while you are away next month and will welcome your return as much as all of us will.

  3. Those spring flowers are such a contrast to the winter wonderland piece. Its hard to put them together- especially when those flowers look so exciting. I can see why you find them tempting-I would too. And I love the marbling! The colors are really rich. Enjoy your Friday!

  4. Look at those birds and that moon.
    Val, that first journal pic would make a beautiful, beautiful Christmas card!

  5. Wow, another great post, love the very magical journal page, and the marbling is fantastic, too. The spring flowers are so beautiful, what a pleasure to see daffodils blooming outside already. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Sarah

  6. I love the moon!! And the flower shop... and the art... very pretty!

  7. What beautiful marbled paper! I had forgotten how pretty it can turn out. We've just had a white moon around here. The orange one is so pretty. And the magical piece really is …well, magical.

  8. Your marbled paper is just amazing!

  9. Fantastic post. Loved your art and the marbling was fantastic. The moon piece was great and your winter scene is full of wonderful imagery. Loved seeing the snowdrops. We are still buried in snow.

  10. Goodness, Valerie, I just read we are in for some very bad weather in the next few days, so it's hard to believe you have daffodils coming up already. That's certainly in sharp contrast to the beautiful marbled winter wonderland you shared.

    The marbling is a real treat. I've read it can be quite time consuming and difficult to achieve good results, but you have some really lovely pieces you added to your cover.

    The birds really took over today, didn't they? As did the gorgeous spring flower baskets. What a unique post, showing how very different your weather is from mine. Hope your start to the weekend is awesome.

  11. Your winter wonderland is so lovely - I like the soft edges. And your orange moon is amazing! We have daffodils coming up in the backyard... I'm so ready for spring! Happy PPF

  12. Wow on the daffodils...we've had 13 degrees this week...which has been nice but it's suppose to drop again next week with a possibility of snow. Love your moon painting and your winter wonderland is beautiful and would make an awesome future Christmas card!Wonderful photos always I look forward to them!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. What a great selection of art! love the the blue background in your winter piece - it just looks so frosty! The marbling is gorgeous - how does that work? the texture in your moon painting is wonderful!

  14. You've been busy as always. Love your moon piece! Spring flowers, oh they're sooo far ahead of me. Loved seeing them though.

  15. Oh was für eine sensationell schöne Seite mit dem marmorierten Gesicht
    und auch Dein oranger Mond ist ein Kunstwerk. Mit dem schönen marmorierten Papieren inspirierst Du mich sehr ... und die Fotos sind auch wieder zum Träumen schön!
    Einen guten Freitag Liebes!

  16. I believe you have already spring!!

    You've been busy, those marbling pages look delicious, and that orange moon is so beautiful. Winter magic in that top work.

    Have a warm weekend!

  17. Your marbling heads look amazing, and I love how that bird is kissing her nose :-)

  18. Die Marmorierungen sind ganz toll - das habe ich auch ewig nicht mehr gemacht, ist aber immer so spannend zu sehen, was dabei heraus kommt!
    LG Ulrike

  19. Lovely delightful viewing my your moon and of course the journey into wonderland in your part of the world....have a wonderful weekend...going to be another very hot one here.x.

  20. Goodness, daffodils already, ours are only just starting to peep through. Your winter wonderland is enchanting and I love the marbling. Enjoy your day. Xx

  21. Liebe Valerie,
    diesen marmorierten Papiere sind absolut genial - hervorragend. Ich liebe diese spannenden Bilder die man darin erkennen kann. Und wie ich sehe, ist bei dir auch der Frühling ausgebrochen, wie hier mit dem einen Unterschied, ich sah noch keine Osterglocke offen...
    Herzliche Grüsse in deinen Freitag, Sichtwiese

  22. Beautiful work great textures!!

  23. Great post Valerie! Love your painting, that moon is just incredible!! I can't believe your flowers are starting to bloom already, wow. Such wonderful shots of the gulls, a beautiful bird they are. hugs :)

  24. Oh my Goodness spring blooms already for you!
    How lovely.
    We had a bunch of robins visit our heated bird bath yesterday...there is such a thick blanket of snow I do not know what they are eating. They always make me think of spring.
    Your first piece is really sweet and your orange moon and marbled papers oh much to enjoy my head is spinning :-)
    Happy PPF oxo

  25. The snowy owl looks right at home in your winter wonderland piece and the marbleized head and journal covers are really nice. I love the peaks of Spring you showed in the daffodils, snowdrops and lovely floral baskets. Have a good weekend!

  26. Ohhh how magical. And the marbling! I learn so much here--another thing I have to try. Your painting is straight out of a fairy tale--and it is wonderful to see things bloom--I am a bit jealous...we still have over two feet of snow from the storm. Have a great weekend. xo

  27. Oh wow- your photos do belie the fact that it is winter-it def. looks more like spring by you! Love your magical piece at the top of the post and your marbled papers are super too! Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend!

  28. I love the snowy owl and wintry page! Valerie, your handmade paper is stunning and the marbling is amazing! Great photos as always! Happy Weekend!

