
Saturday 2 January 2016

Walking in a winter wonderland

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday. I have been resting, 
drinking lots of tea and eating chicken and veggie soup,
and I am glad to say I am feeling much better.
I will stay home again today, but hope to be
able to get out again on Monday - I miss my walks

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid
page, combining photos, real and imaginary persons. The background is a snowy photo taken in our little park last winter. I set it into a snow-flake frame, and added some people to it. The child at the bottom right was my husband as a little boy, and the  girl is Erika, a distant relation, wearing her beautiful muff and winter outfit. Mr Umbrella man is also going for a walk, as are a few other shadowy figures in the background. I was asked yesterday how I manage to craft when I am ill - well, I don't. I usually have my work ready for at least 4 weeks in advance, which saves me a lot of stress.

The bird photos were taken from my window, the Rhine photos are
from my 'archives'

This woodpecker can eat fat balls quicker than any other bird I have seen!

The hawk turned up again, which meant that the pigeons all took shelter in the tree in front of my window, but the cheeky crows came 
and mobbed him till he flapped away!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing page Valerie and always wonderful to see you using your own photographs as well

    Lovely pics of the birds in all their splendour

    Nice to know you did all the right things and you wre feeling better than you did

    Take care

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Love your hybrid page with the mix of fantasy and real photos, although I can't work out how you get them onto the photo. Anyway, the results are gorgeous! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely winter page! Your husband must've been handsome as an adult!

  4. Happy you are feeling a little better. More chicken soup and tea! Your page today is outstanding and one of your best. You are amazing with your perspective and proportions when you combine elements, photos and Mr. Umbrella Man. I really like this page. Hope tomorrow is even a better day for you. It is so cold here...1 degree this morning when I got up. Off to bed for me. Enjoy your day, Valerie.


  5. It's good to read you are feeling better. Ironically, I thought of the exact same phrase when I started working on my first AJJ entry. Mine won't ever compare to yours, though, because I don't print my photos. I love that photo of Erika, and the use of your husband's baby photo was superb, too. This is a beautiful collage.

    I had to laugh at the hawk. What goes around, comes around in both the human and avian world, it seems!

    I hope this means you are definitely on the road to recovery.

  6. Pretty pretty piece, Valerie. Gives me a lovely feeling of winter, which I need at the moment .. lol. Happy you are feeling better. Your bird photos are lovely. hugs, Donna

  7. Diese Seite ist absolut bezaubernd --so schön!
    Wie schön dass es Dir besser geht Liebes!
    Schone Dich noch! Super schöne Aufnahmen!

  8. Fabulous design and sure love that beautiful scene and colour combo....xx

  9. Fabulous page Valerie, love how you mix photos and images.
    Glad you're feeling a little better.
    Take care, Avril xx

  10. Wundervolle Fotos und Bilder, die mich immer wieder verzaubern...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly; lots of hot drinks and art needed.

    The Winter Wonderland is a Wow! So clean cut and sharp, makes one sense the cold clear air within the scene!

    Stay warm! Get better soon.

  12. Four weeks ahead in art work OH MY!
    I am always just flying by the seat of my pants it seems ;-)
    Precious photos to add to your wonderful winter wonderland liebe Valerie.
    Oh the woodpecker with those droplets of rain is extra beautiful!
    Hope you'll be back to your spunky self very soon.

  13. what a beautiful post and I'm glad you are feeling better!!!!

  14. So pleased to hear that you are feeling better today Valerie and staying in another day just to be sure.
    Ah ha ... so your secret is to be well organised - 4 weeks? wow!
    Sometimes I can barely manage work for a few days ahead - sounds a great stress reducer :)

    Love your 'walking in a Winter Wonderland' (I fear I shall be singing thst song all month).
    Beautifully created and composed scene and the photos of your husand and relative are adorable.
    Loved seeing your Woodpecker, thank goodness he has you looking after him, supplying him with fat balls.
    Look after yourself ..... Gill xxxx

  15. Glad to hear you're over the worst of your cold. Chicken and veggie soup always does the trick! Love your piece today. It is the pretty side of winter-taking a walk on a crisp day! Your husband was an adorable little child! Hope this one more day of rest puts you back up and moving at 100%!Hugs!

