
Friday 28 February 2014

As pretty as a picture is not always true....

Hi everybody!

Today I am sharing another of my DT peieces for Gecko Galz, made way back in January, and kept so that I would have some stuff to show now when I can't be doing new work. For the journal page I used an digi-stamp from Aurora Wing Stamps, printed onto my ready made background. The digis are available at GG, and great to combine with other GG products.. I added colour to parts of the image using gel pens and a white highlighter. The fish and shells are vintage scraps. I am sure some of you will now be singing 'I want to be....' all day - have fun!

 These 2 photos were taken from my wonderful balcony this morning. The view from the windows, and my big hall closet, aka 'the bottomless pit',  are definitely the best things my appartment has to offer....

And another view from this morning, even though it is not as lovely as the view from the balcony. But it is looking better than a few days back!
(Sorry, never had time to look for my eye make-up!)

And 2 nice views from my walk this afternoon. I love the different colours on the ground - the ploughed field, the green grass and the freshly harvested rape seed field.

The wonderful anchor:

Looking through the bushes to one of the little lakes:

I am linking to Paper Saturdays and AJJ - A fantasy scene

And I have a message for my dear Sandy: 
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you! Your lovely post arrived today!
 I will take some photos at the weekend! You are a Sweetie, that's for sure!

Have  a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful journal page and photos, but oh my, your poor eye! Hope it soon feels better! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I think this is one of your best, Valerie, your under the sea lady, in her underwater garden, is special and I like all her white pearls. Your background is just perfect.
    Your eye seems to have borrowed its colours from the picture above it, poor eye, get better soon.
    Your photo below with the yellow triangle and the bridge on the other side is very attractive, you have a great compositional skill.

  3. Beautiful artwork Valerie and more lovely pics and your eye looks a bit like a rainbow with all the bruising coming out.
    Hope the eye improves soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. I love your octobus's garden. The colours and face are so lovely.

  5. Love your fab page Valerie, oh dear your poor eye, hope it heals soon. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Your painting is so beautiful, the colors cool and so peaceful, your lady is just lovely, it all looks so great! That eye of yours looks sore but hopefully on the mend quick and fast now. Keep well,

  7. Oh wow wow wow - das ist traumhaft - es wirkt so mystisch und die Farben sind unglaublich schön!!!

    Dein Auge sieht ja schlimm aus - ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Genesung!
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  8. love the beautiful colours in this piece. Ooh! Hope your eye gets better soon,

  9. Gorgeous journal page, but of course! I love the white highlighting for such a great pop! Lovely pictures and hopefully your eye will continue healing quickly! Hugs!

  10. Stunning page, love the under the sea image. oh your poor eye, hope it keeps improving.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Gorgeous strong...lovely energy and words!! and those tree picture...magnificent poems of nature!!

  12. Gorgeous artwork! I played that album over and over as a youngster!! Sorry about your eye.... it's a beautiful photo with all that purple and yellowy green in there...however not at your expense! Hope you recover quickly!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. You captured a wonderful feeling with the way you used the digi stamp.
    Your poor eye. When my Mum had her second cataract operation she received a black eye like none I have ever seen before (not even during my years when I had a fascination for Mafia films, don't ask why the fascination, I just did LOL) but it was a success and that is what mattered.
    Take good care of yourself.

  14. the face in your painting is very beautiful. I love her flowy hair

  15. Fabulous Journal pages Val. Hopefully your eye will recover quite quickly. My cataracts are not ripe enough yet to have the op or so the Optometrist says. It looks quite sore from the picture. Enjoyed another day of your beautiful pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. beautiful piece today, and what a stunning sunrise!

  17. Beautiful, Valerie. I love how the white pen makes items "pop". sending my best wishes for the eye treatments.

  18. Stunning page Valerie, that digi stamp is so dreamy and I love the glowing colours you used. Hope that eye keeps healing fast. Your photos are always so enjoyable, love the area where you live! When I was a child I had an aunt who lived near Mannheim. Once a year at least we would go there by train from Holland. The trip along the Rhine was always my favourite bit...

  19. Oh wow....I love your fabulous as ever...and in my favourite colours...sigh
    Great photos too..I have to admit that the scenery on your walks is much better than the routes the dogs and I!
    Hugs xx

  20. Wow -- was für eine begnadet schöne Seite .. die könntest Du auch glatt noch gleich mal zu
    A Fantasy Scene - Art Journal Journey March linken..
    Dein Auge erholt sich doch recht toll, oder?
    Freu ich mich mit Dir!
    Fabelhafte Fotos präsentierst Du uns wieder... Du bist tapfer und stark...

    schönes Wochenende Valerie!


  21. Oh wow, this is so dreamy! I love the colors and your girl - and all the details you added are perfect. xoox

  22. Hallo meine Liebe,deine Seite ist ein Traum,und wunderwunderschööööön,es wirkt so Märchenhaft und mystisch,gefällt mir ganz irre gut.
    dein Auge sieht ja schlimm aus,ich hoffe das es sich gut erholt und wünsche weiterhin gute Genesung,ich drück dich !!!

