
Monday 20 October 2014

Deep in the forest again....

Hi everybody!

We had another wonderful and sunny October Sunday here, and I spent a lot of time outside, making the best of it. Hope your weekend was good, too. We have a storm front on the way bringing wind, cooler temperatures and rain for a few days, but we have to take it as it comes, and cherish the good days!
I was pleased to see that I was chosen for the spotlight again at Simon Says Monday Challenge Autumn.

Today I have another page for Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest.
I used the larger version of the CWS stencil which was used in yesterday's journal page. This page has been made in my A3 journal. I painted the background with grey acrylic, and then stenciled the trees over it in white. The idea for the little verse about the fairy queen came to me a few days ago, and I wrote it down, and collaged bits and bobs to my journal page to fit to it.
I am also linking to Craftroom challenge, make your own background.

At Schloss Kalkum the ducks were enjoying being fed:

I enjoyed the shadow play of the leaves:

This is the crest over the main entrance:

And as usual, the combination of the old walls, trees and the beautiful reflections are very pleasing to look at.

Afterwards I walked to visit the brown cattle, who were once again dozing in the sun. That's my shadow falling into the picture.

The skies were once again magical:

In the afternoon the darker clouds rolled through:

Have a good start in the week you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal page Valerie. The verse is fabulous and suits the theme on your page. Love all the attention to detail, you are so very talented. Great Pictures, especially for this time of year. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Neben der wundervollen Seite mit dem tollen Gedicht ( kein Wunder dass Du besser schlafen kannst als mit all dem HalloweenGeistergrusel der letzten Tage -lach) präsentierst DU uns noch sagenhafte Herbstimpressionen von Deiner Kamera! Ich bin begeistert... die braunen Kühe scheinen auch mit mir verwandt zu sein, die faulen Stü
    knuddel und einen schönen Wochenbeginn- die richtige EInstellung hast DU sowieso..
    Du nimmst die Tage wie sie kommen!
    lieben Dank für die weitere geniale Seite zu AJJ!

    1. Ja, ein Bisschen faule Kuh Dasein waere ab und zu schoen.

  3. congrats on being spotlighted at SSS !!!!

  4. Hi Val, love your Fairy forest page and poem, magically beautiful. It's a nice thought that there is a place where those in need can hide. Great photos, too, those cows are soooo sweet. Do you know what breed they are? Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Wow,deine seite ist ganz große klasse,und die bilder sind fantastisch,die kühe haben es gut,brauchen keinen sport zu machen die faulen stücke *gg*
    ich wünsch dir eine tolle woche,liebe valerie.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Fabulous photographs especially the reflections and shadow. Love the one with the shadow on the tree bark--it looks like natures tattoo. Difficult to choose just one favourite today as I love all of them a lot.

    The page is very beautiful and the verse makes me want to be there.

    Hope today is ok and not too windy and wet. We have the same forecast but not until tomorrow so we will wait and see eh?

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Oh I love your journal page today Valerie, the cool winter background with the happy colourful images. Fabulous photos too, love the bridge reflection. We have another calm day here today but we're expecting stormy weather tomorrow so that's sure to blow a lot more leaves off the trees. Enjoy your Monday. Xx

  8. Fabulous journal page, Valerie! Gorgeous pics also.

  9. I love the background and verse on your wonderful journal page, thank you for sharing it with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Wonderful trees, love them. All images are beautiful and your fairy tale charming. Love your gorgeous photos, too.
    Have a great week, hugs xxx

  11. Congratulations on your spotlight again at Simon Says Stamp!! You deserve it, your autumn pieces are so gorgeous! Love your deep forest piece, it's very mystical! Beautiful walk you had today, the cows have it good, yeah! lol hugs :)

  12. Hi Valerie, your Forest Queen page is amazing, the background and collage and your verse are beautiful! I hope you have a good week. It's dreary and cool here, seems more like November than October. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  13. I am very taken with your mysterious Forest Queen artwork, the background seems to be all crunchy and glistening with broken bits of ice. I absolutely love the look of Schloss Kalkum and your lovely reflection photos. I must visit it the next time I am in Germany. Happy PPF x

  14. Another great journal page :) Love all of the photos you shared today too.... today's favs are the tree with the moss and leaf shadows;the reflection shot with the bridge; love that statue and the close of the cow setting in the sun. Have a great week!! We are supposed to have a warm and sunny week here... keeping my fingers crossed.

