
Monday 29 June 2015

Time for Wildlife

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend. We had great weather here today, and looks like the weather will be good all week, so that's something!

I made this rather crazy piece a few weeks back for Art Journal Journey, masculine feminine, and for Moo Mania and More, numbers. I started out, as always by preparing my A3 sheet with gesso and some left over colour, and stenciled various motives to give more depth. Then I drew my head, and started to fill it with lots of different stamps, in fact I used all the stamps which were flying around my table - yes, quite a lot. I think I was trying to put all the things I enjoy on my walks through nature inside my head. Well, I suppose it's better than having an empty head....
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, summer.
On July 1st we are starting new challenges at AJJ and MM&M, so be sure to come back to read all about them. But you still have 2 days to link up to the current challenges.

Today I enjoyed my walk along the Rhine very much, and was much surprised to see 2 herons and a stork strolling around the freshly mowed fields looking for their Sunday lunch. The herons are often here, but I have NEVER seen a stork here before, officially they don't live in our county!

This one had just picked up some food and was swallowing it....

Here's wishing you a good start in the new week. Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow- that head has to be my favorite yet.You really outdid yourself with this piece. And fabulous bird photos today. I've never seen storks, lucky you. Have a great start to your week.

  2. Very creative head, a summerlike inspiration. Interesting about the stork being there.

  3. Oh this is fabulous and just love this creative head....also your gorgeous photos, they are so full of nature.xx

  4. eine schöne sommerseite,gefällt mir seehr,die storche sind ja süss,passt alles sehr schön zu deiner seite.
    eine schöne neue woche für dich.

    GLG Jeannette

  5. Wow, wonderful bird photos, and your head is fantastic - a great post today! Hugs, Sarah

  6. I love the grassy mohawk in your portrait. The water fowl are gorgeous too. Blessings!

  7. Was für tolle Aufnahmen von den Migrantenvögeln und Dein NATURKOPF ist allererste Sahne... zum Verlieben Valerie!
    Danke sagt AJJ und MM&M und natürlich meinereiner!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag!

  8. Amazing bird photographs today Valerie. I have only seen a stork in a zoo or bird park.

    The artwork page is wonderful with so many things to look at and such beautiful colours. The quote is terrific as well.

    Hope you have a great day--hot and sunny here already.

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I have often seen storks in other parts of Germany, but never here and never so near.

  9. klasse Collage mit gutem spruch - und ich beneide dich darum, dass du den störchen so nahe kommen konntest. wir haben auch störche hier in der gegend, aber ich sehe sie in der regel höchstens mal aus der ferne.

    1. Ja, es war echt toll so dicht dabei zu sein

  10. What a fabulous head you have, both literally and figuratively, always so full of ideas.
    Your bird shots are wonderful! Fancy having a Stork nearby!
    Wishing you a good week {{Hugs}} :o))

  11. Great page Valerie, so many wonderful colours and fabulous little images!! Loving the bird shots, storks are such a fabulous creature! hugs :)

  12. Right on, Valerie. My hair is starting to grow but is not quite as long as the head on your journal page today. Your quote is perfect for the new US court ruling for same sex marriage. And then your photographs...I have never seen a stork and your photos of the blue heron are wonderful. We have blue herons also but every time I go out to take a photo, they fly off. One of these days I will be sneaky enough to hopefully get them in flight as their wing span is huge. I'm off this morning to get a new iphone as mine will no longer keep a charge. Have a great day.


    1. I love watching them fly, too. My hair really looks like this head, just without the flowers!

  13. I think this is one of my favourite heads that you have drawn, Fabulous page and quote. The photos from your walk look awesome as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. OK NOW!!! Things just get better and better here!!! I think is my favorite head you've done so far ♥♥♥♥ The bird shots are amazing too. I love herons so to see these up close photos is great.... and the stork is beautiful too... even if he's an unregistered alien resident :)

  15. WOW is this a wonderful creation. One of my favorites in your head collection. Love the heron and stork shots. How awesome the photo swallowing. Have a great day.

  16. These are all just gorgeous!!! Your SOC lino print is amazing! We have several cranes around our lake but no storks despite the fact that they do live in our country!

  17. You are always so amazingly productive!!!! Stunning piece for SOC :)

    Love sharing your walks and wildlife too :)

    Karen x

  18. Now that is really using your head! Love the nature-inspired mohawk.

  19. Loving his sprouting head!! heehee Fun page Val! xo

  20. Your originality always amazes me! I love how there is so much to see in this piece and how you manage to make so many ecclectic elements flow togehter beautifully. I also enjoy seeing your inspiration and reading about your creative process. Than ks so much for sharing this piece with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  21. What a fabulous journal page... I think this is my all-time favorite of yours so far. Love it!


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