  29. I especially like your handmade paper!! Happy PPF!

  30. Hello beautiful birds! Always look first to see the photographs then saver your artwork after that.

    The winter page is magical and it made me want to be there as everything looks so gentle and happy. Love what you did with the orange moon and the wonderful texture you created.

    Terrific marbling for your little book covers. I have never been very successful with marbling but I would like tyo try again after seeing yours.

    Have a lovely weekend Chrissie xx

  31. Nice to see the great art work. Winter Wonderland is amazing ♥ I can't believe you have Spring flowers already :) We are several weeks away from that even though the weather is very Spring like this weekend.

  32. It looks more like spring with all the birds and flowers but I love your sweet winter wonderland piece. Happy PPF!

  33. Everything is so beautiful! Lovely! :)

  34. Everything is so beautiful! Lovely! :)

  35. What a super post! That first Winter piece is stunning, wow I love it so much, full of Winter magic. Your moon piece is magical too, what a treat this post has been, thanks for all you so generously share!

  36. I love your winter fairy scene. Very magical

  37. I do very much like your fairy-tale Winter piece.
    Good to see Mrs. Blackbird being well fed. We had a lot of birds today as it became colder.
    Yes, the moon did seem larger one day last week, and both your photographs and your moon painting are magnificent.

  38. Your fantasy art Winter piece is beautiful and your Moon. So striking.

  39. A hearty sharing

    Happy PPF

    much love..

  40. Wow. You have certainly been busy creating lots of marvelous things, Valerie. I love those marbled papers.

  41. A gorgeous page, love how you have the robin touching the nose, I wonder what they are saying to each other. Awesome pieces of marbling papers and of course the super photos, your bird visitors know they are welcome to visit you.
    Yvonne xx

  42. Hi Valerie! What a great post! Beautiful artwork along with awesome photos as always. The orange moon was so pretty. I love your comment about the daffodils along the Rhine near the castle ruins! What would it be like to live near castles or castle ruins. Sounds wonderful. The seagulls all lined up for you for the picture you took. Your weekly posts always make me happy and dreaming. Thank you. Hugs, Rasz

  43. I think you must have the best balcony in town. While I was getting my tea I was thinking "I can smell spring in the air" and here is your post. Looks like I am not the only one thinking spring. When I think of Germany, I never think of flowers blooming this early in the year.
    When I first saw your beautiful journal page I started singing "walking in a winter wonderland" - another thought that went dancing through "we see eye to eye you and I". Love the beauty and the whimsy!
    sandy xx

  44. A fantastic post from beginning to end Valerie! Chrisx

  45. Spring flowers as you are creating art for Winter Wonderland? How wonderful!

    The marbling pages are goregous!

    It has been really mild here in Alberta. The temperatures are more like spring than winter. All of our snow is gone. We haven't had our usual -30 C temperatures yet this year!

  46. Hi Valerie, how do you manage to always get in first! :>) I love your Winter fairyland and the gorgeous moon painting. The real moon is not so bad either. Isn't it great how we get to know and cherish our birds and other furry friends who visit us frequently. I really enjoyed the flowers this week as we are still 4 months away from daffodils! We are told not to plant anything until after the 19th of May, and actually we were cold well into June last year! have a wonderful week.

  47. Hi Valerie, how do you manage to always get in first! :>) I love your Winter fairyland and the gorgeous moon painting. The real moon is not so bad either. Isn't it great how we get to know and cherish our birds and other furry friends who visit us frequently. I really enjoyed the flowers this week as we are still 4 months away from daffodils! We are told not to plant anything until after the 19th of May, and actually we were cold well into June last year! have a wonderful week.

  48. As an abstract fan those different marble patterns hit my eye...I really like them all.
    You're lucky to see flowers fresh and happy. All our snow is gone now but no flowers in two, three months. sigh.
    Have a good week ahead!

  49. Wow! Those marbling papers are gorgeous Valerie!! How did you create them? And you said on handmade papers? Did you make those as well? Were you ever an art teacher? I love all that you create,my friend! xo

    1. The made made papers were a gift from a friend. I used marbling inks on water and just dipped the papers and took them out to dry. Easy-peasy. Yes, I taught art for many, many loooong years!

  50. Tolle Aufnahme und sehr schöne Werke!

  51. Oh I absolutely love your marbling pieces! They're gorgeous! And so are your other pieces, love the blue winter colours.

  52. The marbling is exquisite; love the twine card; the moon painting is amazing; the pictures show your area so well. Love it all as you can tell. Blessings, Janet PPF

  53. Wow! There is so much to look at!! I love your marbling, something I've never tried. And that moon painting is amazing!! Yesterday we noticed the first daffodil blooming in our garden, but then here that is normal this time of year. xoxo Silke

  54. Beautiful post, Valerie. I too love orange moon. A while ago, I painted a journal cover with thee orange moon theme and somebody liked it enough to buy it.

    The marbled paper looks yummy. The photos, as always, are lovely and inviting. After 60cm of snow ten days ago, we too are having a balmy weather.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.


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