
Monday 5 January 2015

Frida Kahlo and more

Hi Everybody!

We had a real sun day here, very cold and frosty, but sunny and great for walking. I enjoyed my walks along the Rhine, and clocked up 17,650 steps today, so I was happy with that.

For Art Journal Journey, 'Inspired by....' I chose to be inspired by Frida Kahlo and her colourful work. Yesterday I had a couple of play-hours trying out effects with brusho, and this page made me think of Frida straightaway. Some parts looked like flowers, so I gave them some more colour and drew round them. I used a stamp (Lost Coast Designs) which was stamped with Archival black and embossed with fine EP. I added a strip of washi tape with birds and flowers, and wrote some quotes around the edges. The wings were stamped with Stazon onto foil,  The page is for my giant journal  again.

Also linking to Simons Monday Challenge, old and new - new technique for me (Brushos) with my old favourite, journaling and Frida Kahlo)

The day started with a wonderful sunrise:

I had a swarm of starlings on my balcony today, they are new guests. I think my balcony is being tweeted as a good place to eat breakfast. They are very pretty, and extremely fast, it was very difficult to take their photos!

The heron was walking through the meadows by the Rhine today, and found itself something to eat, looked like a mole....

 The afternoon sky was beautiful

And the moon was wonderful.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful Frida work! And your photos are outstanding! I wonder if the birds have some sort of conversation and they tell each other...there's a great place you can stopover at and they always have lots of tasty food!

  2. schöne frida seiten hast du gemacht,besonders die farben gefallen mir gut.
    tolle aufnahmeb hast du wieder gemacht,besonders die mondszene gefällt mir sehr.


  3. Stunning Frida. The bird in your balkony is fantastic. Have never seen in nature. Have a happy Monday,
    hugs xx

  4. Love your Frida - was wondering - and hoping - when we would see her again! Great colours. The photos are wonderful again. How pretty the starlings are! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Pleased that the sun shone for your long walk Valerie. We went on the beach and so did hundred's of others--amazing what a bit of sun can do. Great photographs -love the starling one.

    Love this Frida inspired journal page. Wonderful use of the Brusho--I have never had any of that so much look into it.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  6. My journey in your land was wonderful....
    Fabulous journal Page, wow love those colours you amaze me to the limit.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  7. Ooooh und aaaaah! :D So viele schöne Sachen bei dir! Deine Frida ist zauberhaft, ich habe eine Schwäche für Frida. Und dann die Stare!!! Ich habe dich schon einmal gefragt, ob ich ein Foto von dir malen/zeichnen dürfte…diese Fotos von den Staren würden sich sehr gut eignen um damit grafisch zu arbeiten, würdest du mir das noch mal erlauben? Die Fotos sind einfach grossartig!
    Liebe Grüsse

  8. Was für eine tolle farbenfrohe Seite!!!! Deine gefiederten Freunde werden ja immer mehr - tolle Fotos.
    Hier war das Wetter nicht so toll . Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  9. Deine Frida Karlo-Seite finde ich richtig schön, auch deine durch Rosina Wachtmeister inspirierten Werke gefallen mir sehr gut. Deine Fotos von dem Star- einfach genial.
    Ja-ich gucke fast jeden Tag in deinen Blog, auch wenn ich nicht immer einen Kommentar schreibe.
    Vielen Dank für deine steten Kommentare; ich freue mich immer darüber.
    Liebe Grüße - Kathy

  10. Liebe Valerie, Deine Frida ist bezaubernd! So leicht und frei, das hätte ihr sicher gefallen.
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes und gutes Neues Jahr für Dich!

    PS: Die Vogelbilder sind auch wieder ein Traum ... :)

  11. What a wonderful page Valerie, the flowers are fabulous, reminds me ofCarmen Miranda. Enjoy your Monday, we had a fabulous red sunrise this morning. Xx

    1. Yes, I loved seeing her as a kid, with her fruit and flower turbans!

  12. oh ja, frida... wunderbar! klasse die blumenfarben!
    in deinen star habe ich mich sofort verliebt. du hast wirklich ganz schön viele vögel bei dir zu besuch!

  13. Die Seite ist wunderschön! das passt so gut alles von der Komposition her und wie toll Du mit diesem Brusho gezaubert hast und darüber die Blumen...richtig schön!
    Der Star ist ein STAR! Jawohl und auch die anderen Bilder sind einmalig gelungen!
    Bussi von AJJ!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie♥♥♥

  14. ... ich wundere mich, dass dieser schöne Star nicht gen Süden geflogen ist, das tun sie doch normalerweise. Hoffentlich wird der Winter nicht so kalt, dass er es mit deiner Futterversorgung übersteht!
    Mit den Brushos zu spielen macht doch wirklich Spaß, nicht wahr! Sie funktionieren aber nicht nur auf Aquarellpapier - wo dann die Stempelabdrücke nie so klar werden wegen der Struktur...
    Schöne Woche von Ulrike

    1. There is a huge swarm of starlings here, at least 20 birds, I love watching them! Never had them here in winter before. Ups, bin momentan ständig in der falsche Sprache....

  15. I love the dreamy effect you achieved in your painting, which is very appropriate for a Frida Kahlo inspired page. I also love your photographs, especially the one with the anchor in the foreground. Happy New Year, my friend!

  16. Such beautiful colours on your page - and I love those flowers which "arrived"! Your nature photos are amazing again - thanks for sharing them.
    Alison x

  17. Beautiful page-such intense color in the flowers. Spectacular photos of the moon, too!

  18. Love your Frida page, she was such an inspiring woman, much like you are. Beautiful photos too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  19. Your beautiful flower colors represent Frida well! Wonderful page Valerie! xo

  20. oh loved loved the card/painting/stamp really makes me think of fridas work, and your pictures of the bird beside that pot made me want to get out the paints

  21. Beautiful page. I love the flowers in a rainbow of colours. Your B&W sketch is very cleverly rendered.
    Sweet little starlings. They remind of a story I read once called, "Arnie the darling starling".

  22. Wunderschön und farbenfroh! Ganz tolle Seite! Auch deine Fotos sind wieder großartig ... toll die Aufnahmen mit den Staren!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  23. I love your Frieda Page! I had never heard of brusho before so I had to look it up and it does look very interesting. May have to give it a try in the future. Love the Bird photos. We get Starlings at our feeder when it gets really cold here. Haven't seen any yet this year, but this may be the week. Forecast is for very cold weather. :(

  24. Look at that moon! These are fabulous photographs.
    I think the starling is posing for a Mix it Monthly Colourblock painting.
    And really like the way you have painted the flowers and their colourful background.

    1. The moon was wonderful, but it kept me up nearly all night, and the starlings were just too cute for words!

  25. I've just gone out to look for it, but it's hiding.
    At the weekend it seemed to have a pink edging, we remarked on it.

  26. Marvelous moon last night here with the wind blowing through the giant pines in my neighbor's yard. Marvelous color playfulness in your Frida piece. xox

  27. Beautiful atmospheric photos today, super ones of the moon. A fabulous page, loved the flowers picked out in the brusho's.
    Yvonne xx

  28. Love your artwork Valerie. I saw the full moon this morning and it looked as gorgeous as your photos.
    Love the little bird. You must have the best menu in town!!
    You sure clocked a lot of steps too!! Great Job!!

  29. Such a beautiful journal page! The stamping and colors are fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)


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