
Sunday 28 June 2015

Sunday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
The weather was quite nice; warm, sunny/cloudy and with a spot of rain here and there - typical summer!

For Art Journal  Journey I have another piece for masculine-feminine. I discovered an A3 page which had been collaged with various vintage papers, painted with gesso and coloured with pastels at the bottom of a pile of stuff, so used it for this mixed media collage. I added some washi tapes and  used 2 pictures cut from my magazines (the lady downstairs always  keeps me supplied with magazines, which she gets from a friend, this way they are well used.) I collaged the faces, and a zip also cut from a magazine advert.  Then I added a crown to the lady and splashed some paint round the faces, just for fun. I found the quote on Google.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, numbers.

I enjoyed walking along the Rhine, watching the ships

And the ducks

And this boat carrying salt or some other white mineral is always fascinating, as it looks like snowy mountains swimming up the river:

The trees along the Burg Allee (Castle Avenue) offer shade when the sun is shining:

And St Swidbert, the patron and founder of the town, still stands on the corner of the street that bears his name. I wonder if he would recognise the town if he came back today after 1300 years?

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I simply adore your creation, and thanks for taking us along for a beautiful walk!

  2. Great quote today, and you set it up so nicely on your page today. They work together perfectly. nd I love your water photo today too, the boats, the Rhine, how petty it is there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. lovely mixed media page. We are having a lot of rain this weekend unfortunately. That boat is quite loaded down with the white compound.

    1. Right, I always wonder how it manages to stay afloat.

  4. Wonderful collage, love the quote too! Great photos, the boat with the white mounds really looks like it's carrying mountains! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. wunderschöne seite,gefällt mir total gut.
    schöne bilder auch wieder.
    schönen sonntag dir.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Amazing photographs of your walk Valerie and all so different.I never tire of seeing the path with the beautiful lamps and trees. Different depending on the time of year.

    Wonderful art page with terrific images to choose. A man is nothing without a woman eh?:)

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. True, a lot wouldn't find their clean socks if their women didn't tell them where to look!

  7. Eine geniale Seite ... die ist wieder mehr als gelungen! MM&M und AJJ sagen vereint DANKESCHÖN heute! Tolle Aufnahmen sind das auch wieder!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen sonnigen Sonntag liebe Valerie!

  8. Fabulous collage piece, love how the photos are integrated into the background!

  9. I love your collaged journal page and the great quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Adorably gorgeous, a great 'cheery up' visit tonight for me.. xx {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. Fabulous piece Valerie I just love these quotes you always add, so very true aren't they! haha!! That boat with the salt is a real strange sight, it DOES look like piles of snow, such a trick on the eyes! Happy Sunday, hugs :)

  12. Brilliant piece you created Valerie ... you have it all going on with lots of great touches (the addition of the zipper is so cool too!).
    We have had lots of rain which is good for the garden.
    St Swidbert looks so well looked after in his beautiful and freshly painted robe...he's seen alot hasn't he!
    Happy Sunday liebe Valerie oxo

  13. Hi Valerie

    Love how you got this piece 'zipped up!'

    The salt mountains are unusual!!!

    Love all the beautiful doors in your recent post (been catching up!)

    Karen x

  14. Oh I love that zipper addition, Valerie! Fabulous page! Love today's walk and your gorgeous photos! Happy Sunday!

  15. Love the new piece... The zipper pulls it all together... ha ha. Happy Sunday Valerie.

  16. Beautiful, imaginative page. Enjoy your day. :)



  17. Love how you joined Mr and Mrs with the zipper, its another fantastic journal page.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Great piece and I love the zipper :) Beautiful river shots again...

  19. Hi Valerie, I love your newest creation and the quote is perfect. Lovely walking pics too.
    Have a blessed Sunday, cm

  20. Great page Valerie and I love the quote.
    Looks like you had a a lovely walk, thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  21. Marvelous depiction of the two sides in all of us. The zipper is so effective! xox

  22. Oh so true, so true. Men need us and I think they fake it so we do more for them. It is obvious you had a bright sunny day because your photos are so sharp and the one of the boat carrying salt or whatever is amazing. Your art journal page is also bright and wonderful this morning. This monthly is flying by and it is unusually hot here for this time of year. It was 102 at 8PM last night. Thank goodness for air conditioning.


  23. Eine Spitzencollage, ganz großartig komponiert, Valerie!
    ... der Kahn auf dem Rhein liegt aber arg tief! LG Ulrike

  24. Hi Valerie - your journal pages are brilliant - love the wording !!!

    As always, love looking at your brilliant photo's - the salt boat one is certainly different !!

  25. Very unique and interesting!
    Our weekend is about over, so I can merely add that I do hope that yours was a blessed one.

  26. Another very interesting page and very clever how you used the zip to go along with your chosen words.
    We've had more sunshine this weekend than the whole rest of the month. Hoping July is a little drier :o)

  27. Absolutely fabulous page!!! I love it Valerie!! xo


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