
Saturday 27 June 2015

Masculine and feminine

Hi Everybody!
Hope your day is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine and feminine, I made 2 pages, one for the feminine side, and the other for the masculine. When my neighbour saw them, he said that the background was fine for the men, but I should have taken something pink and flowery for the ladies - are men the only ones who read? And he was wearing a pink shirt, but I didn't point it out to him....
The figures were made with home made stencils and painted with black acrylics.
I put the figures inside my heads - there's always a lot going on in them, and added the quotes - finished. This time I kept it simple

 Today the weather was better. I forgot my camera so had to take the pics with my phone.

The ancient mulberry tree is doing well:

The white cattle are growing bigger and bigger:

And it stayed dry in spite of lots of clouds.

The rose arch is in the square near the Basilica:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. The journal is really nice, and the quotes are apt. Great photos, really great of you to share!

  2. Lovely pages, at least your neighbour has an opinion! The mulberry trees around here are the small ones that loop over.

  3. Fabulous pages once again my friend, your talent shines....gorgeous photos again today and something we all need to see, beauty, despite what is going on in the world at the moment.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  4. schöne seiten,gefallen mir sehr gut.
    tolle bilder auch,die kühe sind süss.
    schönes we.

    glg jeannette

  5. Your black and white journal pages are simple, but very effective - love the quotes. Gorgeous photos, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Manchmal ist weniger mehr! Das zeigt deine schöne Doppelseite hier wieder einmal ... schlicht und elegant! Das gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Gruß, Annette

  7. What a great pages and terrific quotes Valerie. Love the newsprint background.

    What peaceful cattle photographs ion contrast to the very angry looking sky. Pleased it didn't develope into a storm

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Eine tolle Doppelseite die gerade durch die Schlichtheit super wirkt! Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende. LG Dagmar

  9. I love your simple heads today and the book pagee background is perfect for BOTH sexes of course. Maybe your neighbour was just teasing.
    Do you know how old the mulberry tree is Valerie? I'm assuming, very, if there is a plaque about it.
    We have had a lot of rain recently so I'm really happy that we have beautiful sunshine today for the European Bag-piping Championships that is on in our town today. I'm so pleased for them. It's too loud for Wee Man, so I shall be following it on and off via facebook and twitter. Hope you have a lovely day too {{Hugs}}

  10. The tree is from the 18th century, and is supported with props made of brick and wood to save it from falling.

  11. Fabelhafte Seiten und herrliche Aufnahmen.. was für ein toller Baum !
    Einen schönen Samstag lieben Valerie!

  12. Wonderful masculine feminine page Valerie! Love the photos, that rose arch is so beautiful, I would love to have something like that to oogle over! have a great weekend, hugs :)

    1. If ever I have a garden, I will have a rose arch, too.

  13. Fabulous pages, I love the quotes and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Fantastic pages, love the collage in the background and your homemade stencils. The sillouette figures are beautiful, the quotes are fun :) Happy Weekend, Shirleyxx

  15. Wonderful pages Valerie, great background. Beautiful walking pics. You captured great shots with your phone. Love the rose arch.
    Happy weekend. CM

  16. the work today is fascinating, I never noticed the head in the background at first and the quotes are spot one,,,
    such beautiful summery photos today!

  17. ooops, I meant spot ON,,,

  18. Your pages are simply fabulous and I love the quotes.

  19. Great journal spread and love the quotes you used with it :) Made me smile :) The rose arch is so beautiful....I want one now ♥

    1. Xes, I love to look at it every day when I go by.

  20. Very unique and beautiful work!! And thanks for sharing some great nature!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  21. I like your masculine and feminine pages, the quotes are fun too. I am certain women read too, I certainly do! Such beautiful photos as well.

  22. Fabulous pages and super quotes on both. Just shows what men's perceptions of women are with the comment your neighbour made. Beautiful photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Valerie, you are way to clever with your journal pages. This one is another great one! Your phone also takes great photos. Thanks again for the white cows.


  24. Your black and white treatment here is very dramatic and cool Valerie.
    Perfect quotes too!
    Oh that climbing rose photo = Beauty!!!

  25. Great quotes and your neighbor, funny, so typical. Love old mulberry trees, so gnarled and full of personality. xox


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