
Sunday 19 October 2014

Joint Venture and blue skies

Hi everybody!
Happy Sunday!

This piece is a joint venture made with a little girl, Sally, who I looked after for an afternoon this week while her grandmother had an appointment. She enjoyed making this page for 'Deep in the forest' at Art  Journal Journey. She chose colours which I would perhaps not have used, but they are her favourites The paper (and my kitchen floor) were sprayed well with a pink spray. Then she chose 'Dark peony' fluid chalk ink and I showed how how to rub it into the cracks of the CWS stencil. I held the stencil, so my fingers got to be the same colour! When it was dry she looked through my bit boxes to find nice things to put into the forest. She made up the owls from a decoupage kit, and the fairy was one I stamped some time back for a challenge and did not use. I helped her with the mushrooms, and showed her how to use my Big Shot, with which she cut TH's bird branch. She spent the rest of the afternoon cutting images with the Big Shot, and took them home with her when she went, so she was a happy bunny. It was fun working with her!

We had a golden October day here, with wonderful blue skies, which looked really magical. I spent a lot of time outdoors walking round and taking photos. Here are some impressions.

Morning sunrise:

Blue skies:

The castle ruins -
Can you see the little crescent moon at the top left?

And the evening sky


  1. How wonderful to be able to share your talent with the next generation Valerie-I bet you had a great time.

    Love the photographs with the amazing colours in sky and the silhouettes against them.

    Have a beautiful day today

    Love Chrissie x


  2. Wonderful photos and a fun journal page, glad you had some 'help'. Nice weather here too, but we didn't get out much as the baby is still a bit cranky with getting her teeth! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Very nice pink interpritation on the theme. All little girls love pink and I'm sure she enjoyed being with doing this.
    Yesterday was here a sunny day, today it's raining.
    Happy Sunday to you Valerie!

  4. What a beautiful piece of Art that both of you created. It's so much fun to craft with someone and share ideas. Stunning pictures as always Valerie, the shades of the evening sky looks just like a painting. Sorry for my lack of comments recently. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Well I bet Sally can't wait to come visit you again! Love her dancing owls, such a happy page. Glorious pics, have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  6. What a sweet page. I love her pink forest. You have pink floors now eh? Happy Sunday. 😄

  7. I have just enjoyed the most wonderful journey into your part of the world...wowow that sunrise is spectacular. Lovely images used on your fabulous page, my kinda colours and style used.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Diese Mädchen scheint ein großes Basteltalent zu sein und Du bist höchstwahrscheinlich eine begnadetet Werklehrerin, wenn da so ein tolles Bild entstanden ist! Deine Fotos sind wieder himmlisch!
    AJJ dankt Deiner kleinen Freundin und Dir ganz ♥lichst!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag Val!

    1. Sie ist ein kluges Ding, und versteht alles auf Anhieb, macht Spaß mit ihr zu werkeln!

  9. I think she chose great colours, love the owls! What a beautiful shot of the sunset! happy Sunday :)

  10. I love the colors she chose--you know purple is my favorite! The owl couple are really colorful, too. I'd walk in that happy forest anytime!

    Beautiful sunrise shots!

  11. I hope you'll tell Sally that I think this is absolutely fantastic, love the trees and owls, especially the one dancing, and the pink colour scheme. When is she coming back, can she do another one for AJJ?
    And again, I love your sky photos, the last one is outstanding and gives the feeling of colder Autumn.

    1. Yes, I will. She's a clever little girl, and fun to be with, albeit a trifle exhausting with her unbounding energy!

  12. I can see that Sally had a lovely time with you, its a super page and those owls look so cute. bet she wants to visit you again soon.
    Yvonne xx

  13. It looks like the two of you had great fun making this fabulous journal page, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Hi Valerie, What a darling creation you and Sally designed together. What fun you two had. Your October views are gorgeous. Love that red sky!

  15. What a fun page and I love her color choices !!!! Great photos again.... love the one with the bird...what is that it's setting on? Such beautiful sky shots today.... No sunrise for me I slept in til 11:00 am today which is not a good thing :(

    1. The bird is sitting on one of the red-white poles along the Rhein which are markings for the shipping. The cormorants always sit on the top.

  16. Eure Gemaeinschafts-Seite sieht total schön aus, der Hintergrund ist ganz zauberhaft geworden und die kleine Elfe und die Eulchen passen perfekt dazu. Deine Fotos sind ja wieder ein Traum, dieser Sonnenuntergang ist klasse eingefangen. Ich liebe diese Abendstimmungen auch sehr.
    Hab eine schöne neue Woche,liebe Grüße

  17. I think that is so sweet of you to let Sally pick her favorite colors! I love the page and all the magic! Great photos as always. Hope your Sunday was fabulous. Hugs!

  18. Lovely work by Sally in her own special style! Wonderful October photos!

  19. so sweet and charming
    wonderful photographs

  20. I think the child has oodles of talent! This journal page is whimsical and FUN! And I really like the colors. You made this child's day Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  21. Sounds like you had a great time and so did she! Lovely piece, love the cute little owls. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Nee, was für eine schnuffige Seite - gefällt mir sehr :)

  23. Das ist wunderschön und zauberhaft! Und diese Eulen ... einfach goldig! Es war sicher sehr schön, mit deiner kleiner Freundin zusammen etwas zu basteln!
    Deine Fotos sind einfach großartig ... ein Genuss sie zu Betrachten!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette


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