
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Time is....

Hi Everybody!

We had a cool and rather wet day today, with lots of thunder, but it was good to feel some cool air again.

For Art Journal Journey, time, I made another collage from leftovers, and have called it 'Window on time'. I used an A3 sheet, painted it with gesso, and then wove the narrow strips to a frame which I glued on. In between I used scraps of hand-painted paper, printed matter from vintage books, scraps of old letters, some family photos (My mother as a little girl and my great-grandmother) and various other UFOs (Untidy flying objects) from my work-desk. I drew part of a large circle to represent time. The quote is attributed to Albert Einstein. The Hebrew lettering reads 'Hodu L'Adonai ki tov, ki le Olam hasdo' - 'Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his mercy endures for ever' (Psalm 136)
I always have fun making something out of small scraps.

I am also linking to Elizabeths  T for Tuesday, and my fave drink is hidden in the collage, can you find it?

For Tag Tuesday our theme this week is adventure, so Mr Umbrella Man had to come out again. This time I dressed him in a safari suit. He is only interested in shooting photos of the animals.

I managed to get an almost dry hour to go for my walk today, along the stream and then by the Rhine

Does anyone know what these lovely flowers are?

The Rhine is very low just now:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wow,eine tolle collagenseite,und die blumen sind traumhaft.
    wünsch dir einen schönren tag heute,hier regnet es.

    hugs jenny

  2. Wonderful collage, love how you put this together. Great tag, too. Could those flowers be wild hyssop? Hugs, Sarah

  3. I like Einstein's quotes. Beautiful page and tag too! I have no idea what that flower is, looks a bit like liatris.

  4. Good Morning Valerie. Another fabulous piece of art. Love the colours, but A3 I just could not do. This would look beautiful in a frame, it needs to be seen. Sorry I cannot help with those pretty meadow flowers, I have seen them before though. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Was für eine schöne Collage mit so vielen tollen Details wieder und Dein Tag gefällt mir bestens! Der Safarilook steht ihm prima!Klar seh ich Deinen Lieblingsdrink Du Kaffetante!
    Tolle Bilder..aber nööö--ich hab leider keinerlei Ahnung was diese wilde Schönheit für einen Namen trägt.
    Hab einen schönen Tag - Happy T-Day und HAPPY AJJ!

  6. Wow to the wonderful page today Valerie. You have used the scraps in such a beautiful way. I see your coffee is hidden among them.

    Terrific idea for the tag as well. Afraid I am too busy to join in there at the moment but hope l;ife will become a little less hectic in the future.

    Terrific photographs with everything looking crisp and new after the cooler and wetter weather. I would like to think that the purple flowers are some sort of wild orchid though I have never seen this kind before. Whatever they are called they are certainly spectacular.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. It didn't take me long at all to find the coffee cup and beans. I don't speak Spanish, but I can understand my favorite drink in just about any language! And of course, I simply adore the collage you created, because the different layers you created using scraps. I'm always amazed at your art, and this is wonderful.

    Your tag reminds me of the zoo and also of Africa. I can see how useful dies and die cuts can be as your umbrella man proves.

    Gosh, your river really IS low. I can see where the river has receded and the bank now appears to have flowers growing. BTW, I have no idea what the flowers are, since I'd never seen them before. Regardless, I love the photos, as always.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely coffee (and TIME) with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. A fabulous page using the scrap pieces and for sharing your coffee break. Lovely photos of the river.
    Oops nearly forgot to say I loved the tag and Mr U with his fancy suit.
    Yvonne xx

  9. What a gorgeous page you created and the man in safari suit card is amazing!That meadow flowers are similar to lavande.Have a creative week!

  10. Wonderful collage and what all went into it.
    Precious family photos and that Cuban stamp is fab too!
    So happy you are joining T Tuesday liebe Valerie!
    Mr Umbrella is my kinda guy shooting with his camera (snappy dresser too!)
    That pretty plant you're asking about reminds me of Purple Loosestrife that we have growing here. In some parts of the US it is considered a pest because it spreads quickly especially near water. I think it is beautiful and have some in our front garden.
    Happy T Day oxo

    1. Thanks Patty, just looked it up, that's it. It likes wetlands and grows along the river banks, and it's real name is 'Lythrum salicaria'. Thanks for the good tip, Sweetie!

