
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Big mixed bag for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your day!

Today is the last day of our challenge 'masculine-feminine' at 
We had lots of fantastic entries, and I enjoyed making my projects, too. Once again I have made a collage of my journal pages from the whole month.

At SOC the colour combo this week is red+red+gold. I used a clear red  to make the print from the lino-plate, and a crimson for the frame. The gold I used is from Deco Art Media interference gold. It just proved very hard to take pictures of.
The lino plate is one I made back in 1991. It is A4 sized.

After printing my page I painted all the white parts with the gold. I went over some parts several times to strengthen it a bit. The frames were also sprinkled with golden fairy dust. The gold looks rather greenish, but it is gold metallic.
I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, as my last entry for the month, and to Kim Dellow's Friday Face art.

And last but not least I have a tag for Tag Tuesday, where our theme is faces.
I used an 8" tag.  I painted the edges of the tag with Vivacolor rust. The image, from Gecko Galz, was collaged and then I used structure paste to make the diamonds, which I distressed with gold paint. Some parts of the tag were collaged with scraps of vintage paper, and given a coat of crackle glaze. I added some ears of grass sprayed with gold as embellishment.

We had a warm and sunny day, but the sun often had to fight its way through the clouds:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You've been busy, my friend!So many lovely projects. All of them are gorgeous!

  2. Every single thing is most amazing!

  3. Lovely SOC piece, I did mine today will post on Thursday but yes, hard to get the metallic to show up, I had to angle it toward the light in one photo. Nice tag and lots of clouds you had today.

  4. Love the collage for June, you have made so many wonderful projects. Great lino print for SOC, love the colours, too. And the tag is great. Hugs, Sarah

  5. schöne zusammenfassung und,du hast tolle seiten diesen monat gemacht,dein linodruck ist wunderschön geworden,das tag ist auch super.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    GLG JEannette

  6. Fabulous once again and love the tag, gosh you were busy making all of these this month...fabulous.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  7. Gorgeous art and beautiful skies!

  8. Fabelhafte Collage all der vielen genialen Seiten Valeri! Spitze!
    Dein Linolaschnitt ist super und ich finde es toll wie Du ihn mit den Farben von SOC umgestzt hast!
    Das Tag ist HIMMLISCH schön Valerie!

    So ein beeindruckender Himmel war das - schön eingefangen!
    Hab einen wudnerschönen Sommertag !

  9. sorry mal wieder für ein verrücktes Tippseln... ich bin schrecklich !

    1. Macht Nix, bin ich sehr gut darin - Dreckfühler passieren eben!

  10. Lovely cool looking sky Valerie.

    Terrific lino cut and so well used on your artwork page.

    Stunning tag with so much to admire but I just love the ears of grass at the top. Only you could think of that.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. heute kann ich hier mal wieder in Superlativen schwelgen... dein monatsmosaik ist wieder so toll, es ist bestimmt eine Genugtuung für dich zu sehen, was du wieder alles geschafft hast... dein SOC Linolschnitt ist sensationell, auch das tag gefällt mir sehr... und die wolkenbilder, ein traum!!

  12. Wow!Both your art pieces are fantastic.Love the tag.

  13. Gorgeous photos, as always, Valerie! And I love both of your works of art! Your Lino plate is amazing and the work of art your created using this week's SOC colors is creative and absolutely amazing. And I really like your beautiful tag, too!

  14. Your lino do-dad is fabulous and the print is a fabulous contrast. I enjoy seeing your end of month collages. Where do you create them Valerie?
    We finally have a summery day :D :D

  15. Busy lady!! Love the variety! Love your print for SOC and the tag.

  16. Your projects are amazing.

  17. Auf deine Monats-Zusammenstellung hatte ich mich schon gefreut - wow, was warst du produktiv, alle Achtung!
    Auch dein rot-goldener Druck gefällt sehr, bin ein großer Fan von Linoldrucken!
    ...und welch beeindruckend Wolkenbildung bei dir!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. Wow Valerie, that tag is freaking gorgeous!! Totally pinned that beauty! Love the sky photos, my sky is very dark and threatening a storm this morning. hugs :)

  19. WOW I adore that stamp you have carved!! Incredible! And your prints came out just delish as did your tag-love me some crackle there!! heehee xx

  20. Oh what a FABulous collage of your artwork liebe Valerie!
    Really wonderful.
    So much creativity and nature to enjoy with each visit to you.
    Happy Day dear one oxo

  21. Very nice work on all. Love your use of the colors. Great photos.:) Have a great rest of the week Valerie. See you on Friday.

