
Sunday 3 January 2016

Frozen in time

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have a good start in the new week!

We had a cold and wet day here, so I was glad to be able to stay
home and rest. Hope your weekend was good, too. For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid piece made from a painted background, a vintage clock-face and the view from my window by snow.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes.

The heron out fishing

Mrs Blackbird:

The starling hopping over for a snack:

And a tale of mobbing.  Mr Hawk was sitting around looking for dinner:

The crow was not amused:

A magpie joined in the fray:

And after being shouted at by the crow, the hawk decided to go someplace else for dinner:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow-love the journal page. What a great way to show the snow scene. Very clever. I love the digital snowflakes around the edge of your photo. And the crow and hawk photo is amazing. The crow is obviously saying something to that hawk, enough to make hawk fly off. Glad you're health is improving! Stay healthy!

  2. Fantastic piece, winter melting inside that clock. xox

  3. Valerie
    I cannot remember if I wished you a Happy New Year so I will say it now, just in case I overlooked it! Here's to it being kind to you.
    I love the words, such a perfect marriage of words and visual art.

  4. Very creative winter page today and a cute bird story!

  5. Lovely piece, Valerie and I like the quote it represents. You have a great variety of birds in your area. Always enjoy our walks. hugs, Donna

  6. Ah yes, frozen in time is perfect. I adore the way you framed the scene inside the clock face. You are always thinking and coming up with such unique and creative ideas and journal/ab spreads.

    Had to laugh at the hawk and the story you came up with as a result of the interplay of these birds. Nature in action! Love it.

  7. Forgot to say, I hope you are feeling better, and am really glad you aren't out in that nasty weather.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I hope I can get out for a little walk today.

  8. Love your frozen moment, what a fantastic idea to use the clock. Glad you are feeling better. Love the bird photos. Take care, Hugs, Sarah

  9. EIne wunderschöne Seite ist das - passt alles so perfekt! Das ist ja großartig, wie Du das Vogelvolk-Mobbing dokumentiert hast - Hammer!
    Danke für's Zeigen!
    Hab einen gute neue Woche !

  10. FABULOUS love the image, sentiment and your ideas here Valerie...gorgeous photos too.xx

  11. Terrific idea for your page with a wonderful scene in the middle of the clock.

    Wow! the wow is for the amazing bird photographs and especially the starling with the wonderful markings. I can't imagine being able to have so many of your birds visit us though I would it to happen. Just cleared sea gull mess from the conservatory window as the warmer weather means they are nesting already on the industrial estate near to where we live. Add to this the rooks in the high trees in the other direction and little birds don't come near here.

    Hope the weather is better for your today and you can fit in a nice walk

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. I love your frozen in time take today! What a brilliant idea! I have seen crows and magpies chasing off sparrow hawks - slightly redeems their reputations! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Forgot to say - glad you are feeling better! x

  14. Liebe Valerie, das beobachten wir hier auch, dass sich z.B. Amsel und Spatz zusammentun und größere Vögel verscheuchen. (Das machen sie mit unserem Katerchen leider auch :))
    Ein schönes neues Thema habt Ihr wieder gefunden und Deine Seite dazu ist ein Traum. Gestern hatten wir auch ein wenig Schnee und schon kann man sich ein wenig hineinträumen, in eine weiße Winterwelt.

    Ich wünsche Dir nochmal ein schönes 2016! Mit vielen kreativen Tagen und Spaziergängen, Gesundheit und Licht.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Deine Erika

  15. I just love this collage! Very cool! (no pun intended!)
    I am adding this one to my list of favorites Valerie!!
    ps...we got snow finally! no more rain,a few inches of pretty white snow!

    1. Enjoy your winter weather, today it's cold, wet and soggy around here!

  16. That's a stunning page you did for the AJJ theme, and I love those bird shots you took. Happy New Year, my friend!

  17. Hallo Valerie, ich bin wie immer begeistert von deinen Fotos.
    Leider haben wir hier immer noch Regen und es ist auch keinen Schnee in Aussicht, deshalb freue ich mich um so mehr, wenigstens auf deinem Blog ein bißchen Winterfeeling zu bekommen :)

    LG Gaby

  18. What a great clock page! That would look totally amazing on a wall!!! The bird photos are gorgeous and you do have some amazing birds! Happy New Year!

  19. Okay THIS really is my favorite piece:)
    And I love the bird pictures. Interesting about the hawk and crow. Not too long ago I saw a group of crows run off a hawk. I wonder what's up with that?

    1. The crows don't like the competition, they want all the food for themselves!

  20. Wundervolle Winteruhr, tolle Idee!
    Aber der Hit ist dein STarenfoto!!! LG Ulrike

  21. Beautiful and "timely" page today. Another day of rest is a good thing and I certainly enjoy your photos you include each day.

  22. Great quote and so beautifully illustrated in your art piece.

    I love your pictorial bird story. Two starlings came to visit our pigeon shelter yesterday and took some time finding their way back out. I don't know how many pigeons come back (perhaps only one), but I've seen lots of chickadees, sparrows, blue jays and now starlings enjoying the seeds we put out. We bought a 50 pound bag in the beginning of autumn, thinking it would last all winter, but now I have my doubts. Anyway, it is delightful to think that we will help some many of these beautiful creatures make it through the harsh winter months. I don't think they are using the shelter, though. Our lone pigeon seems to have abandoned it as well.

  23. Your frozen in time piece is wonderful Valerie.
    It really speaks to me!
    Amazing that the birds never seem to mind the cold and wet...maybe we need some feathers :-)
    Take care and keep feeling better.

  24. Hope you are feeling a bit better today Valerie. The journal page looks awesome, love the photo used in the clockface.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Your clock is brilliant Valerie, I love the snow scene, and your photographs are stunners. I hope you're feeling better today and that 2016 is a good one for you xx

  26. lovely winter art and fun array of birds.

    lovely 2016 to you!

  27. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Frozen piece ♥ Your birds even look a bit on the frosty side today. Except maybe the Hawk & Crow. They seemed to be steamed at each other:) Glad you're feeling a bit better ! If you're up to and the weather permits and short walk will do you good. Take Care!

  28. Hi Valerie - just catching up with your recent pages - I hope all ok with you and that are feeling better now too :)

    Love what you did with the wintery frozen in time on the clock face - a real winter wonderland!

    Fab photos of your birds - lovely markings on the starling. We get too many of them in our garden bullying the little birds, I can't help but love their wonderful colours.

    Gill xx

  29. Just love your frozen in time piece, great idea. Love the bird photos, we had nine long tailed tits visit the peanut feeders today. I'm a very keen bird watcher. Happy and healthy New Year if I have forgotten to say it on other posts.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  30. Just love your frozen in time piece, great idea. Love the bird photos, we had nine long tailed tits visit the peanut feeders today. I'm a very keen bird watcher. Happy and healthy New Year if I have forgotten to say it on other posts.
    Hugs Wendy xx


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