
Sunday 23 November 2014

Inspired by Paul Klee

Hi Everybody!

I am happy to say we had another day of cold and sunny weather, with blue skies. Such days are really a gift! I spent a lot of time walking around, which means once again that the dreaded H****w**k didn't get done, but I think wet and gloomy days are better for staying home and cleaning.

For Art Journal Journal I have made another page in my Giant Journal, my version of Paul Klee's cat. The paper has a very strong texture, it is a remnant of wallpaper that I found in the recycling bin. There was good 8 yards on the roll, so enough for a lot of paintings! I used acrylics over gesso, and drew the lines with a thick, black felt-pen.

The ducks, gulls and geese were enjoying their  bathing time:

The blue skies reflected in the blue water:

The weather-vane on the basilica was sparkling in the sun:

And the sunset was really magical:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely Valerie as always the photos are gorgeous.xx..great colour combo as always.
    aNNie xxx

    The Journey is the Start

  2. Love your Klee cat in shades of pink, gives it a new look! Beautiful photos, too, you really had nice weather. Have a nice day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wieder ein ganz wunderbares Kunstwerk von dir heute in tollen Farben! Dieses Papier mit der Struktur ist wirklich klasse, wirkt wie Leinwand.
    Auch bei uns ist es heute so sonnig wie bei dir, herrlich!
    Schönen Sonntag noch wünscht dir Ulrike

  4. Wow fantastic artwork and the colours are wonderful. Your photographs are beautiful as well, love them :) I hope you are having a great weekend, Shirleyxx

  5. Du bist mir eine... Tapeten , die andere wegwerfen... wir könnten verwandt sein, mein Mann fragt mich auch schon bei allen Materialien die er wegwirft, ob ich das brauche...hihi..und ja gerade Paul Klee hat ja auch auf allem gemalt was ihm unter die Hände kam..insofern..sind wir anscheinend nicht auf Abwegen, wenn wir recyclen, oder?
    Die Arbeit gefällt mir sehr gut, Du hast Klee's Stil perfekt eingefangen hier!
    Die Fraben mag ich auch!
    Und Deine Fotos sind wieder eine Augenweide ..jedes einzelne!
    Danke Valerie für's Teilen Deiner schönen Sachne mit uns und
    Art Journal Journey bedankt sich im Besonderen!

    1. Ja, die meisten Künstler waren arm, und nahmen was sie bekommen konnten, so wie ich auch!

  6. I recognise this style of artwork Valerie, but I didn't know his name! Beautiful sunset pics, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. xx

  7. I totally agree with you to save the h....w..k for the gloomy days and use those beautiful days for these beautiful walks! Great large artwork journal page! Love those bold reds! Enjoy!

  8. Your Journal page looks great. And your photos are amazing. So glad to hear you've had some nice weather, I LOVE seeing your photos. I really LOVE the sunset shot. So beautiful..


  9. interesting Paul Klee interpretation! And lovely photos today!

  10. Valerie, your Paul Klee cat is also magical along with the beautiful photos. A very unusual sky for sure.


  11. You put that great find of discarded paper to excellent use! Love this piece! Hugs!

  12. Gorgeous abstract art! Love the colour combination and the bold shapes.. X

  13. Love the bold color and drawing of your cat!!! Painting on weird textures can be a challenge at times :)
    LOve the photos and you are right the sunset was mystical and Magic ♥

  14. Hi Valerie, Wouldn't we rather create and be outdoors then do housework?? LOL Love your interesting pop art. The color is cheerful and happy. Lovely walking pics and that sunset is stunning.

  15. That painting looks great, and the pictures are simply beautiful. Who cares about housework when there's so much beauty to see and so much painting to do ...;-)

  16. what a great paul klee so bright and bold, and thanks for showing those great pictures

  17. Das ist echt Klasse und echt Klee!Eine ganz tolle Arbeit und die Fotos sind auch wieder zum Schwärmen.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine shöne neue Woche,
    lG Anja

  18. Another set of magical photos, its like being with you, on your walk.
    Love the journal page with the big, bold shapes and colours.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Glorious photos!!!
    I love your bold pages!

  20. Beautiful photography and I love how you captured Klee's symbolic art!

  21. Amazing artwork and what a great idea to use the wall paper :)Must send Vic up into the loft as I am sure there are some old rolls up there. You are always so inspiring Valerie. Your drawing of the design is wonderful.

    Beautiful photographs and the one of the duck is stunning as it captures the many colours in the feathers.

    Have a great day today

    Love Chrissie x


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