  22. Bewundernswert wie kreativ du doch Tag für Tag bist und dann auch noch täglich bloggen... Ich weiß gar nicht,wie ich das auch mal "auf die Kette" bekommen habe... lang lang ist es her.
    Dein Tag gefällt mir mal wieder ausgesprochen gut.

  23. That lino print looks very striking in red and gold and I think your tag is beautiful. I love all the lovely textures you've achieved.

  24. Fabulous projects this month and a great collage! The tag is very beautiful with amazing textures. Hugs, Mar

  25. Lots of wonderful art here! Thanks for PPF tips. I didn't see such rules, supposed it is valid for a week. I think it's better to make a new work next time if partisipate then.
    Have a great time xx

  26. Great art again!! Love the lino print and how you used the SOC color challenge.Your tag is great too.
    I love to watch the sunbeams streaking out of clouds and you captured them beautifully.

  27. Spectacular art and use of color and imagery Valerie- I will definately try to join in next month for the art journal journey!

  28. Wow, a stunning set of pieces today Valerie. The face print is awesome and the tag is beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  29. Wow you have been very busy and what a fabulous collection of projects! Love them all! Enjoy!

  30. Valerie, this is incredible. All your work on this theme has been amazing. Lovely tag too and the sky pics are gorgeous.

  31. Wow-so much to look at. Love your lino print.Its always fun to bring out those old things and play with them again-just like its fun to make your AJJ collage. Its always interesting to see that end of the month review. I wonder if you could start with a collage and show us each piece each post. Would mean you would need to pre-make the whole set...ok, take that comment back.You will probably see this on Wednesday so have a great day!

  32. Wow-so much to look at. Love your lino print.Its always fun to bring out those old things and play with them again-just like its fun to make your AJJ collage. Its always interesting to see that end of the month review. I wonder if you could start with a collage and show us each piece each post. Would mean you would need to pre-make the whole set...ok, take that comment back.You will probably see this on Wednesday so have a great day!

    1. Well, I usually have about half of the projects finished before the month starts, but to get the whole 30 done in advance might be a touch too much!

  33. Cool Textured painting and I LOVE your tag. So cool how you added bits of nature to her face.
    I always look forward to seeing your collage at the end of the month.

  34. You never fail to impress Me.It's been awhile since I've visited You regularly but Yes I'm still following You from Years ago.I want to visit more often like I use to.Beautiful art as usual.Denise

  35. Lovely summer of colour makes!

  36. Lots of creativeness over at your place these days. I love all your stuff, and your photos as well.

  37. Well, I'm a bit late, but I just wanted to say thank you for your Journal Journey Masculine/Feminine. I loved the projects you did and the opportunity to link up with this great challenge. Your tag is fantastic too. Wonderful use of different techniques and beautiful focal image. xxx

  38. I'm just loving your mixed bag. Each one is so wonderful. Your SOC creation is absolutely stunning.

  39. So much wonderfulness here! The piece you did for SOC is extraordinary - very nice indeed!

  40. Your lino print is awesome. I wish I could carve like you. This was simply stunning, and a very vibrant example of red and gold. Even your gold showed through, which is often so hard to photograph.

    I enjoyed your other projects, too. You always stay SO busy.

  41. Oh My Gosh, glad I popped by for a visit ! your work is gorgeous , Love your Red and Gold girl and that tag ! Love all the texture. Just beautiful

  42. Valerie all so stunning, wow what a display of beautiful creativity and those breath taking skies, I love it all!

  43. Great use of reds and gold for this week. Really striking.

  44. Cool, Cool, coool! ADORE! Love your Lino print, really love. Great seeing all your work this month in one place, great idea and love the tags and photos too.
    Thank you for linking it up to Show Your Face last week, sorry I'm late coming around to leave some blog love! Thanks for the shout out too. Kx

  45. I like both your tag and your lino-cut. Thanks for visiting my SOC this week.

    Have you ever tried reduction printing?
    You can use one lino plate to create several colors. First cut out everything you want to remain white (or the color of your paper) and print your lightest color. While the lino plate is on your paper, draw a very light pencil line around it so you can line up the next color. Then cut out everything you want to be the lightest color and print a darker color over it. Keep doing that until you've done all your colors. One advantage is that you can make several colors from the same lino block. The disadvantage is that once you've done it, the plate has only the darkest color remaining if you want to use it again. But I recommend making several copies of your print in various color combinations while you are creating your print. Don't worry if your colors don't match exactly. That's the beauty of anything handmade. And it will look "artsy" if the registration is a little off. (I'm a retired art teacher and can't stop passing on creative info.)

    1. Yes, I used to do that with the students at school!

  46. Lovely projects, great post, cool photos

  47. great printing :D and nice cloud photos :)


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