  15. The background for your journal page is outstanding. I love the effect of the trees, Valerie. Enjoyed your walk today and the beautiful green countryside. We, too, are expecting rain this week but for today it is bright and sunny.


  16. Gorgeous photos and a lovely journal page. I love your poem. I can picture the gentle forest party at night.

  17. Fabulous journal page! I think one of your best. We know you are an artist and a wonderful photographer and now we add writer to the list. Love the sentiment - now I am ready to move to your woods.
    I like rainy days too Valerie. Time for hot tea and stew!
    Sandy xx

  18. Another wonderful page. loved the verse. The photos again looked so good, fantastic reflections in the water.
    Yvonne xx

  19. What a lovely peaceful forest with people and birds gathered there and I really like your poem, it's such a happy poem and happy art.
    My favourite photos today are the ones of the bridge and the blue ducks.

  20. Another terrific page and beautiful images. I really love the background trees and great composition. And congratulations on your spotlight at Simon Says Stamp, Valerie!
    Hugs Mar

  21. Congrats, you really do deserve the accolades! Great background piece, love the pretty flowers and images you added too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Hi Valerie, Congrats on your spotlight feature. You so deserve it. Love your journal page today.Great details. Your walking pics are wonderful. I love the faces of the sweet cows. Those eyelashes are gorgeous!!
    Hugs XO

  23. Wieder so tolle Fotos*schmacht* und Deine Seite is auch ganz großes Kino!
    Ich wünsch Dir ene schöne Woche,
    lG Anja

  24. Deine Journalseite ist wunderschön und gefällt mir mal wieder ausgesprochen gut. Tolle Leuchtkraft auf deinen Fotos, super Herbststimmung hast du eingefangen.

  25. Wonderful artwork, it looks rather magical :) Lovely photos too, they cheered me up! Thank you :) xx

  26. Lovely page and photos! Take care with that upcoming storm!

  27. my oh my, the photos here today, your work, wow, its all amazing,

  28. Diese Seite ist einfach wunderbar! Tolle Komposition und dieses kleine Gedicht dazu ... so schön! Wunderbare Fotos!
    LG, Annette

  29. Fabulous page, beautiful creation!
    Thank you for sharing at Craft-Room Challenge;-))m

  30. What an amazing collection of images! Wonderful!

  31. Your wonderful dreamland fantasy works wonderfully as a page matched by your lovely photos I found that each enhanced the other in my eye. Thank you for sharing the magic with us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  32. Dear Valerie ~ what you wrote is beautiful...I thought it was a poem from a book!
    Your page is full of magic and loveliness too.
    Lovely photos today as always...that reflection photo of the bridge is WOW.
    (((hugs))) from rainy wet Virginia

  33. What a perfectly delightful enchanted forest you have created. I bet that little one so enjoyed playing with all those ducks. Great photos. The clouds seem ever so spectacular this Autumn. xox

  34. Came across your blog on Craftroom Challenge, which I don't believe I've been to before. I have seen your blog in the past, and am a huge fan of your photography. I just had to comment on your beautiful journal page, as I just completed a birthday card for my husband using the same stencil. I was thinking of linking it up here, and think that would be ok, since we have used a completely different technique. I was just so shocked when I saw your work! It is beautiful!

  35. Another fabulous background Valerie and its lovely to have you share with us at CRC

    Hugs Annie x

  36. Gorgeous and magical journal page. Your photos are stunning too. Big hugs, ~Diane


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