
Sunday 4 January 2015

Cats, Music and Waterfowl.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying you weekend.
We had a cold and damp day here. The birds were all extra hungry, and so was I!

For Art Journal Journey, 'Inspired by the Masters' I have another project inspired by Rosina Wachtmeister. Her sunny world of happy cats has me in its grip! Is this what people call a catastrophe?
The background (A3) was gessoed and then painted with sky blue. I used the background stamp with white gesso to make the swirls in the sky. When it was dry I added more colour with Pan pastels, I think I am getting addicted to them, too! The music panel has been made with a paper napkin, fixed with mod-podge, and framed with washi tape. The quote is from Albert Schweitzer. The cat was cut with a large stencil that I made, painted with gesso, and then coloured with Pan-pastels, felt-pens and gel-pens. I added some patterning and more washi tape. I am also linking to Moo Mania and more, polka dots.

This morning there were 2 herons at the Rhine, as well as a lot of gulls.

I love the way they stand on the stones and wooden posts

And then the heron  poked its beak into the water as quick as a flash and came out with a fish. The fish is a bit blurred, it would not keep still for my photo!

My favourite corner by the benches

A thrush was sitting on the hedge in the Church close

Mrs Blackbird was looking for food on my balcony

And the hawk was back again.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Ooooh, gorgeous, inspiring photos (as always, you're so good at capturing nature and its beauty) AND your art is both bold and wonderful! xo

  2. Tolle seite,gefällt mir sehr gut,aber favorit sind heute die vögel.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    glg jeannette

  3. Valerie your art work continues to be incredible. You take a theme and give it life!! Love your pics. We had lots of rain here then today turned dry with warmer temps only to have the weather people predict that more cold is on the way tonight and tomorrow. Oh well, it is winter right??
    Great for staying inside to create.

  4. Lovely art collage and lots of bird action today!

  5. Wundervoll, du vermagst mich immer wieder zu begeistern, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  6. Wonderful painting, so full of life and music and fun, and the photos are fantastic. Great that you caught the heron catching the fish! Hugs, Sarah

  7. I am loving these cat creations Valerie. The quote today is terrific :) The bright colours must make you so happy on these dull, winter mornings.

    The heron is posing for you on these photographs and so is Mrs Blackbird. How lovely that you can get so close and that they trust you so much.

    Have a good day today.

    It is very cold and frosty here but sun later so the forecast says :)

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Fabulous creation, love these colours too..fantastic photos too..Have a good week coming up.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  9. A super bright picture to start such a dismal day
    Von ♥

  10. Herrlich Valerie.. das ist super schön ..eine wundervolle Komposition und der Hintergrund ist genial- ich mag die Pan Pastels nicht so besonders... bin zue Zeit ganz verliebt in die Sennelier Softpastelle und Ölkreiden... ich freu mich auch die Serviette zu sehen ..die Serviette glaub ich, hab ich Dir geschickt ..ich liebe sie sehr und hab schon mal ein schönes Tag damit gemacht - ich hab sie in Tschechien gekauft ( wir sind ja nur 9 km weg von der Grenze , aber seit ich eine Geldstrafe wegen fahren ohne Licht untertags da drüben zahlen musste - das soll sich einer merken wo was erlaubt ist mit dem blöden Licht am Tage- das war eine reine Schikane um die Einkäufer abzuzocken! fahr ich nicht mehr einkaufen rüber - bin beleidigt für ne Weile)
    Die Reiher Fotos sind so schön, was für ein stolzes Tier!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag und danke auch im Namen von den MOO MANIERN!♥♥♥

    1. Denn danke für die Serviette, ich wusste nicht mehr von wem ich sie hat! Ja, immer Abzocke wenn man über die Grenze fährt, ahnlich hier wenn man nach Holland rüber fährt!

  11. Another fabulous cat collage and such a great quote. You obviously enjoyed your walk yesterday, my favourite pic is the corner benches. Lovely sunny day here today but very cold. Xx

  12. A most fabulous cat page Valerie,. I love it.
    The outdoor photos are very good,; that water looks quite choppy. How cool you got a snap of the heron with fish. Bit inconsiderate of the fish not to be still tho' lol. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday ((hugs)) x

  13. Fun art piece again. Love the cat, she looks so clever :)
    Happy Sunday, Valerie, hugs xx

  14. Love how you did the background. It is so colorful yet does not take away from the cat!
    I guess the birds didn't want to get their feet wet today!

  15. Valerie, the colours are an absolute tonic!
    I can visualise your cat as a rubber stamp.
    Hope all is well.
    P.S. Still having issues with my sign-on, which I am not sure if it is due to a problem at my end or a problem with blogger.

  16. Hi Valerie!
    Just love your Weichmeister cats - I have always loved them and have an apron with one on!
    Carolyn xx

    1. Thanks - your apron would match my kitchen towels!

  17. Wonderful piece ... and stroll. I love visiting your blog! :)

  18. Wonderful piece. I have never used gesso. Something I would like to use. I have looked on you tube to see how it is used. I plan to make my third album pages doing more of the art form. I love to do it too.
    Perhaps I will come back to see if you explain how. I think there is medium gessto. Is it true that you can paint gessto first and then paint over? . A beginner I will be to use it.

    Hugs Carol Ann

    1. Hi! Gesso is great to prepare the paper for other colours and paint. Pan Pastels or other pastel chalks adhere to the gesso much better than to 'naked' paper, and it is easier to blend them. It also helps to prevent paints seeping though the paper. I start almost everything with a quick coat of gesso. Hope that helps you!

  19. I am reading how you did it up above. You are advanced. You use pan pastels. Tricky I hear gals say.
    they have trouble on other sites. I will be back to look at more later.

    I like your photography . I love to do that also. My addiction as well.

  20. After seeing your wonderful cats I have been to search out more about this artist and can see why you love her work. This page looks fabulous.
    Yvonne xx

  21. What an awesome cat! Very interesting and fabulous collaged journal page! Love it! Hope you are having a wonderful start to the New Year! Hugs!

  22. Eine wundervolle Kreation, die Katze ist echt super geworden. Deine Vogelfotos bewundere ich sehr. Da gehört schon Geduld zu, diese Fotos zu schießen.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO-MANIA & MORE

    1. Danke! Ich schleiche mich immer ganz langsam ran und muss in der Kaelte oft Lang stillstehen!

  23. what a beautiful piece you have made..and the photos are fun and wonderful..great photo taking.
    susan s

  24. My favorite cat I see, looks beautiful. Your photos are equally beautiful too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  25. It appears I'm last today to tell you how much I enjoyed your journal page -- music, cats and then an array of birds. What could be better?


  26. OMGosh! I so love these cats!! They are really groovy!! Kinda Picasso, kinda 50's style,just too cool for cats!! heehee xoxo

  27. I just love when you do something with those amazing cats that you draw! They make me smile every time! Great photos today Valerie! Have a wonderful day, big hugs :)


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