
Thursday 13 August 2015

The times they are a changing....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.

Today I went on the tram into town, and spent hours walking round the 'Altstadt' (Old town) and the harbour, and of course, I took a lot of photos. They still need to be sorted, so I will be showing them in the next few days. I walked all the way home, too, so clocked up over 23,000 steps on my pedometer, and feel that I have a right to be tired this evening.

For Art Journal Journey I made 2 collages, which I cut out using my head - err, you  know what I mean! The left collage was made using photos from 
magazines, the right from antique images. Our lives change constantly, technical improvements and discoveries have made our lives very different to the lives of those in previous centuries, and we have to move with the times. But it is still very important to learn from the past while living in the present and looking towards the future, whatever it may bring us. 

Yesterday there were 2 herons out fishing at the Rhine:

Watching the ships is a very relaxing pastime,  and I love to see all the different names, and where they come from. At the moment none are fully loaded as the water in the river is very low.

I wonder how many ships have passed the castle in the course of the last 1300 years?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. beautiful journal pages, beautiful words as well,

    I love to take the walks with you, you will sleep well tonight,

  2. I love those heads today. I also love their flower garden hair. And can't wait to see all the photos you show us from your little trip. Like you, I love seeing what it is like where other people live and visit.I bet if those castle walls could talk, they could tell you a lot about life on the river. I bet it would be a really interesting and probably long story too. Have a great day.

  3. Lovely page and that is a good question about the ships!

  4. Love your heads and all that is going on inside them, also the stamping you added, especially with the flowers, suggesting, perhaps, new growth, perhaps new ideas. Great photos as always, hugs, Sarah

  5. Eine absolut tolle Collage mit viel Tiefgang ! Ich bin sehr beeindruckt davon - ebenso beeindruckt bin ich von den herrlichen Aufnahmen heute wieder!
    Ganz , ganz toll!
    Einen schönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  6. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie!
    Ich schließe mich Susi an und bin sehr begeistert von Deiner schönen Collage. Tolle Motive in den Köpfen der beiden, die jede(r) für die eigene Welt, miteinander Zeit verbringen. Wunderschön!
    Herzliche Grüße zu Dir und viel Zeit für weitere zauberhafte Kunst.
    Deine Erika

  7. Terrific photographs from your ride/walk and I look forward to seeing more of your different day out. Wonderful that you did 23,000 walks and especially at this time of year when the weather is so hot.

    Love the journal page and now I am singing the Dylan song which I love. Your 'head' is so versatile-well the real one and the shape you use.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. sagenhaft! natürlich war sofort bob dylan in meinem ohr - und eigentlich könnte man schon allein mit Musikstücken zum Thema zeit einen Monat füllen!

  9. Absolutely amazing and the colours in both the journal pages and your photos are out of this
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  10. wow,eine tolle seite val,gefällt mir megagut.
    einen schönen tag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  11. I love your journal page, what you've done with your heads is fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Wow... Valerie! This is an amazing page with a great design and great words. Beautiful photos today!
    Hugs, Mar

  13. Love your piece today Valerie, all of the little quotes are so wonderful! That flower is so perfect, at first I thought it was made of paper, wow! hugs :)

  14. Endlich bin ich mal wieder am PC (wenn auch nicht für lange, das schöne Wetter lockt) und bin total begeistert von diesem Post hier. Die Seite ist der Hit und der Spruch einfach nur klasse. Auch deine Fotos sind soooo schön. Wenn ich den Rhein vor der Tür hätte, würde ich wohl stundenlang am Ufer sitzen und die Schiffe beobachten. Herrlich. Da bin ich glatt mal eine Runde neidisch ;)

  15. Beautiful journal, with nice quotes and wonderful shots.

  16. Ganz großartig finde ich deine Collagearbeit heute, richtig super Idee!
    ...ich bin noch immer mit technischem Kram beschäftigt, aber guter Dinge.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  17. Love your heads!!!

    Always love seeing your photographs :)

    Karen x

  18. wonderful collage and photos.
    it is good to have things to do that are relaxing, like watching ships and making art.

  19. Love the art and the photos are great :) Love seeing the Herons ♥♥♥♥

  20. Another creative idea for your journal page today. In my mother's time it was a matter of survival and having food on the table for the little ones. Now the children are way over compensated with modern gadgets and toys and rarely play outside. What a shame!

    Great photos showing the ship names today and the brick wall I assume is part of the castle. Look forward to more photos of your recent jaunt to Old Town.


  21. Sounds like a great day. It is always fun to watch boats on a river, better than being on one I think.
    That's such a good contrast between the modern and old head but both have jolly flowery hair so maybe some things stay the same.

  22. You have every reason to feel tires after such a walk, but I can imagine you enjoyed every moment of it. A fantastic pair of heads and a super idea of past,and present and super quotes.
    Yvonne xx

  23. What a cool way to make a statement about our changing times. Lovely collages.

  24. I've been offline for two days and I'm trying to take this TIME to catch up. I thought your use of two heads, one from the past and one looking to the future, was quite clever. You put so much in your daily art, and the way you colored the "hair" around the heads is just one example of how much detail you use.

    Beautiful photos, too. It's odd. Our river is nearly full, mostly due to all the rain. Usually it looks more like yours, only there are no ships or boats that could traverse ours.

  25. Excellent thought out Journal on the head. Collage is very good Val.

  26. I love your two heads - so clever! The photos are interesting too. you see the cruise ships we read about in brochures? Well done for your long walk, looking forward to seeing the photos, Chrisx

  27. What a fab page!! Love the collage work in this Valerie!!
    and how do you do it all? walking, photographing,painting, collaging- do you ever sleep??? heehee


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