
Friday 1 January 2016

The second day of the year....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your new year got off to a good start, and will get better and better!
I have started the year with a sore throat, earache and
temperature, so it just has to get better!

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have a collage made from a winter photo. I just love to see the beauty of frosty leaves and grass, and it is a very fragile and transient beauty which melts too soon. The quote is from Shakespeare.

Today is also Elizabeth's 'Second on the Second', and I am re-showing  my copy of Van Gogh's portrait of his mother that I made last year. The quote underneath it is one of my fave ones from Vincent.  I chose this one because the sunny yellow makes a nice contrast to the winter photos. I am linking to 99 faces.

I was not able to go out today, but I have enough photos of the frosty weather to show!

Winter sunshine makes looooooooooooooooong shadows!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy New Year Valerie and looking forward to another year of your beautiful artwork and photos.
    Love these!
    Fliss xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon. What a naughty virus it is to make you sick at the beginning of the year. Your winter piece is beautiful-love its fragile beauty, and nice to see Van Gogh's mother's portrait again. Once again, great photos. Hugs!

  3. Loved your photos today, feel better soon Valerie, sick on New Year's sheesh! Beautiful art pages too.

  4. So sorry you are sick! Be well SOON. Love your winter wonderland collage - so fragile looking. Van Gough's mother is wonderful and as always, enjoyed your photos - especially the frosty ones, although I'm trying to avoid that sort of thing at this end. Take care. hugs, Donna

  5. Ohhh I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Sending you healing energy. Van Gough's Mother is amazing. I had not see it before. There is so much expression in her face.

  6. Sorry you are feeling poorly. Wonderful art and photos, as always, love how everything looks so cold and frosty. Hugs, Sarah

  7. Goodness, Valerie. Two days in a row that you are not well, so I hope this ends soon. There is NOTHING worse than an earache, unless it's a toothache. I do hope you get well very, very soon.

    Just looking at your winter wonderland entry made me cold, as did the photos you took. Please stay warm and take care of that throat and ear(s).

    I'm amazed, but I actually remember that 2nd look you shared for January. I am a BIG fan of Van Gogh, so this put a big smile on my face.

    Thank you for your visit earlier. My computer is running so slow, I couldn't get anything to load. And of course, thank you for joining Second on the 2nd with your second look at the painting you shared.

  8. Absolut schön heute alles bei Dir Liebes außer dass Du krank bist- werd ganz schnell wieder gesund!

  9. Happy New Year!!!
    I really enjoy your frosty shots...can't go out, I have flu. atchiii!

  10. A very brilliant creations here to start off the new year, love the image and all the beautiful goodies added....xx

  11. ooooohh alles schön bei dir,außer das du krank bist,werd schnell gesund.
    hoffe du bist gut ins nächste gehüpft.
    bei mir ist gesundheitlich auch nicht so gut,ich hab doch einen leberschaden und es wurde gerade blut abgenommen,drück mal fest die daumen das alles okay ist.
    wünsch dir trotz allem einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  12. So sorry to hear you are poorly Valerie. Only you could do such a brilliant post when you are feeling so bad.
    Your Winter Wonderland is breathtaking - I can imagine that as a poster or being framed - really love this.
    And as for Van Goghs mother - it is a masterpiece, such warmth and character in her face - I love that too.
    Hope you feel better soon, wish I could send you some of Daves soup - it has loads of garlic, onion and chilli in but I swear it sweats anything nasty away... also makes everyone else want to stay away too ha ha...
    take care.........Gill xx

    1. Thanks, I LOVE the sound of that soup, I am making myself a pot of chicken and veggie soup today! I think I would like to borrow your Dave occasionally....

  13. Beautiful frosty pics, we have nothing but wind and rain here. Keep yourself warm and cosy and here's wishing 2016 will bring us all good health and happiness. Xx

  14. So beautiful winter photoes, here it is extriemly cold today,- but no frosty nature yet.
    Your portrait is gorgeous, so lovely.
    Happy New Year

  15. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well--I hope a big bowl of your chicken veggie soup (or Dave's soup) fixes you right up! Your winter wonderland piece for AJJ make me go brrrrr, but I adore the frosted leaves and grass.
    Your 2nd look is gorgeous! The cold is (?finally) coming here by Monday!

  16. We have the same here- frost no snow... I have the same here as well, sore throat,earache, no temp thank you lord!
    Love your hybrid with the snowflakes- beautiful!
    And the mother's eyes! Wow- piercing they are!!
    Feel better! Make sure to rest Valerie! sending hugs and healing thoughts xo

  17. That's an amazing portrait of Van Gogh's mom. The frost pictures look like you could jump right into them.

  18. Poor buddy, you sound miserable. Home you're feeling better soon!

  19. Sorry to hear you have started the new year with such rotten illness Valerie..I hope you soon feel better. I love the natural beauty and the quote on you Winter a Wonderland page.

    The portrait is amazing and the eyes draw you straight in. Wonderful quote as well

    Terrific photographs and great to see the longed legged lady again

    Love Chrissie xx

  20. Hope you get to feeling better very soon, not a good way to start the year eh?
    LOVE everything you offered up for this post. Even here in southern California, we have had some VERY frosty it has warmed a little and we are getting ready for some rain.
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it ALL very much.

  21. Wonderful frosty photos and the journal page looks stunning, frosty and magical. Hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Oh no, you can't be sick; please get well soon by resting, drinking lots of warm tea, Valerie recipe. Your winter page today is exciting because of the background around the pile of snow and twigs. Love it!
    It is always fun to look back and view some of your original art, Lady Van Gogh, an exceptional painting. I love your photo of your long shadow too. Get well soon, Valerie. Sending warm hugs with love.

  23. Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lordy! Dang gum it Valerie you are so good. Your copy Van Gogh's painting is fabulous - really very beautiful. You should frame it and hang it and just sign it Vincent.
    Love your winter collage - nothing prettier than the early frost in the winter with the sun gently shinning down.
    Hopefully I am going to follow your lead and post some pictures of my neck of the woods. I have always enjoyed your pictures.
    Happy New Year Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  24. Sending you healing thoughts. Beautiful photos and so glad to see Mr. Heron again.

  25. Love the frosty collage and photos Valerie, our weather has been so mild we've not had any frost - yet!
    Hope you feel better soon, Take care,
    Happy New Year,
    Avril xx

  26. Dein gefrorenes Grasbild von heute finde ich super schön, Valerie1 ... und vor allen Dingen gefällt mir auch, dass du immer wieder eigene Fotos in deine Werke mit einbaust!
    Bis jetzt hatten wir hier noch keinen Winter, doch heute Abend fing es an zu schneien....
    LG Ulrike

  27. What a gorgeous winter wonderland and I love your Van Gogh! Your photos are beautiful too!

  28. Hope you feel better very soon. Love the Long Shadows image! Stay warm and cozy, tea and soup...

  29. Gorgeous winter collage and that painting of Van Gogh's mother is marvelous.

  30. Your frosty collage captures the fleeting beauty nicely!
    With my husband home for the long weekend I have not had a lot of time for myself. But you inspired me to go outside and snap a few frost photos as we are finally getting more winter like temperatures here in Virginia.
    Mrs Van Gogh is lovely and speaks for so many of us doesn't she ♥

  31. I came here for Second on the 2nd...which was lovely btw...but was thrilled to see the theme for AJJ this month. I hadn't made it to the challenge site yet.

  32. Oh Valerie! I do hope you are feeling better now! I love these frosty plants and lovely photos! Your second on the 2nd portrait is brilliant! Hugs, Chrisx


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