
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Forest, fungi and thirsty horses

Hi everybody!

We had a mixed bag of weather today - wind, rain, sunshine, clouds, but it could have been worse. I enjoyed my walks, managed to do the laundry in between, looked after  the granddaughter of an ex-colleague for a couple of hours, and found time to do some crafting and painting myself this evening, so I didn't get bored....

Last week an 8x8" canvas fell off the wall, and scared the life out of me, as I was watching a thriller at the time. I suppose it would have been worse in the middle of the night. Anyway, it was one with lots of bits and bobs on it, which all fell off,  so I re-used it for this week. I think it is the third time it has been re-worked. I gave it a coat of paint, using metallic blues, greens, purple and rust. The background was already embossed using a CWS stencil and embossing paste.  I die cut the trees using the TH branch tree, painted the left one with rust and silver, and the right one, made from corrugated card, has been painted with rust and embossed with Frantage in gold and copper. I added more seed beads to replace those that fell off and rolled under all the furniture in my living room, and splodged some gold ink on for the moon. I made the foliage on the trees with gilding flakes. Added a few dew drops and stars, and that was it - 'houses in the dark forest'. I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and to Susi's wonderful Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest.

Today started off well with a lovely sunrise:

I love the changing colours everywhere:

Lots of fungi are popping up all over the place.

This one is a brown fly agaric, next to a tram stop.

And the horses had managed to reduce the pile of hay they had   since yesterday, and were busy drinking out of the old bath tub today:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, love your canvas, the forest scene is very pretty. I would like to live in a little house in the forest, too!. Great photos, those toadstools look poisonous! Have a nice evening, or good night, as the case may be Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your canvas forest looks dark and mysterious but the houses look warm and inviting with their lights on. Fabulous fungus pics and I really live those red leaves on the wall. Xx}

  3. wow, great that you had to re-work this, it looks even better I'm sure.

  4. Deine Fotos sind mal wieder atemberaubend schön - so tolle Herbstfarben, klasse. Grusel.... bei einem Thriller ein herunterfallender Keilrahmen, das stelle ich mir wirklich nicht hitverdächtig vor :D Klasse wie du ihn erneut verwandelt hast. Das Ergebnis gefällt mir.

  5. Fabulous! Love the cool trees specially! Oh and the new blog background looks great to, I thought for a moment I was on the wrong blog lol.... Great Autumnal photos too, love those mushrooms!

  6. Great new look on your blog Valerie. Its a fantastic canvas, lovely rich colours.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Wowowowow!!!!! I love this piece!!!! One of your best.

  8. Gorgeous Mixed Media piece, so much detailing!! Love it!!

  9. Was für ein wunderbarer Canvas- tja bei Keilrahmen ist es anscheiend wie bei Menschen...umso mehr sie erlebt haben um so mehr Charakter zeigen sie! Die Naturaufnehmen sind großartig und
    ich danke ♥lichst im Namen der AJJ Reisegruppe liebe Val!
    Hab nen tollen Tag nach der "happy bight" !

  10. Gorgeous in all ways and design....lovely textures used as

    The Journey is the Start

  11. Großartiges Bild! So schöne Strukturen und Farben! Eine wunderbare Komposition! Deine Fotos sind auch wieder wunderschön!
    LG, LonettA

  12. Amazing photographs Valerie with such wonderful colours for us to admire.

    The renewed canvas is wonderful and I hope it behaves from now on--what a shock for it to fall off the wall.

    Have a good day and I hope your weather is a lot better than ours--rain, wind and darkness so far:(

    Love Chrissiex

    1. Same weather here, it will be a raincoat and wellies day!

  13. Your reworked canvas is gorgeous, I love all the different textures.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Wow, your canvas is mysterious and there are so many wonderful effects and textures.
    Your pgotos are great as always, thanks for sharing them.
    Here it didn't rain but it's could and windy day.
    Hugs, xxx

  15. Love the additions to your painting. What bad timing for it to fall off the wall, but it does make a good story. Hope your weather is better and doesn't hold you back.

  16. Don't you just hate it when our walls reject our art? Just kidding, of course! I love how you re-worked the piece! I am really enjoying all the fungi--they are much larger and varied than any I have seen here.

  17. Great job with the canvas Valerie, I just love the corrugated elements! It's so tactile, I want to touch it! I love the two pics of the horses. If I didn't know better, I would say you copied and pasted the horse to make two of them for the second image...what a fabulous set of images! hugs :)

    1. Ha! I wouldn't know hot to clone a horse, taking photos is easier!

  18. Valerie, it is fun to see how you can take a canvas previously used and completely change it into a new piece of art. Adding the seed beads at the bottom is very clever and I plan to copy that when I go to club on Monday. We will be doing canvas art which will take two meetings to complete. The fungi is a bit scary and most unusual as I've never seen anything similar. Can't wait to see what you do for Deep in the Forest tomorrow.


