
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Eye am back....

Hi you all!
First of all, thanks for all the good wishes, it did me good to know so many people were thinking of me. The OP went well, and I can see very well with my left eye now, which is wonderful. BUT....the doc noticed some irregularities on the retinas of both eyes, and ordered some angiogrammes to be done, which is a special photographic procedure to get clear pictures of the retinas, and they do not look good. My next appointment at the hospital will be in three weeks.... For the time being, I have eyedrops 5 times a day for the operated eye, ointment for the night, and medication for the high pressure in my eye, so that should keep me occupied for the time being. And to crown it all, I look like a cross between a prize boxer with a black eye and Dracula's mother, but hey, who cares? I decided to show you a picture of Olive Thomas instead of me, she was definitely better looking!

The card here is one of my Gecko Galz DT pieces for February, made a month back, and kept in store till now. The images are from the Olive Thomas Collage Sheet. She was a star in the silent film era back in the 1920s. I matted the card with some silver and black sequined material and red card. I added the pearls to her hat.

Okay, I can only work for a few minutes at a time just now, so need to get off the computer now. I will be round to visit your blogs again next week.

Take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Now that is a lovely card, and I'm assuming you didn't rush back from hospital and make it!
    What's more important is that you are back home and it went well. Good to see you.

  2. Good to see you back Valerie, am sure the bruises will heal before long. You are right to not put too much strain on your eyes, so take it easy. Love your beautiful card. Hugs Annette x

  3. Lovely card Valerie and glad to hear the op went well and hoping your black eye improves soon.
    Take care of yourself and hoping for better news on your sight difficulties very soon.
    Fliss xx

  4. Very cute card: the pearls are a classy touch. :)
    I am glad your operation went well for the black eye, it will hopefully go away soon...meanwhile, take good care of yourself, rest, relax...and plan for the next projects! ;)

  5. Glad OP went well take care of yourself my eyes are watering just reading about your drops and ointment.....
    Stunning image an elegant lady


  6. hallo meine liebe,schön das du gesund wieder da bist,ich freue mich für dich das alles gut gelaufen ist,nun hast du es endlich hinter dir *knuddel*
    hoffe das es nun mit deinen augen besser wird.immer schön die tropfen nehmen,hörst du??
    deine karte ist total chic und elegant,ich mag das tolle schwarze papier womit du gemattet hast.
    wünsche dir einen schönen abend,lass es dir gut gehen :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  7. Gad to hear you are home safe and well. Take good care of yourself and try not to scare the postman! Xx

  8. So pleased that the OP went well, I am cringing at the thought of drops and ointment, but I know you will be following instructions. Take things slowly and don't strain your eyes.
    hugs Yvonne x
    p.s. Forgot to say I loved your beautiful card.

  9. Valerie, you make it all sound so breezy easy :) Happy to hear that you are home. Hoping next steps are easy! Hugs,

  10. Beautiful lady, glad to know that you are seeing well (that works fast). But I hope that the retina issue is treatable as I'm sure you do. Take it easy ! Shirleyx

  11. great to hear from you today! And a very stylish piece, the hat says it all. Glad the op has gone well so far.

  12. Beautiful card Valerie, so glad the eye operation went well for you. We were all very worried about you, so glad you gave us some good news for the time being. Hope the tests figure out the trouble and that it can be corrected for you. Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. Valerie your card is stunning! Beautifully put together. Glad the first step of your ordeal went well. Hope the tests will show what can be done for the next stage... fingers crossed and make sure to take it easy!!!! Sending big hugs and hoping you will be able to go walking again soon. Bruises on the outside don't matter, they will heal quickly enough!

  14. Glad the op went well Valerie, rather you than me with the drops! Take it easy and don't do too much.
    So pleased you showed us Olive - she is pretty and really suits red.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  15. What a beautiful photo image and I love how you have displayed it. Glad to hear your op went well and I hope the investigations show there''s not too much wrong and it will be sorted soon.
    Take care. xx

  16. Glad your op went well Valerie and hope your black eye heals quickly.
    A gorgeous card, the image is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. So glad that the op went well! You sound like you are in good spirits which really helps. I have two close family members with retina/eye problems so I understand what you are going through.

    Olive is truly lovely!

  18. Wonderful! It is so good to see you back so soon. Now you have to keep us updated to see what is up with your retinas.
    Your card is so pretty - glamorous woman and the frame around her is perfect. When can you start walking again?
    I am glad the surgery went well but sorry to hear about further test on your eyes.
    Sandy xx

  19. So happy all went well, Valerie. One step at a time is all it takes. Don't over due for a few days. We are all delighted and smiling today.


  20. Wonderful news, Valerie! What a relief that the operation went well and you can see better and hopefully the follow up will be just fine! Beautiful creation today! Rest and enjoy the day!

  21. Eyesight is so precious, and I am glad the op went well. I shall be thinking of you and the other eye problems and wishing you every good result there can be.
    Beautiful card with the silent movie era star. One of my most precious books is an old book, dated 1930, of sepia coloured photographs of movie stars of the period, which was given to me by an old man when I was 12. I've always loved the cinema. My sister and I would go regularly to 'the pictures' as we used to call it. Once, in our teens, we sat through the programme at The Odeon, came out and walked up to The Capitol and watched right through that programme.

  22. Wie schön, dass alles gut verlaufen ist!! Und für den Termin in drei Wochen drücke ich dir auch ganz fest die Daumen, dass dann auch alles gut wird! Pass schön auf dich auf und schone dich ... aber das machst du ja schon!!
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  23. wunderbar das zu lesen und das mit der Netzhaut kriegst Du auch noch gebacken....
    ich freu mich liebe Valerie.. schone Dich .. bitte!!!


  24. Hello sweet friend..wishing you feel better and sparkling soon and much healing to your eyes! Wow..gorgeous atmospheric and powerful..stunning!!

  25. Hi Valerie, so glad the OP went well and for the next steps and test, I pray all goes as well. Your card is gorgeous and the graphic beautiful.
    Take good care while you heal and don't worry about blog visits.
    Hugs and blessings!!

  26. Sorry Val, didn't realise you've been in hossie, pleased all went well, sparkles for your eyes and your next appointment, hugs xx

    PS love the card

  27. Glad you are home safe and sound - even if there is more ahead. LOVE the card. stunning! hugs, Donna

  28. Ich bin froh, dass du nun soviel besser auf deinem Auge siehst. Hoffentlich bekommen sie den Augeninnendruck mit den Medikamenten wieder auf normale Werte.
    Die Karte ist wunderschön! Mir gefällt das Schwarz-weiß-Foto auf dem roten Hintergrund. Und die Perlen am Hut geben eine wunderbare Plastizität!
    Alles Gute auch weiterhin für dich, liebe Valerie!


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