
Wednesday 1 April 2015

The white owl in the belfry sits.

Hi Everybody!

We had another stormy day here, but  it is supposed to be moving somewhere else now. 11 people got killed, a lot injured, and a lot of damage has been done. Our climate seems to have changed a lot in the past couple of years.
Hope your weather is good!

For Art Journal Journey, My favourite poem or quote, I have made a page using a poem of Alfred Lord Tennyson, who was poet Laureate in England at Queen Victoria's time. We learned lots of his work at school, but this is the first one I can remember learning with my Auntie Betty, who loved poetry, and always read to me out of big, fat poetry books which I loved. Later at school, we also used to sing it.  Here is the complete text:

When cats run home and light is come
And dew is cold upon the ground,
And the far-off stream is dumb,
And the whirring sail goes round;
Alone and warming his five wits,
The white owl in the belfry sits.

When merry milkmaids click the latch,
And rarely smells the new-mown hay,
And the cock hath sung beneath the thatch
Twice or thrice his round-e-lay;
Alone and warming his five wits,
The white owl in the belfry sits.

For my journal page I printed out a copy of the music score to this poem, and painted it with dark blue acrylics. I placed the fussy cut owl - a scan out of one of my old books - in the middle, and wiped away some of the colour in diagonal stripes from the middle. The I used white and pale yellow Gelatos to bring in some 'light'. I wanted the diagonal stripes to hint at the 'whirring sails' (windmill) going round. I coloured the owl with white and yellow Gelatos, layer for layer, till he glowed. At the bottom I wrote the first verse of the poem and sketched in 2 cats, perhaps Lucky and Lilly, on their way home to spend the cold night curled up by the fire. 

Some photos from this morning. We had short sunny intervals in between black clouds, rain and extremely windy gusts for the rest of the day

Have a great day you all!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wow,deine arbeit macht mich sprachlos,ganz großes kino wieder.
    tolle naturbilder hast du gemacht,einfach wunderschön.
    so ich geh jetzt ins bett,schlaf gut.

    glg jeannette

  2. Hi Val, you are up late, time to go to bed! LOVE this page, the poem, and how you have made it, really wonderful. Good night, hugs, Sarah

  3. Goodness me! It sounds as though you had it really bad over there! I love the way you have depicted this poem - a fabulous page!! Chrisx

  4. your owl looks almost spiritual in its glow. Lovely photos. We had a great day today and quite 'warm' at 12C.

  5. Your page is very stunning. I love the owl color. Hope you have blue skies and sunshine soon, that storm sounded really bad and scary.

  6. Love your white owl and the poem!

  7. Love your white owl and the poem!

  8. Diese Eule strahlt - das ist gigantisch! Wunderbar gemacht!
    Schön, dass Du ein Gedicht verwendet hast zu dem Du so viel bezug hast!
    Lucky und Lilly machen sich perfekt auf Deiner Seite!
    Menno das Wetter.... ist schlimm- ich wünsche, dass es bald besser wird.
    Schönen Tag!

  9. Stunning page which tells a story with the wonderful image in the centre. Never seen the poem before but how lovely that an aunt was interested in poetry and knew how to inspire you as well.

    The sky looks kinder in the photographs than of late but it is so sad to here of the weather having caused so much harm in your part of the world Valerie. I hope it is nicer today

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  10. Fabulous photos, journal page and gorgeous colour combo's...have a great Easter...xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. An amazing creation, I love the colours and the beautiful poem.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Wow, I love the glowing effect you've achieved with the owl. Dramatic sky photos too, weather is still very cold here, we had sleet showers yesterday but thankfully no storms. Stay safe! xx

  13. Hope you are safe from the weather. I think globally the weather is changing drastically. Just love your journal page with the fun poem. Awesome sunrise photos too.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  14. Stunning owl and background! The owl really shines!

  15. STUNNING! Your owl just glows, like the beautiful skies in your photos!

  16. What a gorgeous piece, my friend!

  17. What a gorgeous piece, my friend!

  18. Beautiful page Valerie. I love the soft warm glow you created around the owl. Stunning. hugs :)

  19. Gorgeous page love the owls.x

  20. Such a powerful piece. A guardian for sure this owl. xox

  21. Gorgeous creation and great poem.
    How tragic that as much as 11 people were killed in your storms. We certainly have nothing to complain about in getting a little wind and snow.
    Blessing hugs,

  22. Valerie your page is fantastic, love the glowing light there is around your wonderful owl, so well made.

  23. Hope the weather has been kinder today. This is a stunning page, love the glow of the owl and the poem you chose.
    Yvonne xx

  24. love your page is looks almost gold in some parts, love the poem or the song, I have never heard that one, and probably you have never heard some of the ones we learnt at school, different countries

  25. Hi Valerie, Your owl art piece is amazing. Darling little poem you share here. I am sorry you had such bad weather, damage and even death. Yes, the weather has really changed the last few years here too. I hope things improve for your area in the days ahead.
    Love your sky pics too.
    Wishing you a nice Easter weekend,
    Hugs, CM

  26. Immense strength in those golden, great !! Exquisite sunset!

  27. Omgoodness val- how ever did those people die? From the weather? How awful!

    On a nicer note, your page radiates! So beautiful and I love owls- one of my favorites! ")
    Happy Easter to you and your family,dear Valerie! xo

  28. Boah, wie genial - die Seite strahlt wunderschön.

  29. Wow this is brilliant, really striking! You are having it really rough with the weather, hope it settles down soon xx

  30. I like the way the light emanates from your page and your choice of poetry


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