
Saturday 3 January 2015

Sun, moon and marmalade cats.

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are all getting back to normal after all the celebrations over the holidays and new year. 

Today I am showing the second 'cat' piece inspired by Rosina Wachtmeister for Art Journal Journey. There is one more to come, these cats always fascinate me! I used an A3 page, which had some spots of ink and paint on it, which had leaked through from the page above. I gave it a coat of gesso, and then dusted it with Pan pastels in red and yellow. I made a stencil for the cats, and drew them onto paper, and painted and decorated them before cutting them out and fixing them to my page. The flowers were stamped and coloured with felt-pens, and I added a few strips of washi tape. The sun was cut from self-adhesive paper and given a face, and I used a dinner plate to position the sentiment. When I was living in St Helens, many moons ago, I used to carry heavy things home for a very elderly neighbour who lived nearby with 2 huge marmalade cats. They were her pride and joy, and she spent nearly all of her income buying food etc for them. She always said that marmalade cats lived in their own, sweet world, and were always happy together. Well, her Sally and Solly were definitely very happy together, and this painting is in memory of Mrs B and her two darlings, who surely crossed over Rainbow Bridge together and are now living in their own, particular heaven.

I am also linking to Moo Mania and more, polka dots.

Today a crow was sitting in the tree waiting for breakfast

This afternoon I went walking in the land of the long shadows

I watched the sun go down

And saw the moon rising

All in all, another wonderful day!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. How wonderful! Sally and Solly look blissfully happy.
    Your colors are so vibrant. Such beautiful pages!

  2. Lovely marmalade cats and it did look like a perfect day!

  3. sehr schöne katzen und tolle farben,gefällt mir mega gut.
    wunderschöne himmelsbilder hast du gemacht.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.


  4. Wonderful, wonderful cats! Thanks for the introduction to a new to me artist. Love the story behind them too!

  5. Diese Katzen sind Dir so zauberhaft gelungen Valerie! Großartig!
    Und die kleine Geschichte dazu von Sally und Solly geht zu Herzen!
    Ich hatte auch schon drei Katzen in meinem Leben .... Felix, Pauline und Maxi...
    Deine Mondfotos sind HIMMLISCH!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag und ich sage Dir DANKE im Namen von MOO MANIA & MORE und Art Journal Journey!

  6. This is an amazing piece of art Valerie with the stunning cats and strong colours. How lovely that you were reminded of the days gone by and wonderful that you were so kind to the old lady

    Great photographs of the moon and your long shadow. It looked like a better day to be out walking.

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Wunderbares Bild mit Sally and Solly mit diesem so warmen Farben! Deine Fotos heute gefallen mir auch sehr ... besonders die Mond-Bilder! Ein wundervoller Post!
    Schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  8. You're an amazing artist, Valerie! Love this artwork!
    Your shadow photo is fun!

  9. Wow, Valerie, amazing pages, love, love, love your cats! Brilliant!

    Happy New Year and may it bring you all your are hoping for!

  10. Now. I was waiting to see jars of Marmalade cats lol....Gorgeous creation, LOVE the beautiful added beauties LOVE the design and LOVE the super great colours. xxx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  11. Als Katzenliebhaber mag ich dein Bild natürlich sehr, es ist wunderschön geworden!
    Dein Mondfoto ist grandios. wow!
    LG Ulrike

  12. How happy your marmalade cats look, I just love them. Enjoy your Saturday. Xx

  13. Sweet tribute to Mrs. Bs marmalade cats--they do look happy together! Fun photos today, too :)

  14. Fabulous long shadow photos. The marmalade cats are darling and I am sure they are living happily in all that warmth. xox

  15. I'm a big fan of Wachtmeister - she was on my walls at university a quarter of a century ago! Though there's not enough wall space where I'm living at the moment, the posters are waiting in their frames in storage. I love the warmth of your colours here, and the cats have just that quizzical, ambiguous presence that they have in her work.

    Wonderful nature photos too...
    Alison xx

  16. I just love your stylish cats, totally made me smile this morning! Great shots of your shadow, looking a little crisp where you are! Well have a great day and a fab weekend! hugs :)

  17. Gorgeous artwork, I love it very much. The colours, words and drawing are fantastic! Hope you are having a great day, Shirleyxx

  18. Dein fröhliches Katzenbild finde ich wegen der warmen Farben schon klasse,aber auch die ganze Szenerie finde ich super gestaltet. Die Fotos sind auch wieder sehr gelungen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein frohes,gesundes und kreatives Jahr 2015.
    Alles Liebe

  19. I adore those marmalade cats, its a fantastic art page. Great photos and shadows today.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Happy New Year, Valerie!!! I love title of your post and I love cats and warm colours! Your photos are very inspiring, especially those with a crow and moon. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Großartige Katzenkreationen und Fotos, wie immer, liebe Valerie.

    Danke für's Linken zu MOO-MANIA & MORE

  22. Such happy cats - so much fun. Your moon picture is definitely exceptional!
    Sandy xx

  23. I love this sunny, fun page. It makes me smile. What a cute sentiment too.
    Hugs & smiles,

  24. This is fabulous art, Valerie, it makes me want to rush out and get two marmalade kittens.
    Love the sun and their little faces, so happy.
    All three of your photos of the moon are sublime, given a choice I'll take the last one.

  25. This is fab Valerie, I love your cats and there marmalade world sounds wonderful! Enjoy your weekend xx

  26. Oh Valerie!!!! You have outdone yourself with this one!!!!! It is so AMAZING!!!!!! I love every part of it ... The colors really WOW ! Me! Makes me want to rush right out and get a set of Marmalade Cats to charm my life ♥ Great photos too,

  27. Fantastic marmalade cats today. Love the way you colored and designed them with colorful faces.
    Your L O N G shadow photos are amazing. Very fun photos for today.


  28. Wonderful journal-page, love the cats, and those sunny colours, and the lovely story of Mrs B and her cats. Great photos too! We just came home, we were out all day and now I am so tired! Hugs, Sarah

  29. Ein traumhaft schöner Post :) Zum einen dein Katzenbild - nicht nur die Farben sind genau mein Ding. Das komplette Bild ist fantastisch.
    Langsbein-Schattenfotos mag ich auch sehr gerne :)
    Ich wünsche dir ein gesundes und kreatives Jahr 2l015... und werde jetzt mal schauen, was du in der letzten Zeit so gebloggt hast.

  30. Your cats are beautifully made, such sweet faces! Beautiful journal pages! Big hugs, ~Diane

  31. Wow, Valerie! What wonderful pages of cats so creatives and inspiring, I love their expressive faces. The colours are amazing too.
    Hugs, Mar

  32. Hi Valerie, your cats are adorable. You gave them such sweet little faces. Great shadow and sky pics too.
    Happy Creating!

  33. oh I like the cats the way you inc-operated all. Your talented.

  34. Your moon is splendid as you have done with the branches and your thoughtfulness Valerie.

  35. Wow, those cats are wonderful! We rescued a marmalade male a number of years ago & a friend took him on as my husband is allergic, he turned into a big monster of a cat, positively huge... This reminded me of him a the wee small scrap that he started out as.


  36. Fabulous cats!! Seriously amazing Valerie!! xoxo

  37. These are two very happy looking cats. Even Bleubeard gave them two paws up!


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