
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Embellishing Time

Hi Everybody!

Today we have a new challenge at Moo Mania and More - embellishments.

As always, you have 2 weeks to enter, and projects of all formats are allowed, not just 'moos', so get embellishing and link up to us!

I made another face, also meant for Art Journal Journey, time. I used a clock photo which I digitally lightened for the background, and added it to an A3 sheet which had been prepared with gesso. I drew the face, stamped the flowers and clocks (LaBlanche), and coloured them with water colours and Gelatos. I drew in some leaves, and stenciled the vines. I added a textile leaf with a metal clock as embellishments, threaded onto a golden neck-chain. The 'ever changing' stamp is from Unity, and the clock hand on the leaf-earring is from Paper Artsy. I am also linking to Stamps and stencils, time flies, Mix it Monthly, mixed media flowers, and Kim Dellow's show you face.

This morning there was a thick mist outside, obscuring all except the first trees.

I very much enjoyed watching the sunrise, seeing the mist float away as the sun got stronger, and the beautiful colours. Somebody asked if I set my alarm to wake up for the sunrise - no, nothing so elaborate, I just can't sleep.

Thanks a lot to those who helped naming the plant I showed yesterday - Patty was the first with the answer - it is a purple loosestrife, the Latin name is lythrum salicara, and the German name Blutweiderich. It is a medicinal plant with healing properties. Lots of others sent information about the plant, too, most interesting to read - thanks to you all!
Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. I left Susi a question on her blog the other day, questioning the end date for the "latest" Moo challenge. I thought it should have stopped on Tuesday, but when I didn't hear back from her, went with the amount of time on the linky and created something for the beach. At least this will give me a chance to use some of those embellishments I've been holding onto for so long. Your lovely lady with her adorable face is wonderful, and I really like how you embellished her.

    I also like the early morning photos for today. They are beautiful, especially because I've always thought fog was very hard to capture on film. Your photos were superb.

  2. Wonderful journal page, love the face, and the colours, this looks like lady Summer herself. Great photos, too. Have a nice day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Eine traumhaft schöne Journalseite! So ein feines Gesicht vor diesem blassen Uhren-Hintergrund und dann die liebelvollen Details ... tolles Bild! Die Fotos sind sehr stimmungsvoll ... wirken auf mich schon ein wenig herbstlich.
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  4. eine traumhaft schöne seite mit so vielen deatils,gefällt mir mega gut.
    tolle stimmungsbilder hast du gemacht,wirkt schon herbstlich.
    schönen tag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  5. Worth waking up early to see your beautiful sunrise but not so good that you can't sleep. We could have a party in the night because I don't sleep much either. Love the photographs and clouded images of the sun.

    The page is just amazing with so much to admire. All the things you used to make it work so well together.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Yes, we could party every night if we lived nearer!

  6. Fabulous page.
    Love today's pictures of your walk in the mist. Seeing such beautiful sunrises must make up for not sleeping.
    Avril xx

  7. Liebe Valerie, Deine Journalseite ist umwerfend schön. Ich bin helauf begeistert !!!!
    Ebenso begeistern mich auch wieder Deine schönen Fotos, das sind sehr schöne Aufnahmen

  8. Liebe Valerie, Deine Journalseite ist umwerfend schön. Ich bin helauf begeistert !!!!
    Ebenso begeistern mich auch wieder Deine schönen Fotos, das sind sehr schöne Aufnahmen

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Was für eine herrlich schöne Seite heute und die Bilder sind spektakulär!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag !
    Super dass Patty den Tipp geben konnte mit dem Blutweiderich!


  11. A lovely concept with the art journal. Your photos are wonderful.

  12. She is so awesome--from her flowered head down to her leafy necklace! I'm in that "can't sleep" cycle right now, but unfortunately when I am awake it is still dark and there is nothing to take photos of. Maybe I'll catch the meteor shower tonight!

    1. When it's too dark to take photos I do my crafting! Sorry you can't sleep either.

  13. What a cute face, I love how all the clocks have been woven into the piece! The mist has a beautiful effect on your sunrise. Loosestrife is an invading species I remember.

  14. Was kann man bei Schlaflosigkeit besseres tun, als in die Natur zu gehen... mit diesen schönen Stimmungen am Morgenhimmel wirst du voll entschädigt. Danke, dass du uns daran teilhaben lässt - ich selbst könnte nie so früh aufstehen.
    Schöne Journalseite heute auch wieder! LG Ulrike

  15. Sooo lovely and she has her own line of jewelry too.... your creativity never ceases to amaze me Valerie. The clocks underneath - look like her skin veins... the colors are perfect too. Another stunner. j.

  16. Sweet face to hold the beautiful elements. Your photos are amazing as the mist disappears and the sun rises. Really stunning!

    Have you ever tried melatonin tablets to help you sleep? Hubby takes them all the time to help him. They are pretty reasonable and he likes the long lasting 5 mg ones the best.


  17. Lovely clock eye and your misting photos. Get some rest. xox

  18. Great face ♥ Love the sunrise photos today!!!! The 7th and 8th ones are my favorites ♥

  19. Your page is both beautiful and quirky. I love your gorgeous flowers.

  20. Another wonderful clock face :-) Valerie.
    Everything about it is wonderful and very organic ♥
    p.s. thanks to you I get to see some beautiful sunrises ... I see lots more sunsets here in Virginia :-)
    p.p.s. and now I've learned something new about Blutweiderich from you ♥

  21. A beautiful clock face Valerie, everything you added goes so well to make a stunning page So pleased you joined us at Stamps and Stencils as as well.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Lovely morning photos today.

  22. Love your sky photos. How pretty. And your girl is gorgeous too. Very clever to use the clock paper and to make the necklace on her. And Blutweiderich-here purple loose strife is an invasive weed and even though it is so pretty, it is frowned upon because it takes over the habitat of so many natural plants. I wonder if it is like that in Germany too?

  23. You really do some amazing face pages! I love the clock face! I love the misty morning photos! Hugs!

  24. What a gorgeous lady with her hair of flowers and her leafy clock pendant, just stunning Valerie! Gorgeous shots of the sky! hugs :)

  25. Auch diese Seite ist total schön, tolle Idee mit dem Halsschmuck.

  26. Lovely misty photos! Your face is so cute and I love the green shade!

  27. Oh that is stunning your journal in Green and love the color you chose for background.

    Thumbs up Val.

  28. Another gorgeous piece, a favourite for sure! I really love the sky photos, they too are always favourites!

  29. This is wonderful - I love her hair! Your photos are brilliant . ...sorry to hear you don't sleep well. .. I wake up early often and get up to craft. ..and then sometimes I sleep till 8.00! No obvious reason ! Chrisx

  30. She is beautiful Valerie and her colors make me think of Summer to Fall- time ever changing-
    hugs xo

  31. Sie ist ganz wundervoll mit ihrem blumigen Haar und ihrer genialen Uhrenblattkette! Du hast immer die besten Ideen!

  32. Ooo wow, I think she is my favourite so far of your time-themed faces! She makes me think of a stained glass window in the art nouveau style. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too!

  33. I love this pretty face with her flowers and leaf necklace!

  34. I really love how you've incorporated the clock in your gorgeous face. Wonderful page. I'm on catch up but thanks so much for joining us at Stamps & Stencils. Juliax


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