
Wednesday 1 April 2015

New Theme at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

We had another wild and stormy day here, with rain, wind, hail-stones etc  - you name it, we got it. Other places were worse hit, there was a lot of damage and three people were killed.

Today we have a new theme at Art Journal Journey - 'Favorite poems and quotes' and our hostess is Beulah Bee.

She has created a wonderful example for us, which you can view on the AJJ Blog or on her blog. This is a wonderful theme, and I hope to see lots of entries again. But please remember, your page should illustrate the quote or poem you have chosen, and the text should be on the page, too.
I chose one of my fave quotes from 'The little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
The background has been painted, sprinkled with brushos, sprayed and dripped. I stamped into it while it was wet to give it more texture. I drew the planet and the little prince and coloured them with water colours and Gelatos. The quote was computer generated and outlined with a purple prismalo pencil. I drew the outlines and details  with a fine charcoal pencil.

And here a little round up of the quote in many languages:

Just a few photos, once again mostly clouds and rain drops - there wasn't much else today!

Repairing a roof - I wouldn't have wanted to be up there in that wind!

And as the weather was bad, I kept warm in my kitchen baking chocolate muffins. And no, I am not going to eat them all, they are for a neighbour who needs them for  celebration at work. But I did bake a little extra batch for private consumption!

And last but definitely not least, Lucky and Lilly have the last word(s)

Where are the yummies?

I'm hungry!

I want more!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. EIn Traum Dein Seite !
    Bin ganz verliebt in Deinen schönen Post heute wieder mal!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie!
    Knuddle die Katzen!

  2. Wonderful illustration of Le Petit Prince. I loved to read it as a child.
    Your cats are so adorable, too.
    The weather is here as dull as there. Let's wait for better days!
    Hugs xx

  3. Fantastic post, love the wonderful colours, and the theme you have chosen. Great photos, too and love the little video. Stay dry! Hugs, Sarah

  4. The cats and buns look far nicer than the angry sky Valerie. It sounds horrendous. We had everything yesterday with high winds and a hail storm which made the electricity go off for a while. Looks nice today so off for a walk soon.

    Love your artwork for AJJ and the new theme sounds interesting. Will look at the video later-thanks for the link

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. That song was quite a hit over here Valerie. A lovely page. Your cakes look yummy and I think those two furry ladies have had enough treats by the look of them. Lol! Xx

    1. I am sure you are right. Those cakes were really yummy!

  6. What a great theme for the month. I love poems and quotes. So many possibilities. I love your page today too :) and oh those muffins looked delish :) T x

  7. Goodness, Valerie, what a fantastic blogpost, there's everything here.
    First of all I think your painting is just marvellous, with the little Prince and the flowers, your astonishingly colourful painted background and the lovely quote. I really love it.
    We had similar weather to you, and I always love your skyscapes, especially the last one here.
    Thanks for the pictures of cats and letting us know what they are saying, Lucky is a big cat and has a very fierce expression, I wouldn't like to put him on a diet, I can just imagine what he would say.
    And cruelty to blog-viewers, Valerie, showing us these delicious yummies, we need chocolate yummies in this weather, I'll be right over, haha!
    Have a great day.

    1. As a sky/clouds/sun/moon freak (well, definitely freak!) I just love this weather! Lucky is on senior light diet just now, poor thing, and he is a total softy - they both are!

    2. I love this weather too, rain, icy winds, hail, all of it.
      Glad to hear that they just put on their fierce expressions for their blog portraits.

  8. Your journal page is so beautiful, I love the quote and yum yum to the chocolate muffins.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. WOW what a brilliant colouful page, love the whole composition., also the other beautiful photos.
    I wish you a nice day without stormy weather, here it is also horrible, tagsüber heftige Graupelschauer und nachts Gewitter, was braucht man mehr? :-(((
    LG Anja

  10. wow,eine wunderschöne seite und tolle farben auch,mag ich sehr.
    dein post ist heute wunderbar und die nimmersatt katzen sind süss*LOL*
    ich mache am we auch muffins,lasst sie euch schmecken.
    ein schönes we.

    glg jeannette

  11. One of my favorite quotes of all time, too, Valerie! You did a wonderful job with the LP!

  12. such beautiful creations, I enjoy the words and the art, they blend beautifully!
    you sky photos are beautiful and yummy muffins, very healthy happy cats!