    Hab ein schönes WE :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  23. Fab journal image Valerie, I'm loving all the white bubbles in her hair. Your eye is as colourful as that wonderful sky, great pics from your walk. Take good care. Xx

  24. The journal page is stunning with the beautiful stamp you used. and all the wonderful colours.

    Great photographs and the last one has so much atmosphere. Even the one of your poor eye looks to have so much colour and character.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  25. I absolutely love your art journal page. the song lyrics are wonderful and your page is so magical and beautiful! And thanks so much for sharing your stunning photos with us. they transport me to another place!!! And I hope your eye continues to heal, too.

  26. So eine süsse Unterwasserszenerie! Ich liebe all die schönen leuchtenden Farben und natürlich die liebliche Jungfrau dort unten! Super süss! Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und ganz schnelle Heilung für Dein Auge! Alles Liebe ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  27. Boah Valerie, ich bin hin und weg von der tollen Szene mit Beatles-Flair. So wunderwunderwunderschön!
    Dein "Veilchen" sieht ja schon wieder ganz passable aus, finde ich. Außerdem passt es von der Farbharmonie hervorragen zum zweiten Foto aus dem Fenster deines Apartments.
    In ein paar Tagen wird man hoffentlich gar nichts mehr sehen vom blauen Auge. Weiterhin gute Besserung dafür!

  28. I am singing along with your beautiful art today! Ringo and creating sea themed art are already two of my favorites! Glad you are able to get out on your walks and take the beautiful morning photos! Have a good weekend!

  29. Your artwork is gorgeous, love it ! Your views are also stunning, what a treat to wake up to each morning. I hope your eye is healing well. Take good care, Shirleyx

  30. Hi Val,
    Love under the sea and all the bubbles in her hair….totally beautiful !
    I so enjoy looking at the photographic images, you live in such a romantic spot.

    Take care of that eye!

    Annabelle : )

  31. Beautiful projects, Valerie. You did think ahead to save some gorgeous work to share. The photo with the moon is outstanding. You really take some incredible photos. Nurse that eye and you'll be back creating in no time.


  32. First of all Sugar -- you do not have to post what I sent you - I never do that. Something southern US I guess but do not worry unless you really want to. I though that stamp looked like your pages and the magazine is so grand. So glad you got everything cause I was worried. If only I had opened your blog all the way and read to the end!! LOL!
    As always your page is gorgeous - what a fish - a barracuda for sure! I understand they are not dangerous unless you are wearing jewelry! Non the less, they are big and ugly and when you are underwater they are twice as big!!!!!
    The colors you have used are so pretty and shimmery. Now you know why I sent you the Ryan stamp! Your under water lass is very pretty but when you have youth you are pretty!!
    Your eye really looks pretty dog gone good I would say.
    You know I love the pictures you take and that last one is fabulous! So glad you can walk again. Weather permitting, I will start back with my walks again Monday and will be sure to take my camera!!
    Sandy xx

  33. You see how good it is to read things to the end!! I am not fond of big fishes - except divided into filets and fried or baked, so I shall have to believe what you you have written about them! Enjoy your walks, and don't forget that camera!

  34. An amazing make the colours and amazing images. TFS and hope your eye improves soon

    Hugs Annie x

  35. beautiful pictures and OH! what a sunrise!

  36. Stunning piece for Gecko Galz, love how you put her under the sea! The photos are beautiful, but OUCH, your eye looks so sore, you poor dear! Do take care of yourself. Big hugs, ~Diane

  37. I love your art work so much- it's always full of interest and color - the photos are outstanding!

  38. Das ist so wunderschöööön!!!! Ein Traum, der mich in seinen Bann zieht!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung für dein Auge!
    LG, LonettA

  39. I have said it many times and I will be saying it again I so love your photos! I am trying my best to brush up on my skills a little more aso mine will look a bit better and only wishing that they will at some time look like yours!

  40. Beautiful photos and awesome Journal page, Valerie!

  41. She's just marvelous ! Those white bubbles remind me of pearls found in oysters. I'm sorry to hear of your eye issues Valerie, and hope you are healing very nicely and taking good care. I've just spotted the BlogLovin' icon on your sidebar so I'm going to unsubscribe from the email and follow you that way instead. Happy Healing Vibes!!!

  42. wow this is absolutely fabulous, love the dreamy look of it
    Groetjes Karin

  43. Ein wunderschönes, phantasievolles Bild!

  44. Das ist traumhaft schöööön!

  45. WOWWWWW, was für eine schöne Seite...traumhaft. Gefällt mir sehr.

    LG Carola

  46. Liebe Valerie, Dein Bild ist so wunderschön geworden, ich kann richtig die Musik hören!!! Eine total schöne Idee in herrlichen Farben und tollen Fischen, übrigens.
    Ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Aug eine gute Besserung und noch ein herrliches Wochenende mit viel Zeit für weitere kreative Stunden.
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir von Erika

  47. Great journal page, you're so creative!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  48. Lovely journal page and photographs!


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