
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Lavender, grey and plum

Hi everybody!
Time is flying by again, and as always, I am sitting here wondering where the day went!
At SOC this week the colours are lavender, grey and plum - hmmm- Difficult!
I decided to recreate a pastel drawing made back in 1995. I used the same technique as last week -  traced the original, scanned the trace into the computer, and printed it on paper  from an old text book. First I did a colour wash with water colours, then  used oil pastels to draw the outline and do the shading. The diamonds on the left have been added using a stencil and Vivacolor  paint.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

I made this collage from photos using the SOC colours:

The statue of Mary is in the Basilica here:

The door belongs to one of the ancient houses in Church Close, directly opposite the basilica:

The park was full of these yellow flowers,  some of which were nearly as big as I am:

I had to look twice at this sign on the lane leading down to the ferry - I think the sprayer might have been at work again! I just LOVE it!

And as always, the horses keep calm and carry on grazing....

Wishing you all a great day!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie your piece is so very well done, you've used the colours beautifully here in this very feminine piece! A lovely collage of photos too, these colours cool and calm, your pictures feel fresh, thanks for all you share with us!

  2. Hi Val, love what you have made again, I am always astonished how you manage to do so many different styles, and they are all really good, as are your photos. Love the duck sign! Hugs, Sarah

  3. A beautiful drawing Valerie and great pics, I love the stained glass windows. Xx

  4. Oooh, I really love your fabulous art work. The colours are superb, so beautiful. Thanks for telling your working method. I will try to do something like this myself in the future....
    Your photos are gorgeous, too. The flower collage is lovely.
    Hugs, Sirkkis

  5. Hi, your piece is really inspiring, the combination of media used and explanation of how you achieved it is fab. Love your work.

  6. A beautiful piece, very curvaceous wonderful colours. lovely photos of your walk again.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Wonderful page! This color combo may have been challenging, but you made it work!

  8. I love your technique with the drawing, fab work for SOC and thank you for sharing your great photos, hugs Annette x

  9. This drawing is spectacular and the colours are so beautiful. Great technique, Valerie! Your photos are a wonderful walk through the art and nature.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Oh wow, you are on a roll here! That pastel drawing is incredible and I love how yu have used it! The photos are really special today too!

  11. such a beautiful female
    a lovely piece in all
    beautiful photos too

  12. It's a lovely and different type of painting and a very fine use of the SOC colours and your flower mosaic is really good too.
    That's a very interesting road sign, does it mean "No cars, pedestrian ducks only"?

    1. I think it is supposed to mean just that! Wouldn't that be good?

  13. Oh my she is definitely in her relaxed mood. Excellent. Love how you used the colors Valerie. Those doors are wonderful. Thanks for the walk, it's always enjoyable.

  14. Lovely work, Valerie! So delicate!

  15. Nice take on the SOC theme and beautiful photos, nice collage.

  16. beautiful work!! So elegant! The photos are always amazing of your area, does that horse have a bag on its head? Why is that?

    1. It is apparently to keep off flies. I didn't know what it was either, but some others told me!

  17. Another lovely card using a gorgeous image....beautiful designed as well...brrr cold one here today in Australia....♥aNNie x
    The Journey is the Start

  18. Nice artwork and colors. Love the photography.

  19. This is so well done and the colors are great as well. The shading work is so good also, this could be framed. Love it. The tall yellow flowers we call outlaws, because of their weed like growth. I have them in my garden and they're really beautiful. Thanks for sharing all the photos as well, lovely to see.

  20. Wonderful drawing Valerie and great that you can reproduce it so well.

    Terrific collage of some of your wonderful photos-you have a real eye for colour that's for sure.

    The photographs today are terrific as always and we should all take a tip from the horses as they stay calmly grazing-not that I am suggesting we graze-just the stay calm bit :)

    Love Chrissie x

  21. superschön alles hier heute mal wieder!
    ein Traum Dein wiederbelebtes 1995 Bild... super Verwendung der Farbkombi!
    Hab einen schönen Tag und gute Besserung weiterhin .. Du Arme!

