
Saturday 30 January 2016

Last Day of Winter Wonderland.

Hi Everybody!

Sunday is the last day of Winter Wonderland at Art Journal Journey, and Chrissie has been a great host this month - thanks!
Please call back on Monday to learn about the new challenge and who is hosting it.

I made a collage of my pieces from the past month:

This blue lady was painted some time back and was hiding in the wrong folder, so I'm redirecting her to 99 faces.

We had a wonderful early morning, which soon dissolved into dark clouds and pouring rain:

And the birds have the last word today:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. My fav collage EVER... and it's because of the fiery raven in the center. That piece is just stunning and with all your other lovelies surrounding it - it's just the PERFECT commemoration of your January artistic endeavors. If I went to a gallery and this collage was HUGE on the wall... what a joy it would be to see. I would park myself below it and just take it all in for a long time. Each piece is different and wonderful.

    The background colors on your blue lady are so pretty and makes her look peaceful but the blue makes me think of her as strong. She seems like strong, fulfilled woman in a peaceful setting.

    Thank you Valerie for being such an inspiration to me AND an great encourager. It means so much. Hugs. j.

  2. My fav collage EVER... and it's because of the fiery raven in the center. That piece is just stunning and with all your other lovelies surrounding it - it's just the PERFECT commemoration of your January artistic endeavors. If I went to a gallery and this collage was HUGE on the wall... what a joy it would be to see. I would park myself below it and just take it all in for a long time. Each piece is different and wonderful.

    The background colors on your blue lady are so pretty and makes her look peaceful but the blue makes me think of her as strong. She seems like strong, fulfilled woman in a peaceful setting.

    Thank you Valerie for being such an inspiration to me AND an great encourager. It means so much. Hugs. j.

  3. What a fun and enjoyable way to look back over the month. These are all simply stunning, and even more so in collage form. I hope your collage didn't take you as long as mine did. I kept having to start over because the program crashed several times, either from my old computer or slow internet, not sure which.

    I really like your latest face. It is beautiful, and reminds me of the hair styles I saw in both the 30s and late 60s.

    I'm curious as to the type of bird shared in your last last photo. Reminds me of a robin red breast, but I was told once that European robins are different from ours.

  4. What gorgeous winter wonderland art! The blue lady has such lovely lips! The photos are so very pretty too.

  5. lovely collage, it was a good theme, so fitting for the season! Beautiful face and sorry about the rain. We know it's for a good thing.

  6. Your collage is a lovely way to record your AJJ pieces! I love the face that was hiding - lucky you found her! Great photos once again! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. tolle seiten hast du diesen monat gemacht und deine bluelady ist fabelhaft,schöne bilder hast du gemacht.
    eine letzte seite hab ich noch geschafft.
    eine gute nacht,schlaf gut.

    hugs jenny

  8. Gorgeous collage and face, you can be proud of all you have done. Hugs, Sarah Sarah.

  9. Beautiful face with such expression! Great photos as well!

  10. Die Collage ist fantastisch Valerie! Hammer! Gut dass Du die Schönheit wieder gefunden hast, wäre echt schade um sie... sie ist besonders schön in den Blautönen und fie schönen Sprüche dazu machen sich toll!
    Zauberhaft schöne Aufnahmen !
    Happy Sunday!


  11. I enlarged the collage, and I have a big screen, it all looks so beautiful...have you actually framed it as it appears when it .xx

    1. I only ever see it small, as I just have a laptop, glad you enjoyed it!

  12. Deine Collage sieht toll aus, Valerie. Es war aber auch ein wirklich schönes Thema. Deine Beiträge waren einfach wunderbar!
    Deine Lady in blau ist genial...mal was ganz anderes!

    Deine Fotos sind wie immer wunderschön!!!

    Schönes Wochenende und liebe Grüße,

  13. Hello to the beautiful birds and the colourful skies.

    Wonderful collection of stunning pages Valerie. The face is terrific and made me think of the posh comics we used to buy years ago. The eyes are so expressive.

    Hope you have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Liebe Valerie,
    ein Zauber deine Collage, die einem richtig entführt ins Winterwonderland. Lady blue erinnert mich an Frida Kahlo... wundervoll und absolut genial.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  15. It's been a great month and a stunning final contribution!! You ladies have been very busy!!

  16. Love seeing all your pieces together like that Valerie. Your blue lady is fabulous, and the sentiments are awesome (my blog motto is in there, tee hee). Love your shots, I'm still working on getting some bird photos, sooo not easy! Happy Sunday to you. hugs :)

    1. Yes, the little things are so important, we just have to learn to recognise them!

  17. Hi Valerie, how fast this month slipped by and you have created a beautiful display of so many wonderful art pieces. Love each and everyone design you create. Had a good catch up this morning with your work and the collage is stunning. It in itself is a work of art for a display!! Always enjoy your walking pics too.
    Happy Sunday. xo

  18. Great idea to do a collage of the month. Really sums up all your work. I think the crow as a focal point really makes the entire piece pop. Another great face. Enjoyed your photos of the lighting of the world, and of course the birds .. always so entertaining. hugs, Donna

  19. I too think this is your best collage ever; it is magnificent. There were so many favorites throughout the month making it a joy to view all of them together. Your blue face with her gorgeous eyes offers great advice for all of us. This morning we are covered with a fluff of snow and it is foggy. Just the opposite of yesterday when it was a warmer springlike day. Stay dry and I can't wait for the Monday theme.

  20. I love the blues and the closeups of the birds. Have a wonderful day, my friend.

  21. Your collage of makes looks pretty impressive Dear Heat - and the colors in the sky can not be equaled in real life. It seems to me that you have picked the perfect place to live. The view out your window is always inspiring - you have quite a company of birds to keep you entertained and your creativity is endless. Time for some cooking Sugar!
    Sandy xx

  22. Oh dear - I really need to proof read - that "Dear Heat" should read "Dear Heart" but you knew that didn't you!!!

    1. It's cold today so a bit of dear heat would be grand!

  23. Lovely collage of your winter wonderland creations for January liebe much eye candy!
    Hard to believe tomorrow is February.
    Excited to see what fun challenge AJJ has in store!

  24. What a stunning collage this month... it's very special, I love all your winter scenes. The face is fabulous and the quotes too. Lovely photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  25. I always look forward to seeing your monthly collages, Valerie. Today's page is lovely and your face is stunning. You really captured her expression and the glint in her eyes.

  26. An awesome collage for this month Valerie. Glad you found your hidden page she is beautiful, the blue draws the eye, to her lovely features.
    Yvonne xx

  27. I always love to get a second look with your end of month collages Valerie. You made so many beautiful pieces this past month. Add to that the Blue Lady- she is a looker. I love the depth you created with what I think is texture paste. Are you ready for it to be February and are you ready for your surgery?

  28. Zu deinen gesammelten Januar-Werken hatte ich ja noch gar nichts gesagt: Wieder eine beachtliche Leistung, liebe Valerie! Es ist zwar dieses Mal vorwiegend ein blauer Eindruck, aber auch deine Lieblingsfarbe orange fehlt nicht darin.
    Aber es ist für mich unglaublich, wieviel du jeden Tag schaffst..
    selbst wenn ich weniger schlafen würden, wäre deine Masse an Bildern für mich unerreichbar!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  29. Splendid collage of winter Valerie!
    I love your blue lady, very vogue-ish!

  30. Wow what a gorgeous collage your January artwork has made!
    So glad you found your hidden Blue Lady - she's a real beauty and very stylish.
    Fab photos, especially love the bird ones.
    Gill xx


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