
Thursday 27 February 2014

What makes a man a man?

Hi everybody!
Just a quick post, as I need to rest my eyes as much as possible this week after the OP.
Thanks again to all who left such encouraging good wishes on my blog, they were very much apprecated, I will be round to visit you all again next week when my reading ban has been lifted!
I made this journal page last week, after listening to a talk show on TV about masculine and feminine attributes, so this time I concentrated on the masculine ones, and wrote all the words I could think of. Perhaps you can suggest a few more? The background was a brush-wipe page using blues and rust, and the silhoutettes were painted with Viva Color Rust paint and outlined with white.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and kristin.

The lovely photos were taken on Monday, before I went into hospital, I love watching the beautiful sunrise each day from my window.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Very masculine shapes and I love that you added the words inside the silhouettes. The blue and rust background is fabulous. Lovey sunrise photo. Rest those eyes like the docs tell you and have a good week yourself xx

  2. Love this Val, and glad your eye is getting better. We were at my Mum's the past three days, she enjoyed seeing the kids, anyway! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Das i ja Klasse!!!

    Ich wünsche dir noch weiterhin gute Genesung. Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  4. What a great idea for the painting Valerie. Lots of words you managed to fit into the shapes.

    Love the photos which are very different.

    Pleased you are on the emnd

    Take care

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Great piece, so many positive words in your man silhouettes. Lovely photos again. Have a good weekend and take things as they come, and do as your doctors advise.
    hugs Yvonne x

  6. A brilliant journal page, I love how you've put the words into the silhouettes.
    I'm glad you're on the mend.
    Take care.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Terrific and thought provoking page Valerie. Take care of yourself. Annette x

  8. Neat topic for today's page, glad you are posting again so soon but please rest those eyes!

  9. seeeeehr schööööööön,gefällt mir richtig gut.
    wünsche dir weiterhin gute Genesung.

    GLG Jeannette

  10. Wonderful traits and wonderful if they could all be included in ONE man! Beautiful sunrise! Glad you are doing well!

  11. Fabulous pages Val. The sunrise is so stunning. Hope your recovering well. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. Looks fabulous Valerie. Love it.

    Aileen x

  13. Hello Valerie, hope all is well and you are not tiring yourself.
    Love reading your suggestions as to what makes a man a man, it's a very intriguing page.
    And what a wonderful view you have from your window, that must mean a lot.

  14. Love how you got all the attributes all inside for the perfect man. The colors are beautiful, and it really makes you think too. Beautiful photos, take care and get your rest! Big hugs, ~Diane

  15. Well, I could think of a few choice words to describe my man! Lol! However, I will simply say "a good woman" :) xx

  16. WUNDERBARE SEITE - sehr philosphisch..gefällt mir richtig gut...
    und auch die Fotos wieder!


  17. Ich LIEBE diese Seite, Valerie! Auch die Fotos sind wieder traumhaft! Und ich stimme Susi zu: Bitte schone dich weiterhin, das ist für den Heilungsprozess wichtig.

  18. Diese Seite ist toll! Sehr schöne Idee! Und eine traumhafte Aussicht hast du aus deinem Fenster!!
    Ich kann mich nur Susi und Alex anschließen. Pass gut auf dich auf und schone dich!! Weiterhin alles, alles Gute!

  19. Hi Valerie, Love your manly journal pages. The adjectives are perfect. I would add, kind, caring and dependable. Beautiful pics too. Take good care and rest your eyes. You deserve a nice break.
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Wonderful masculine journal page! Love the manly feel you have created, Valerie! Hugs and take good care!

  21. Great page with wonderful colors. I can see you created a couple of dream men - like dream on!
    The view from you balcony is spectacular and I don't think I have ever seen prettier skies. I keep looking at my skies but I swear Valerie they are not as pretty as yours.
    Rest those eyes - you have a lot of catching up to do!!!
    Sandy xx

  22. Wishing you well Valerie, your pages are very strong and bold.

  23. Lovely painting and fast healing on the eyes! Happy PPF!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Sorry, Valerie I messed up my comment above. First of all, I hope you get better soon. Sending you lots and lots warm, loving and healing thoughts, beautiful and creative Lady. Lovely male project and stunning window from your balcony. thank you for sharing!

  26. Oh I love this piece so much....enjoyed reading what was on each image!! I think tender and ethical as well as thoughtful are important attributes!!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. That background is terrific, and you chose some great silhouettes. I wonder whether there's one male in the world who possesses alll these qualities ... ;-) He sounds too good to be true ☺

  28. I like the masculine take of your silhouettes, and the photograph is breathtaking. I hope your eyes will heal quickly. Blessings!

  29. A pensive journal page. I love the background. :)

  30. Great silhouettes, fabulous wording.. Hope you eyes heal quickly (((Hugs)))
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  31. Love this!! I love the silhouette style with the brown and blue (one of my fave color combos). Super page!

  32. The two men look great on that background and with the writing!
    Ach ja :D
    Ich hoffe deine Augen werden gut heilen!
    Herzliche Grüsse

  33. Pretty skies in the pictures! I think all that it can also be women!

  34. Loved this page - and the outlines and words written in white really pop off the page. Glad you are on the mend - resting the eyes is a hard thing - we use them so much to enjoy our time - art making, reading, etc. Hoping for a quick healing.

  35. I love the rust paint. The colors are gorgeous. Nicely done.

  36. A very interesting post. The sunrise is beautiful...well captured. I wish you well

  37. stunning sunrise photo-wow!! Glad your eye is coming along well Valerie. Great color choices for your masculine page. Happy PPF!

  38. i love your silhouette paintings! the sunrise is so pretty! I'm hope you are feeling better soon!

  39. This is gorgeous! I love the rust and blue background and the idea itself is just wonderful. Your pictures really showcase them well.
    I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better! I will be thinking of you :) xoxo

  40. I love your use of color on the men! Wonderful photos, too - hope you are well on the mend :)

  41. Great post love your version of a man. Your photos are stunning too

  42. Nice robust work Val ! Those skies are magical and soothing to the eyes.
    Wish you a speedy recovery.
    Annabelle : )

  43. Love the art and I love to see your photos !!! So much beauty captured so well in each photo!!!!


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