
Friday 3 April 2015

The autumnal face

Hi Everybody!

The weather here was quieter today after the storm, although it was still very cold and windy. Looks like Easter will be as cold as Christmas was!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote, I have used the first 2 lines of John Donnes Elegy IX, The Autumnal. You can read the rest here if you are interested.
The background (A3) was painted with gesso and sprinkled with brushos while still wet. I drew the face and the leaves as hair, and painted them in autumn colours. I went over the edges with a gold structure paste. I used Gelatos to lighten the colours of the face and neck.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

The aftermath of the storm - the sun putting in an occasional appearance:

Muddy paths everywhere:

Damaged trees in the river:

Lucky and Lilly wish you all a happy weekend:


  1. Oh I didn't know you had cats, how awesome! They are just beautiful. Very nice work with the colors and the perfect face on your latest piece. Wow, wish we would get some rain over here. It is supposed to rain on Easter but it will more than likely be sprinkles. Love that last photo of kitty licking its lips. Happy Easter Valerie and Happy PPF!

  2. Beautiful page! I hate muddy paths. Pretty cats you have.

  3. Love the autumnal face, really beautifully made! Great photos, too. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Sarah

  4. Love, love, love that autumn beautiful!! Great colour and texture!! Great pictures too!! Your cats have such sweet faces...and the wall colour is the last colour I had in my living room!! Have a wonderful weekend too!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Wonderful piece of art Valerie. I can't believe that out of all the poems we both chose the same one to post today. I an still in bed so haven't done my post yet.

    Love the photos

    Your kitty friends always look so serene

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  6. Was für ein wunderschönes Herbstgesicht! Der Spruch ist so wunderschön!
    Wahnsinn was der Sturm wieder angerichtet hat.
    Die beiden Katzen sind echt zu beneiden... Du verwöhnst sie anscheinend..die sehen sehr zufrieden aus heute auf den Bildern!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Freitag!

  7. Wow,ein wunderschönes herbstgesicht,schrecklich was der sturm angerichtet hat,lucky und lilly sehen heute entspannt aus.
    wünsch dir ein schönes osterwe.


  8. Muddy paths also here in Finland, cold, rain, signs of spring are hidden somewhere under the grayness.

    The color world in your painting takes the breath away! So strong and lively!

  9. This is lovely-such beautiful colours. Your cats are gorgeous!

  10. Amazing background, - love the idea of Brusho on wet gesso, must give that a try! Stunning colours and a great quote. Your cats look lovely!

    1. The gesso needs to be diluted and still wet!

  11. Love the gold outlining, a beautiful page Valerie. I'm hoping the weather starts to warm up soon, weather wise we haven't had a bad winter but it just seems to have been so cold for so long. Have a Good Friday" I'm off to the hairdresser to get the grey's covered! Xx

  12. This is one of my favourite poems as well Valerie, your page looks stunning.
    Stormy photos, hope you had your wellies on.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I love Autumn so this piece is a favourite! Such a graceful and beautiful piece! I hope the sun shines soon your way to dry all that up!

  14. This is wonderful Valerie, I must try using brushos on wet gesso.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. its qute autumnal over here too and we had bad storms the other night too. Love our autumn colours, cats and photos happy easter

  16. Lovely project and your colours are beautiful.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  17. What a beautiful journal entry, and beautifully fitting quote.
    And ~ stay warm!

  18. Wow, what a lot of storm damage. It must have been really crazy. And also, I love your piece today.How clever to create her hair out of those leaves. And the colors are really almost metallic looking in this photo. Did you use a metallic paint?

    1. I used water-colours for the leaves, layering the colours, and just the structure paste round the edges is metallic gold.

  19. Gorgeous page and fabulous technique you've used for the leaves. Great quote too. I adore your cute cats!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. This is a superb illustration for the quote, love all the golds and reds and the patch of ultramarine, very clever.
    These cats know how to please their international audience. Great photos.

    1. The patch of ultramarine was a fortuitous accident. I will tell L&L that you admired them!

  21. Oh wow look at those gorgeous layers of paint. I love this one. Thanks for sharing

  22. Exquisite colors of autumn in that pretty face! What pretty kittens!

  23. Beautiful page Valerie! I love how you framed the face with leaves and the black and white highlighting make them look almost 3D! Great shots of the kitty cats! hugs :)

  24. Such beautiful kitties!!
    Your page is beautiful and the prose is perfect!! I love the combination!
    Wow, those are some massive trees down! Glad to hear the weather is calming down be safe! xoxo

  25. That was quite a storm! Hopefully, nicer weather is headed your way. The cold temps inspired some beautiful art today. I have to admit Autumn is my favorite season. Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Gorgeous artwork, love it ! wow what a storm you had over there. It's very foggy here, hard to see. Your cats are so sweet. Happy Easter, Shirleyxx

  27. That quote is perfect for this painting! Lovely work with a real feel of autumn.

  28. Gorgeous art work, Valerie. Have a Happy Easter,
    hugs xx

  29. I love, love, love your piece!! The colors are great, and also I love your photos. Great images!

    Have an amazing day!

  30. Sometimes paintings make me smile. Sometimes they make me think. Some take my breath away. Yours took my breath away today. It is truly beautiful! I love it!

  31. Deine Malerei von heute wirkt ja total gut!
    Ist Lucky die blaue Katze? Zu niedlich, wie sie die Zunge rausstreckt.
    Schöne Ostern für dich Valerie wünscht Ulrike

  32. Beautiful piece, Valerie. I will have to google brusho. Love the cats too.

  33. Gorgeous coloring and a very expressive and lovely face!

  34. LOVE, LOVE , LOVE the art! Great colors and nice words, we've had storms here and cooler weather too. Today is a stay inside and sleep late kind of day. My body saying it's had enough for this week . Has a lot to do with the barometric changes more than over activity I think.

  35. na, bei euch hat der sturm auch ganz schön gewütet! ich war heute spazieren und hab auch einige entwurzelte bäume gesehen... deine journalseite ist sehr schön, die farben glühen richtig...

  36. Lovely techniques and ingredients for that lovely autumnal creation...
    such perfect words too liebe Valerie
    ♥ Meow and Meow ♥ to you all too from rainy Virginia

  37. Wow. This is stunning. I love the gold and the very subtle face.

  38. Hi Valerie, your work is always stunning and this is really gorgeous. Looks like the weather made a lot of damage.
    Your sweet kitties are so cute.
    Have a wonderful weekend too.
    hugs, CM

  39. Your work is great with strong colors and vivid texture...
    I'm not a cat person but your cats look so soft and cute!
    Greetings from grey Helsinki!

  40. Wunderschöne Idee, ein Gesicht eingerahmt von Blättern in leuchtend warmen Herbstfarben, gefällt mir super gut!! Schöne Ostergrüße von Kerstin!

  41. Auch diese Seite gefällt mir super gut. Deine beiden Katzen sind herrlich :)

  42. Wunderschön und romantisch - liebliches Gesicht und diese Farben...tolle Seiten!

  43. Lovely kitties, the grey one reminds me of my old cat Moonbeam. I still miss him.Beautiful art this week. Love the leaves combined with a face.


  44. This is really stunning Valerie, some great techniques here. I wish the weather would settle down too, we need some sunshine now. Your cats look adorable :-) xx

  45. Adorable cats!! They should be painted! Your face is so moody and full of autumn color and texture! Fabulous photos, too! :)

  46. It is a lovely piece :) I really like the way you used the gold structure past it gives it a nice touch :) Happy Easter and weekend to you too :D

  47. So pretty! Beautiful job with the color. And those cats, so cute!


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