  13. Beautiful artwork today Valerie! Love the shots of the sky and those muffins are making me hungry! Yum! hugs to the kitty cats :)

  14. Lucky and Lilly are so cute and healthy looking.
    Bet your house smelled wonderful too.
    Quotes are a fav thing of mine and the one you chose is very special and illustrated so beautifully liebe Valerie!
    Stay safe and a Happy April to you ♥

  15. Ah, the heart. Indeed, the place from which to experience life ~ with all the senses. Lovely journal page!

    And those chocolate muffins look pretty lovely too! And the felines, they inspired smiles. Thanks for that!

  16. I love the dream like colors of your Little Prince piece. And you make me want a chocolate muffin right now. Guess I will need to go home after work and bake some!

  17. Lovely page.
    I'm so glad you were kept safe during the storm. It is very sad that three lost their lives.
    Lucky and Lily are such pretty kitties. They don't look like they hunger very often. :)

  18. The art is very nice but my favorite is the Kitties ♥ Those muffins do look yummy!

  19. What a terrific theme for April and you started it off with a great quote. I enjoyed listening to the video too and the scene with the prince with the flower was special. As always your project is bright and cheery and your photos always a delight to view.


  20. auch so ein lieblingsspruch aus einem lieblingsbuch von mir... ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich ihn früher in Poesiealben geschrieben habe... bei uns war auch ordentlich sturm, und ein bisschen Schnee ist auch wieder gefallen. na ja, April...

  21. Liebe Valerie, Deine Interpretation vom Kleinen Prinzen ist so herrlich. Wäre ich noch kein Fan, ich würde sofort einer werden! Das ist ein tolles neues Thema und der kleine Mann ein tolles Medium.
    Deine Katzis sind herrlich - war die hellfellige gerade beim Frisör?
    Ganz Allerliebst.

    Viele liebe Grüße schicke ich zu Euch - den Katzen eine Maus und Dir sonnige Frühlingstage!

  22. Your painting is brilliant with your little Prince and this fabulous quote, great choice! I also like the background, is amazing as always. Yummy muffins!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Oh my gosh Lucky and Lilly are too cute. The cupcakes look so yummy good. Glad you saved a private batch for you!!
    Love your wonderful art work and the little Prince is darling along with the quote.
    Great sky pics too.
    Hugs, CM

  24. A super new theme for this month at AJJ, your page is fantastic. I was glad to read you made some yummy cakes for yourself, looks like the cats wanted some too.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Valerie, I have missed your lovely journal pages and photos! Great page and I am sure the muffins were quite tasty! Hugs!

  26. I think your background is so colourful. I like using Brusho on wet paper the effects are great but you have used a super colour combination. The yellow of the prince sings out.
    The cakes are wicked

  27. I didn't know of this quote and it's a good one. I never read this story so I Google-ed it. Your illustration fits the novella very well.

  28. What a wonderful quote and illustration. The skies look ugly but the muffins look scrumptious. I agree that the cats look like they have had enough treats. They are both beautiful. The grey one reminds me of my Minute who now resides with my daughter and her family (I can't have pets).

  29. That art journal of yours is one masterpiece with every page more stunning than the next. Yummy those chocolate muffins look divine and the kitty cats has every reason to be licking their paws. Awesome sky photography too.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  30. Eine ganz wunderbare Arbeit wieder, liebe Valerie!
    Eben habe ich mir deine vielen posts der letzten Woche alle angesehen, alles schön, auch besonders die Fotos. Ich mag ja deine Wolkenbilder!
    ... noch bin ich gar nicht richtig wieder zu Hause... Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  31. Dieses Zitat liebe ich auch sehr ;) meine Französischlehrerin schrieb sie mir vor Jahren ins Poesiealbum, lang ist's her - sehr schön...fröhliche Ostern und sonnige Grüße...

  32. This is really pretty Valerie, and a great new challenge. Your baking looks good too! xx

  33. Oh, very many comments, but I can understand why: Your painting and quote are very great and wonderful together.


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