
Sunday 29 June 2014

A Sunday walk round town

Hi everybody,
here's wishing you all a good Sunday.

Yesterday I talked to the lady who owns the beautiful horses that I like to photograph. She says they live outside on their meadows from March till November, and really flourish there. They get checked on daily, have shelter under the trees, and live a half-wild life there, which they all seem to love. It really is a  paradise for horses.

I don't know what the crows were picking at, but they were very irritated when I came nearer, and flew off screeching.

I see the farmer in his green tractor nearly every day, it's a busy time cutting and bailing the hay.

The wild flowers are always a joy to see, they have so much energy.

 I have no idea what these little red insects are, but the white flowers were covered with them.

This ladybird was also busy....

As was the bee:

The swan seems to have taken up residence on the shore by the castle ruins:

I need to be out and about early just now to find the lanes so peaceful, as busloads of tourists are coming for day-trips just now.

Saint Swidbert, the patron and founder of our town is represented with many little statues, here shown on 2 houses in the Church Close.

Here's wishing you all a peaceful and happy Sunday, take care, 
and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Wunderbare Impressionen Valerie!
    Bei uns hier (300m entfernt) haben wir auch Offenstallhaltung.. die sind das ganze Jahr da...
    ca 12 verschiedene Pferde (ist eine private Stallgemeinschaft)und ein Ziege ( Lily) die denkt sie ist auch ein
    sie können in der Nacht rein... das ist eine ganz dicke Art Decke beim Stalleingang..
    manche ( sie haben da natürlich verschiedene Rassen) zum Beispiel die Isländer... sagten sie mir bleiben auch im tiefsten Winter oft sogar in der Nacht gerne draußen... die haben manchmal eine richtige Schneedecke auf ihrem Fell.. die fühlen sich aber zum Beispiel nur im Winter so richtig pferdewohl--kriegen extrem dichtes Fell dann.

    Ich drück Dich -- Du hast Schmerzen?

    baldige Besserung!

    1. Danke, heute ist schlimm mit den Schmerzen!

  2. Hi Val, love the photos! You have such a good eye. Sorry ou are not feeling good, take it easy, and have a restful day. Hugs, sarah

  3. Good Morning Valerie. What a lovely few minutes meandering through your village with you telling us the story. Aren't those beautiful horses well looked after. Love all the wild flowers, even the Scottish Thistle. Enjoy your Sunday . Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Hi my lovely friend, love these pictures of God's creation. The horses are extremely healthy and your beautiful flowers are divine to view...My sunday is almost over...cheers, ♥aNNie xx

  5. I know I have said this before but you just live in the most beautiful part of the world! Or maybe it is your artist's eye and brilliant photography skills that bring it to life.......? This is an extraordinary set of photos Valerie, I am in complete awe, - you should make a book, or how about a calendar with your amazing photos? I for one would love to purchase it. Looking at your photos always takes me to what I like to call "my happy place". Have a wonderful Sunday my friend!!

  6. A great productive walk, the photos are really fabulous.
    Have a lovely sunday and take care of yourself Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  7. I had wondered about the horses' owner/life! The flowers, especially the thistle are gorgeous. Curious red bugs! Thanks for sharing....after all these paint fumes, a walk in the fresh air was just what I needed!

  8. Such gorgeous photos, Valerie! It's good to see happy horses, they are so wonderful animals serving people many kind. I wish you a happy Sunday evening and a good next week xxx

  9. The horses look so healthy and happy. I am treasuring this wonderful time of year.

  10. The horses look so happy, their coats realy shine. Its a lovely set of photos from your walk.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Lovely photos Valerie, the horses are beautiful so are the flowers. Have a great evening. Hugs, ~Diane

  12. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos. That does seem a lovely setting for the horses and I spotted a thistle amongst your photos too! x

    1. Specially for my dear friends in Scotland!

  13. Love seeing all the sights of your town, looks so peaceful, Valerie!

  14. Hi Valerie, I have been away for the weekend in glasgow so just doing catch up now lazing on the sofa. What a lovely stroll you've taken us on, really lovely pics, I especially love the hydrangea one. Xx

  15. Amazing shot of the clue on the red bugs, some kind of beetle? The horses in our back yard go out to pasture but back to their barn at night. But lots of folks pasture their horses for several months and have what we call run in sheds - a three sided shelter to go in when inclement weather hits....Nice Sunday walks...xox

  16. Such beautiful photos!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  17. Lovely photographs.
    Those horses are so beautiful and the thistle, is that for me and Suze! I love the hydrangea, one of my favourite flowers.

  18. Beautiful pictures my friend,Beautiful wild flowers!!!

  19. Excellent photography. Love the Flowers, especially the morning glories and hydrangea. The horses are magnificent animals.

  20. Beautiful walking pics for the weekend Valerie. What a pretty contrast on the Yarrow flower with the red bug. You take such wonderful photos and so talented with your camera.
    Thanks for sharing your world with us. Always so interesting.

  21. It looks beautiful and so peaceful where you live.... no wonder you have bus loads of tourists visiting!!!!


  22. You managed to get some great shots of beautiful little insects hiding amongst the greenery. Love the little red one, whatever he/she may be - but always my favorite, the Lady Bug. The horses look beautiful, well cared for ans content. Nice Walk, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  23. Gorgeous photos!! You must live in such a pretty area. I love the red bugs! So unusual.

  24. Wunderschöne Fotos von unterwegs zeigst du uns wieder. So viele schöne Dinge, die es sich zu entdecken lohnt. Die Blüten der Hortensie finde ich besonders faszinierend und die roten Käfer sehen sehr interessant aus. Die Pferdehaltung finde ich toll. Wenn es den Tieren dabei gut geht, was gibt es schöneres als den größten Teil des Jahres draußen zu verbringen und dann noch in so schöner Landschaft.
    lg Uli

  25. Lovely photos!! Thanks!

    Saskia :)

  26. Die Fotos von Deinem Spaziergang sind mal wieder ein Traum. Wenn ich die sehe, kommen mir immer Bilder vor Augen von meiner Kindheit im geliebten Urdenbach, den Kempen mit den Kopfweiden, mit nackten Füßen den Flußsaum entlang und werfen mit Kieselsteinen usw....
    Vielen Dank, dass ich mit Deinen Fotos die schönen Erinnerungen wachhalten kann.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche,
    lG Anja

  27. Danke für das Mitnehmen auf deinem Spaziergang. Du hast wieder schöne Fotos geschossen.


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