
Friday 27 June 2014

Contrast Programme

Hi everybody!

I am still busy wondering where the day goes, it is already 4 pm here, and I have almost nothing to show for it. Either the hours now have less minutes in them or I am getting slower!

Today I have a contrast programme to my piece from yesterday with the delicate lavender, grey and plum shades. I had some very strange dreams this week, spraying walls with graffiti in the London Underground, yikes, I have no idea how that idea got into my head. Anyway, I have made a mixed media journal page, very much reminiscent of revolution, with a picture on a brick-wall. This was a digital combination of various elements, and coloured with  oil pastels, water colours and gel pens. Sometimes it's fun just to do something different!
I still remember one quote from him, "We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it"
The quote I have written on the page is from Simon and Garfunkel's 'sounds of silence'

 A view of the basilica taken from the Rhine tow-path:

The flower shop:
(the Rhine flows at the bottom of the road)

The path through the park:

My fave horses:

Is he eating leaves?

Still clearing up after the big storm:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal page, this reminds me of demos in Trafalgar Square! Great photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great photos and brilliant designed love how you create and your style is awesome...yep I live in Koala and Kangaroo land lol....a true blue Australian...cheers, ♥aNNie xxxx

  3. wow wie cool?!
    Na DU bist ne richtige Revoluzzerin in Deinen Träumen!

    tolle Impressionsaufnahmen!
    Happy PPF!
    Happy weekend ---

    also die Zeit ist wirklich immer zu schnell alle..
    drum hab ich mir jetzt im Angebot
    1000 Extrastunden Zeit bei Amazon Creative Zine
    mach das doch auch!

    1. Ja, da kommt meine wilde Jugendzeit durch!

  4. This brings up lots of connotations and memories of times gone by: demos, musicals, political awareness, etc. Great artwork to make us think.

  5. Very effective art work, Valerie! I love the music piece which inspired you, and Che was a brave man, indeed. Lovely photos, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  6. Love the art! I almost named my daughter after him. The pictures are lovely as usual and the horse seems to be enjoying the tree leaves or perhaps small bites of unripened fruits if it's a fruit tree ♥

  7. Sorry to be mia Valerie! Really lovely artwork and love those horse pics - especially the one eating leaves.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

    1. Yes, I stood and watched him for some time.

  8. Wow, ein brilliantes Werk. Deine Fotos sind wieder super gelungen

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.

  9. Fabulous Art Valerie. Beautiful pictures too. Love the Flower shop. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Wow this is gorgeous! Love what you did here! ~Diane

  11. Deine Seite ist total klasse geworden.
    liebe Grüße

  12. Deine Seite ist total klasse geworden.
    Liebe Grüße

  13. What a great piece - love the revolution theme with Che - don't know why - must be having an inner revolution myself. :o) WANT the pinto. hugs, Donna

  14. Dreams can really be so strange and make you think!! Wonderful work of art! I could almost feel myself walking though that beautiful part. Beautiful photos! Have a great weekend.

  15. Wow, deine Journalseite ist der Hit, sie gefällt mir mega gut.

  16. Your dreams seem to be very vivid and thought provoking. Its a fantastic page It brought memories for me as well. Have a good weekend
    Yvonne xx

  17. Strange dreams, I can relate.....wonderful way to illustrate them in your work....xox

  18. Lovely contrast piece and the weather looks great in your photos.

  19. Fantastic piece Valerie, wonderfully different and nostalgic and fabulous photos again xx

  20. A fab piece Valerie and I just know what you mean about time! This brought back many teenage memories for me, I was a huge fan of Che (in fact I thik I robably had a crush, specially on those soul ful eyes...)
    Wonderful photos like always!

  21. Wow,deine Seite ist wirklich mega klasse und gefällt mir irre gut.
    ich hab mich ja früher von Demos immer fern gehalten,ich mochte das nie richtig,bin halt ein schisser *grins*du hast ja echt wilde träume *lach*aber ich träume hin und wieder auch ganz wilde Sachen.
    deine bilder sind wider herrlich,das pferd das von den blättern nascht ist mein heutiger favorit.
    ich war gesertn schwimmen und es war sooo toll,ich geh einmal in der woche für 2 std. schwimmen,meine kondition wird auch immer besser,stück für stück,nachher fahren wir mit dem Radel ans Wasser,aber erst muss ich einkaufen,möchte morgen eine Eiskaffee-Sahne torte backen,yummy,man muss sich auch mal was gönnen,oder??
    wünsch dir einen schönen samstag :-) GLG Jeannette

    1. Heute gehe ich auch nicht mehr hin zu Demos, die Leute sind zu gewaltbereit, aber als jung war, war ich sehr oft dabei. Freut mich dass du fleißig trainierst!

  22. Boah, Deine Mixed media Journal page ist ja echt toll geworden! So eine tolle Idee mit der Digitalen Kombination zu experimentieren und die Wirkung ist sagenhaft! - Hach und die schönen Fotos wieder!!! Vor dem Anker Denkmal auf Deinem ersten Bild habe ich als Kind auch schon gestanden. Deine Fotos bringen mir immer die allerschönsten Erinnerungen zurück :) Vielen Dank!

  23. This fabulous Valerie :-) wonderful images in a great style. TFS and best wishes
    Annie x

  24. Deine Träume *lach*, super wenn die so inspirierend sind. Deine Seite finde ich so richtig Klasse, die Gestaltung ist toll gemacht. Auch deine Fotos sind wieder so schön, es gibt immer so viel zu sehen, man muss nur mit offenen Augen durch die Natur streifen und wie gut wenn dann die Kamera immer dabei ist.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    lg Uli

  25. Hi Kindred...awesome. Beautiful work and visually the colors too!
    Gorgeous photos...always a dreamy adventure...thank you for sharing it!!

  26. Your graffiti art is fabulous, strange where inspiration comes from.

  27. Your art is very beautiful. Like the way it looks like a real wall.
    Happy paper saterday.
    Liefs, Melanie

  28. Wonderful post. I love the photos. Horses are my favorite.

  29. What a fabulous page Valerie. What funny dreams you've had. I wonder where these random subjects eminate from. The mind is a many complexed thing.
    Beautiful pictures. I love to see brick buildings, the colour is just so warm to me. Most places here are concrete blocks. Dull and ugly. Although the historic buildings in Aberdeen, 'the granite city' are the same colour, they are much cleaner looking.and more pleasing to my eye. The flower shop looks well stocked and the horses well cared for :o)

  30. I love this piece that came from your strange dream - and Simon and Garfunkle are a favorite of mine - I pretty know the lyrics to that song by heart. You are a very versatile artist - love to see what you are doing week to week!

  31. Great page Valerie, really this is an artwork. I like your creativity.
    Hugs, Mar

  32. Hi Valerie, your work is amazing. Love your journal page, the color and the artwork. One never knows what a dream can produce!!
    Lovely pics and the horse reaching for the leaves is unique!
    Happy Sunday!

  33. Ah, yes! I'm glad you tried something different with your art journal. Beautiful photos!

  34. Love your artwork. Dreams can be inspiring! x

  35. Where you live is beautiful. I love horses too. The artwork brought back memories. Blessings, Janet PPF

  36. Hi Valerie, I am sorry I am so late this week and that I never made an appearence last week. Life is a little hectic for me at the moment. Happy belated Paper Saturdays.


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