  11. Hallo Valerie, ich bin jetzt so froh, dass ich mir deine schönen Bilder und Fotos jetzt wieder in groß anschauen kann!
    Eben habe ich die Pflanze in meinem Buch noch mal nachgeschlagen, ja, Blutweiderich ist es, eine alte Heilpflanze.
    Sehr schöne Collageseite heute von dir wieder!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  12. I sure could use Mr. Umbrella Man walking beside me today as we have heavy rain & thunderstorms today! Your art today is so beautiful--so personal with the photos of your M & GM--it's like a little quilt of life!

  13. Very cool layout for this one- loving all of the elements I see on the page- the texts are real neat.
    And your safari guy is too cool as well!! You are so creative my friend!
    love and hugs! Jackie

  14. Gorgeous collage piece today-I love the weaving effect and all the images put in between. And Mr. Umbrella looks ready to take on the jungle. Great effects there too! Hope all is going well.

  15. I'm quite taken with Umbrella Man :)

    You have a lovely place for a walk, don't you!

  16. ich tippe auf den Kaffee;) und der beschirmte mann gefällt mir auch sehr!
    was soll ich sagen: ich beneide dich um den regen!! pupstrocken hier alles. und heiß natürlich, jeden tag über 30°...

  17. Enjoy your coffee. Fabulous pages and pathways and purple loose strife. xox

  18. Love your collage! I'm so glad you found the name of your plant. i was going to say liatris ..... the umbrella man is one of my favorites and definitely on my wish list... :) Hugs! deb OH! and happy t day!!

  19. Now that is really a great collage and the coffee jumped right out at me :) Us coffee hounds notice coffee right away :) your photos are lovely and Patty beat me to the identifying the wild flower. I love them too :)

  20. Wow, I have never seen flowers so purple before, how gorgeous! Beautiful piece today and your tag is wonderful with all the animal prints! hugs :)

  21. The tag is my fav - just love Mr. Umbrella man all dressed in safari... as well as his jungle menagerie!! Love the way you have them all placed and the entire "look". SUPER FINE. Of course, your journal page is GREAT too. Love the patchwork look and my fav part of it is the Hebrew lettering - thank you for translating. WONDERFUL. Your fav drink must be coffee - such a neat stamp too. Beautiful photos - love walking with you Valerie! j.

  22. The collage is delilghtful, so much to look at in the details. I like the card as well. It was fun to walk with you. I go out walking every morning but your area looks so different than mine. I imagined myself walking along with you. Do you think an imaginary walk counts as the real thing when it comes to exercise? No? Well, I tried, hahaha.


  23. LOVE that collage!! It is fantastic!! That plant is a purple's considered an invasive species here in Minnesota.
    It is pretty though.
    Love your photos as always!

  24. Yes, we need our coffee to get the day started! Interesting that you also have the purple loosetrife in your part of the world too. Here the farmers rely on irrigation ditches for their crops and the loosetrife sends out massive roots which clog the ditches. There is another variety that you can grow in your yard, but when people see it they assume it is the pest and make comments so most get rid of it. The flowers are beautiful and I noticed we have a few plants growing around the pond behind our house. They come into the pond via the Boise River.

    Your journal page today is exquisite. I love the frames you created to set off the elements. It is fun to pick items off our table and add them and your frame was the perfect spot.

    Mr. Umbrella Man wears many coats and dresses for the occasion. Love it!


  25. The photos from your walk are gorgeous! And it's a good day for Mr. Umbrella Man to come out, since you had rain there.

    Your collage is great, and I especially like the quotes and the coffee stamp. Happy Tea (Coffee) Day!

  26. wonderful collage...I spotted the coffee cup too! such beautiful photos from your walk also...always enjoy the flowers to be seen. happy T day!

  27. Such lovely artwork! I spotted the coffee mug right away.
    What beautiful places you have to wander.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  28. Great idea with the collage scraps, you know I like little things.
    I'm glad your Mr. Umbrella Man is a good person and how clever of him to find a suit to match his umbrella (or is it the other way round?).

    1. Mr Umbrella Man always buys his suits to match the umbrella, and never the other way. He's called Mr Umbrella Man!

  29. Fabulous page and tag. I love your explanation of a UFO. :)

  30. This really is wonderful, it didn't take me long to spot my favourite drink too! I love the idea of ufos and also how personal this is to you. Great idea to put umbrella man in camo! I didn't know the name of the flowers but they are pretty Hugs,

  31. Your collage looks wonderful. Love the colors you have used
    Happy Tuesday

  32. I like your photograph walk and the flowers. I live where I walk also with the beauty in country in Canada. I have Lakes to view.


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