  16. Sooo relieved you are feeling a bit better Valerie. Love your winter wonderland scene - always love seeing your umbrella man pop up - you are so good at finding new places for him and he always looks sooo perfect where you stand him!!! And the children are so cute. So fun that you used your town park too.

    That woodpecker is just gorgeous! We have one that is pecking on our stove pipe - yep. It is the weirdest thing. I kept thinking someone was knocking at the door. Finally figured out that the noise was coming from the fireplace stove pipe - and alas... a trip outside shows him putting indentations in the pipe. WHAT???!!!!!! Either there is some type of metal bug he likes or he is ready for the looney farm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep getting better dear girl. XO j.

  17. I am glad you are feeling better -- rest and fluids are so important but you know that.
    I say this all the time, but I do think of all the things you have ever done I love this Winter Wonderland the best! Your creation combines all the things I love so much. The snow - the old fashioned street lamps - a walk in a beautiful park - and probably most important the images of your husband as a child and Erika. I know how much you must like the Umbrella Man - does he remind you of London? I might have told you but right now I am reading a lot of Anne Perry books. Murder mysteries centered around the 1800's and taking place in London. They are fun -- a little wordy sometimes but I love the mood she sets. And you journal page fits right into that world!!
    Is that a little red headed woodpecker? I do miss my birds. I had several sizes of woodpeckers and loved them all.
    Well Valerie - I do hope you will post some of your cooking this year - you know I love to see what you make. Along with your pictures you should do recipes!!! Love your posts!
    Sandy xx

    1. I know the Anne Perry books and love them because they remind me of home!

    2. I just can't stop reading them - like I said, sometimes she gets a little wordy but a lot of the times she really throws a twist and I love the vernacular she uses. Sometimes it is a bit challenging for me to understand but I do love the images she creates with words.

  18. Great page Valerie! So glad you are feeling better and will back to your favorite activities soon. I wish I were more organized and could have projects done on time much less in advance :) Still sending healing thoughts your way ♥

  19. Sehr gelungen, deinen Schirm-Mann in diese Szene zu setzen! Hier gefällt er mir sehr gut!
    ... ja, bleib bloß noch zu Hause, es ist so nasskalt und ungemütlich draußen zur Zeit, sammle noch ein paar Abwehrkräfte! LG Ulrike

  20. What a wounderful page, Valerie! A great composition of images and photos. The Umbrella Man looks fantastic here! Brilliant!
    The woodpecker photos are so lovely!
    Take care!
    Hugs, Mar

  21. It's a lovely old-fashioned page, Valerie.
    Gosh you are well organised - 4 weeks in advance!
    Yes. we love to see the woodpecker at the fat balls too, they have such a long beak and are such beautiful birds.
    Glad you are feeling better.

    1. My woodpecker was hanging upside down on the fat balls today, he looked so funny.

    2. That would have been good to see.

  22. A gorgeous page Valerie, love how you added your own photos, it has a wonderful nostalgia when looking at it.
    Yvonne xx

  23. This is the most amazing combination of images! What a lovely walk they are all having! Love your bird photos-I am missing seeing the birds at the caravan - too many appointments to keep here to make it worthwhile going - then yesterday a group of Longtailed tits came to join the Robin and the Bluetits right outside my craft room window! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. Oh Val, I am so sorry, when I wrote the other day, I never even sent well wishes- I just went on about myself! (palm plant to the forehead!)
    Glad to hear you are on the mend though,and you are doing all of the best things- nothing like the homemade chicken and veggie soup!
    On to your piece for today, I do love when you use your actual family, it always makes your pieces so much more personal-beautiful!
    Love the woodpecker as well, what a beauty! What type is he?
    Feel better my friend,Jackie

  25. Glad to hear you are feeling better... and what a beautiful post. I'm blown away by how you've included the wonderful photos into your pages. What a stunning view from your window, and I love how the images melt into the backgrounds. Fabulous post!
    Alison xx

  26. Love your page see umbrella man has made a appearance I do love him. You pics are gorgeous as usual.The hawk is gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better xx


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