  22. Ooh Wow,dein bild ist traumhaft,wunderschöne farben und zeichnung.
    tolle bilder wieder,wünsch dir gute besserung,du arme.
    hab einen schönen tag,ich gehe heute schwimmen,freu mich schon.


  23. Wow, that is a wonderful drawing and wonderful use of the challenge colors! Great photos as always and if you ever find where the day goes, please let me know. I think our days may be hiding in the same place! Enjoy!

  24. Wonderful and so well proportioned drawing, Valerie. I love the technique you used too. Lastly, the photos are so wonderful and you are in an area with interesting architecture and gorgeous meadows and waterways. The flowers are always a joy.


  25. beautiful drawing and great photos-love the collage!

  26. Hi Valerie, Your art work is outstanding. Love the color combo. Beautiful walking pics!! Wonderful collage too!!

  27. You did great working with a limited palette. Those are difficult colors. Beautiful photos, as always.

  28. I am glad it was not just me who found the colours tricky, you have done a great job and as always I love your wonderful photos!

  29. Your painting is beautiful Valerie :o)

  30. Beautiful post and art, Valerie with lovely lavender, plummy and grey colours. I always enjoy looking at your photos! Thank you for sharing!

  31. I love your painting. I adore the indian writing you have painted on and the limited palette ...the diamonds remind me of a playing card or tarot card. Has a mystical feel about it. Happy PPF Emma x

  32. Lovely nude sketch Valerie. Beautiful use of SOC too. xox

  33. Wow this is a beautiful piece of art. I love it. Well done on the photos as well.

  34. Photos are great! I love the colors on the painting!

  35. It's an interesting color scheme, and works well in your pastel drawing. Nice photos too!

  36. Really love the collage, I think I need to try more mixed media on non-traditional surfaces. There is so much texture and so many points of interest. Happy PPF!

  37. I love your work! It's so interesting to look at!

  38. Love your sketches of the woman's back. I love stopping by. The photos are great to see too. Its like getting to be a fly on someone's wall.

    1. You would have fun on my wall, that's for sure!

  39. Wonderful colors, exquisite flowers! Nice pictures! The most seductive beauty of the naked!

  40. Beautiful sketch, and adding that stencil makes it perfect....

  41. Gorgeous piece, love the wash and the soft muted monotone colors to it and the sketch is stunning of course. Big hugs, ~Diane

  42. I like the way that silhouette looks on the book page. As always, I also enjoy the photographic tours around your city. Blessings!

  43. Beautiful piece. It has a very romantic feel to it with love colors. Really beautiful!

  44. I love your SOC piece! It's so pretty and I love the bun in her hair. Pretty pictures. Happy PPF!

  45. Gorgeous photos. All of them bring such calm!

  46. Eine tolle Zeichnung und vor allem super coloriert. Klasse Fotos - ich musste bei dem unteren Verkehrsschild grinsen :D

  47. Great drawing. Love the colors and always wonderful photos.

  48. Wonderful painting! I love how you include some beautiful photos as well! It is like seeing a little slice of your heaven :)

  49. Oh my Valerie, I always love visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful photography! Those yellow flowers are gorgeous! And I really like the photo collage you made with this week's SOC colors. But your painting is absolutely fabulous and very creative! WOW!!!!!

  50. Amazing drawing and the photo collage is super too. BJ

  51. Such a creative way to mix your media! I absolutely love this.

  52. Wow, Valerie. I love what you created and appreciate your sharing the technique. As always, thank you for the lovely peeks into your world. Have a lovely week.

  53. That's a terrific painting - I found those colors difficult - you did a great job with them. I have just discovered oil pastels and I am in love!

  54. That color combination suits perfect with that beautiful back of you woman, tender, delicate.

  55. The purple lady is creative and thought provoking. The photos are great too. Blessings, Janet PPF

  56. Great use of this week's colours! Very pretty.

  57. Gorgeous Valerie and unique to your usual pieces!!

    Hugs Giggles


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