  19. Hi Valerie, well I guess it was better then a bump in the night when your work fell off the wall. You designed something very grand however and I love this new piece.
    Love your walking pics, the sky is gorgeous and I like the leaf vine on the brick wall.
    You sure must be having a lot of moisture to get all those mushrooms. They are very interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  20. Love the remake of the canvas!!!! Your photos are once again great ♥ I love all of the different fungi! Me thinks I might try a walk in the woods today to see what I can find.... we finally have SUNSHINE ♥♥♥♥

  21. Spooky story about the picture falling, that must have made you jump. Maybe it's the ghost having a bit of a laugh.
    Your houses in the forest look very friendly, I don't think we have had many houses yet, and your forest looks very deep and dark. I like the splashes of pink.
    Wonderful skyscapes again and I love all the other photos too.

    1. The ghost did not laugh, she got a fright as well!

  22. A beautiful book, love the mixture of textures.
    I enjoyed your photos as well!

  23. Dein Werk ist dir wunderbar gelungen, es ist so viel darin zu entdecken!
    ... aber wo findest du nur den Platz all deine vielen Kunstwerke aufzuhängen! Du bist ja immer unermüdlich kreativ!
    Gestern habe ich auf dem Spaziergang auch tolle Pilze entdeckt, Parasole - abends sind sie in meiner Pfanne gelandet, richtig lecker.
    Von deinen fotografierten Pilze sind wohl nur die ersten essbar.

    Von mir wirst du wohl erst in einer Woche wieder hören, weil ich jetzt erst mal weg bin. Das wird eine aufregende Woche mit hoffentlich weiterhin so warmem Wetter.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

    1. Heute hab such auch Parasole fotografiert....aber night gegessen.

  24. Valerie it really feels like Autumn here and I love it all so much, this forest is wonderful, so much to look at and enjoy, a magical forest! I also love all your other beautiful posts and photos you share. That witch piece is a favourite, just great, such fun visiting you again!

  25. What wonderful canvas, Valerie! I love the trees and all amazing textures. Great job!
    Beautiful photos too. Hugs, Mar

  26. Love all your pictures. One of those mushrooms looks like a piece of pottery! 'As always Valerie, your canvas is fantastic and it does look like houses deep in the woods. Perhaps gremlins live there!
    Sandy xx

  27. Great reworked piece...looks very spooky and the texture and colours!!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. Whoa, that piece is incredible, great job on it! Happy PPF too!

  29. Too funny the artwork jumped off the wall to volunteer to be reworked! Love what you worked up. Well done.

  30. Wow,dein canvas ist wunderschön,es gibt soviel zu endecken,tolle strukturen und farben.
    deine naturbilder sind großartig..
    hab einen tollen tag.

    GLG Jeannette

  31. wow! But you reworked it beautifully!
    Art can be pain! :)

  32. Autumn colors in this beautiful photos, great tones !! Wonderful butterfly!

  33. your gorgeous forest scene reminds me of the Hansel and Gretel fairytale! Beautiful photos of the autumn sightings too.

  34. Gorgeous piece, love the eyes in the forest too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  35. What a great place to be inspired to create! Your muse is alive and kicking butt. Great works!

  36. Well they say third times the charm, or something like that. On your third picture of your artwork I saw a young woman in the pink and bronze. It's a beautiful piece. Hopefully it will stay put this time. And as always I love seeing your pictures of your world, just beautiful! Hugs, Rasz #56

  37. Great layers and photos and I shouldnt laugh about the canvas falling off the wall in the middle of a scary movie..ha ha

  38. I adore those spotted mushrooms. I have a soft spot for mushrooms--your photos are amazing! I also love your artwork--so sorry you had to rework this piece. But what a funny story lies behind that reworking! Thank you for sharing.

  39. Oh I love your photographs this week, so beautiful!

  40. Nice work! I love the tree and little houses. Great colors too. Scary, it falling off the wall like that. Spooky :) Love the pics from your walk. Especially the much fun!

    Thanks for sharing! Happy Paint Party Friday :)
    Tam Hess

  41. Stunningly beautiful piece. I love your color choices and how well it all fits together. really well done. And, alot of beautiful photos as well. Thanks for sharing all this beauty.

  42. haha, while you were watching a thriller!? No wonder it scared the life out of you ;-) So interesting to read where this painting comes from, love all the texture and the little drops.

  43. A grand reworking of your piece & it is gorgeous! Please be sure to secure it safely to prevent future frights!


  44. I love the 'new' mixed media painting, but if it doesn't like it, look for it to fall again, lol. Cute story. I use to get right out of bed if I heard something fall (I did night before last) and now it's, I'll take care of it in the a.m. No worries. Love the pic of the horse. They are beauties. Blessings, Janet PPF


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