
Saturday 22 November 2014

Frost, blue skies and more....

Hi Everybody!

Today (Friday) was a great day weather wise - it was very cold, with a thick layer of ground frost in the early morning, but the sun shone all day, and I was able to walk around a lot and really enjoyed myself! The birds are evidently feeling the cold and are extra hungry, so I had lots of visitors, large and small at the feeder and at the fat-balls.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the masters, I am showing a painting I made when I was at school in London, back in 1962, when I was 15. Our theme was also being inspired by famous painters, and I chose Henri Rousseau. It was painted in A2 size on paper using water colours.  My art teacher thought it was 'interesting'. My class teacher was disgusted, and wrote on the back that I was wasting my time, resources and talents, and was on the best way to becoming depraved! Well, I think she would probably say the same about some of the things I make today....

Today  started off with a beautiful sky before sunrise:

The frost was thick white on the stubble of the corn field:

Sunrise was wonderful:

The frost was still visible  when I went out for my first walk:

The skies were blue:

And the sunset at the Rhine in the evening was splendid:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. your photos are stunning today Valerie! wow. And some teachers can be so mean! The work looks fine to me, very mature for 15.

  2. HI Val, good morning. I love it, a very lively and interesting painting, with lots of quirky details, it is a fun take on Rousseau! Your photos are wonderful, looks like a beautiful day. Love the frosty ones. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi from OZ Valerie...LOVE this it's gorgeous, colours design it...and your photos finish my Saturday off...coming on evening

    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

    1. Saturday is just starting here, been watching the sunrise and the birds while I drink my coffee!

  4. Well your art teacher hadn't a clue I reckon. I bet she is long gone or I would have written to her and told her how much pleasure many of us get from your artwork. Rant over! I think the piece is brilliant with a great sense of fun.

    Terrific photographs today--just had to fetch Vic to look at them and he said a big 'WOW'

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. DIe Lehrerin war nicht wirklich kompetent denk ich mal....
    es ist ein tolles Werk ...und ich weiss nicht warum, aber ich denke bei diesem Bild an Rilkes Gedicht
    "Der Panther" obwohl das gar kein Panther ist!
    Die Natur-Auffnahmen sind sensationell -- in das erste Bild bin ich ganz verliebt!
    Hab einen tollen Tag Val!
    Susi und

    1. Ja, ich mag nicht solche schöne Tiere eingesperrt zu sehen, sie gehören nicht in Käfig!

  6. Last two photos are beautiful Val. Sky sunsets are magnificent! Wow!

    Your arts is pretty good for that age.

  7. A gorgeous page Valerie, so colourful. Really beautiful photos too.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  8. What beautiful frosty pics Valerie, it hasn't been that cold here yet. I had to smile at your teachers' comments, my daughter is 15 and her art teacher infuriates her when she tries to interfere in her work!

  9. Beautiful photos and art. Big hugs, ~Diane

  10. Love your art from the past!!! The teachers comments were so typical of that period in time and today would probably get the teacher reprimanded severely if not dismissed. At least here in the U.S. Love your photos the sunrise and sunsets are so colorful and rich. Frost always makes beautiful photos and your's are true to form . Have a great day my friend ♥

    1. True, I would never have dared to speak to any of my students like our teachers used to speak to us!

  11. What an awful teacher. I too had a terrible art teacher who always had a collection of paintings from the class he would stick on the wall to criticise, mine were often up there.
    Your painting is full of interest and captures the attention. I love those sun rises and sunsets, they are even more spectacular at this time of year, the colours so deep and beautiful.

  12. A brilliant piece of art, what did your art teacher know about art I wonder.
    At least it didn't stop your creativity and flair for the subject.
    Loved the photos as well today.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Hi Valerie, I love your work from art class. For 15 years old, it is really well done and how awful of a teacher to be discouraging. Anyone can see the talents you already were blessed with. Gorgeous walking pics today too. The frost on that leaf is beautiful.

    Have a wonderful day and blessings always.

  14. Ein außergewöhnlich interessantes Frühwerk einer tollen Künstlerin! Wie toll, dass du es aufgehoben hast.
    Du hast mehr Sonne, aber auch mehr Frost... hier war nur das Dach gegenüber etwas weiß überhaucht.

    ... dann werde ich mal Ausschau nach deinem verlorenen Handschuh halten!
    LG Ulrike

  15. Gosh, I love this, Valerie, it has so much of interest and it all holds together too. What crazy teachers we had, especially the art ones who seemed to have no interest in making art or encouraging art-making. I'm giving you 10/10 and a special gold star for the buildings and the advertising board with the cute tiger. And I've just gone back and spotted the man dancing on top of the building, what good fun.

  16. How sad that the teachers back then did little to encourage students to develop their art. Love those frosty leaves!

  17. I didn't tell you how much I like your journal page - it reminds me of that tiger that jumped through someone's roof in India. But you have him safely back in his cage - no wonder that building is for sale!!!


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