
Monday 24 November 2014

Sunrise, sunset and everything in between.

Hi everybody!

We had a real sun day Sunday here, just wonderful. Such days are really gifts!
I spent a lot of time outside and made the most of it - the H*******K can wait!

Today I was inspired for Art Journal Journey by this picture from Paul Klee - the strong dream.

My version is a little different. I painted my background with black gesso in my giant journal, and used pastel chalks to draw the rest. I drew the moon the other way round, and instead of the dreamer at the bottom, I drew a sleep walker. He was drawn onto white paper, coloured and fussy cut. Sometimes we just need to have a bit of fun!

I was up very early this morning, and watched the day dawning.

I visited Schloss Kalkum, and enjoyed walking around the gardens, watching the ducks, and seeing the reflections of the trees and the castle in the water of the moat.

And this evening I walked along the Rhine and watched the sunset and the night creeping up. All in all, a wonderful day.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad you had a wonderful day, not to be taken for granted for sure! Interesting work from you and Paul Klee. This is certainly an educational series.

  2. Love your fun version of Klee! Very good idea to put the cartoon man against the sombre background! Great photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Ein tolle Idee Paul Klee´s Bild in dieser Art und Weise umzusetzen. Einfach herrlich ... und ein Lächeln meinerseits ist dir gewiß!
    Wunderbare Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  4. Dein Schlafwandler ist der Überhit Valerie! Herrlich!
    Deine Fotos sind wieder wunderschön!
    Ich hoffe Du hast zumindest Sonne heute, wenn ich schon hier in der Nebelsupee sitzen muss!
    Eine schöne neue Woche!

    Art Journal Journey sends you a big hug and says THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

  5. Was für eine mega tolle Interpretation - mir gefällt sie um Längen besser als das Original :-). Hier war es gestern auch sonnig und ich habe einiges an Außendeko für die anstehende Adventszeit gemacht. Deine Fotos sind wird so schön - unglaublich, das in gut 4 Wochen schon Weihnachten sein soll. Meine Mädels haben schon gemeint es könnte zum erste mal sein, das wir auf meinem Geburtstag draußen
    anstoßen können :- -) Gestern saß idh mit einem Kaffe in der Sonne im Garten.

    Komm gut in die neue Woche - liebe Gruesse Dagmar

  6. Amazing art piece and stunning photos too! Here the sun shone all day long too (for once)

  7. Ha, ha, your sleepwalker made me smile and i do love the original painting. I have to say, it's usually the sunny days that push me to do the H*K, it's the sun shining in that shows up all the dust and grubby marks. Have a relaxing Monday. Xx

  8. Ah, I have the advantage of being very short sighted - if I take off my glasses I see no dust at all....

  9. Love the fun take on the artwork Valerie and the strong colours of the background.

    Wow to the wonderful photographs with still lots of Autumn colours around and wonderful skies.

    Have a great day today

    Love Chrissie x

  10. I would love to accompany on your walks along the Rhine. The sights are so inspiring, that I'm not surprised your artwork is always so good. Blessings, my friend!

  11. Your sleepwalker made me smile this morning! Certainly a fun take on Klee's painting. There is still so much color on the trees and I am glad you shared it before all is white.

  12. Das hab ich heute bei diesem trüben Wetter gebraucht, danke fürs Grinsen auf meinem Gesicht Dein Mondmann ist der Kracher, ich liebe ihn, hast du ganz toll gemalt, gratuliere!
    Danke auch für die schönen Fotos. Gestern hatten wir den ganzen Tag blauen Himmel und Sonne satt und heute wirds gar nicht hell, Wetter wie im April!
    Schönen Abend und lG Anja

  13. Oh dear, my comment went astray. Beautiful fall colors in your photos today, Valerie, and your sleep walker is a hoot! Thanks again for sharing.


  14. Fabulous artworks, Valerie! This pieces are amazing with a fun touch, and I love the combination of colours. Beautiful photographs!
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Your art is so entertaining today!! Me thinks I like it better than the original inspiration piece :) Your photos are amazing and so is the fact you gt up so darn early every day!!! I like that you still have si much fall color too. Ours had all faded and blown away :(

  16. Thanks for liking it! I don't get up early because I want to, I just wake up very early and can't get back to sleep!

  17. What a great day in your photos, I enjoyed it too. The sunset is fabulously coloured.
    Love your sleepwalker, what a character, cleverly drawn.

  18. Da hat dich aber heute der Schalk geritten mit dem Schlafwandler, echt witzig!
    So gerne würde ich auch noch was für AJJ schaffen, denn jeden Abend schlafe ich mit einem Künstler ein - doch momentan sind zu viel andere Dinge zu erledigen.

    ... und wieder wunderbare goldene Impressionen von deinem Walk, wow!
    Heute werden wir die erste richtig kalte Nacht bekommen, so sind jetzt auch meine letzten Blumen drinnen.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  19. Hi Valerie, oh this is fun. Love your work and yes, the housework can wait when it's so nice outside. We will have enough bad weather soon enough to keep us indoors.
    Beautiful walking pics. Love the sunrise and set!!

  20. Loved your version of the painting especially that sleep walker.
    Yvonne x

  21. Wonderful, wonderful journal page and what a chuckle I had!


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