
Thursday 13 February 2014

And they called it puppy love....

Hi everybody!
Today the weather looks dismal, and  'they' have threatened us with rain, storms, sleet and snow showers, but tomorrow should be better, and on Saturday we will be getting warm winds from the south. Nothing like a bit of change, is there? Sorry about all those in England and France, where there has been severe flooding, and in the States, where the snow storms continue to disrupt life.
Yesterday was the usual wild/cloudy/ windy weather, but it was good to walk about in. We started off with a beautiful morning sky and sunrise, which never ceases to fascinate me.

In the afternoon I was not in a good mood - I dropped the milk, broke a cup, and could find nothing that I wanted on my table as it is was so full of clutter. So I worked on one of my brush-wipe pages with some background stamping and embossing, and then threw on a lot of the mess I found - various images, magazine cut-outs, rub-ons, a little photo frame and some vintage scraps, and made it into a collage, which I have given the grand title of 'And they called it puppy love....'. I am linking to Conny's 'Mix it Monthly' - pets challenge, although the colours are not quite as she was expecting, and to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin. I still have enough on my table to collage all the walls in my apartment, perhaps I should do it!

When I had finished I went for another walk round our little town, and came home to a nice cup of cappuccino and a slice of cake, which I think I deserved after completing more than 14000 steps. The clouds were being chased across the sky again, I love to watch them.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Soy for not being around much lately Valerie, some more beautiful collage work from you :)
    Von ♥

  2. LOve your fun collage Val, this is something you do really well. What a great selection of strange faces staring from the page! Lovely photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Was für eine geniale Tiecollage Valerie und die Fotos sind mehr als gelungen...spitze!

  4. Wow to the collage page! It is just amazing with the wonderful colours and images. What a stunning book cover it would make though what the story inside would be about I can't imagine :)

    Great photographs as always with contrasts in the sky.

    Sorry your day didn't go as well as you hoped but your pics and artwork certainly did.

    Have a good day today--I am off to the dentist :(

    Love Chrissie x

  5. You you really are fabulous at collages Valerie, I really love this one. Hope today is less of a calamity than yesterday - there's no point crying over spilt milk! :) xx

  6. Hmmm -big girls don't cry - they just use a lot of very bad language!

  7. Sounds like you had a real 'iffy' day. Hope today is better. love the page, you have a special touch to make the most amazing collages. Great title as well.

  8. Valerie, only you could "throw on a bunch of clutter from your table" and come out with something this stunning! You amaze me. Keep the beautiful photos from your walks coming...they keep me inspired to think of spring! Getting pounded with snow today.

    1. So sorry Debbie, stay safe. Here it's pouring with rain and dismal, but no snow.

  9. Lovely intricate collage, and beautiful sky photos!

  10. Love that complex collage and especially the Poe hair on the girl and the heart for Valentine's day tomorrow. It looks so beautiful where you are at. It is white here and we are covered in snow and ice!

  11. Love your collage. I'm always amazed at how you find so many pieces to fit together on one page and it always looks grand. Sorry you dropped the milk and broke a cup. Take care, great work as always.

  12. What an awesome and interesting page, so many things, I love the magazine pieces you add, they are fabulous and love the framed pup too! Good that you were able to get out and about, the photos are gorgeous! ~Diane

  13. Love your fabulous collaged page Valerie. Annette x

  14. Your mad collage is terrific, I love the kitten looking into the jug and the purple varnished nails and lots of other things. You've got a remarkable ability to take such varied ingredients and make a whole piece.
    Yes, cloudscapes are wonderful and your photographs are too.

  15. You always have wonderful sky pictures Valerie. I went for a couple of walks before the storms set in. I look forward to getting back into the habit.
    I like your collage -- You can walk your eyes all around it and have quite a story line going. Edgar Allen Poe with an arrow being shot directly at him - ka ping! And that lady, although quite pretty, she does seem to have anger in her eye. A woman's hand clinching all the jewels she can hold? And what is that mythical creature? Old shoes found in the very back of a closet. One male image with full frontal view while both women only have one eye showing. Very unique with as always, wonderful colors.
    When I am tired or having a bad day, I go to have a lay down with a good book.
    Sandy xx

    1. I think I will have to start writing a story to each collage - that would be fun!

    2. That is an excellent idea - please do it!

  16. Ohhh Du hast es wirklich drauf mit den Collagen, Valerie!! Ich liebe diese Fülle and Schönheit und interessanten Kleinigkeiten!! Die Puppies sind ja wirklich herzallerliebst und der Doggie im Rahmen hat mein Herz erobert!! Oh und jetzt erst sehe ich die Katze, die den Milchkrug plündern will, hehe...Ich bin definitiv ein Fan Deiner Collagen!!! Und Du bist wirklich ein Vorbild was die gesetzten Schritte angeht...das muss ich wirklich unbedingt in meinen Tagesplan mit einbauen!! Ich bin oft zu faul, mich anzuziehen, um raus zu gehen, obwohl ich super gern draussen laufe... bleibe meistens doch hier am PC kleben und all den Mails, die zu beantworten sind ....Das will ich ändern :) Vielen Dank für noch so einen Hammer Beitrag zu Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  17. Fantastic big skies, which right now are an allover purple red just before sundown, weird actually....Puppy love which I know too well. They've been dashing about in our new foot of snow....Your puppies look far more serene than my crew. xox

  18. Hi Valerie, for a day that set you in a mood, you sure created a masterpiece. I love your creation and your walking pics are great. I think cake is a nice reward for walking 14 thousand steps!!
    Have a wonderful day.

  19. wow,was für eine tolle collage,es gibt soviel zu endecken,auch die farben sind klasse.
    du bist echt ein vorbild mit deinen schönen spaziergängen,ich müsste auch viel mehr draussen laufen,aber bin auch meist zu faul *schäm*das muss sich ändern.
    tolle bilder hast du gemacht,ich bin immer glücklich wenn ich hier vorbei schaue bei dir *Knuddel*

    GLG Jeannette

  20. You are the collage Queen, Valerie! Thank you for sharing lovely and peaceful photographs from your inspiring walks.

  21. Great collage and gorgeous photos! :) We have a sunny day today. SO happy about it. :)

  22. Wonderful collage ... So much to discover on there

  23. What a fun collage - lots to look at! Lovely photos as always too :)

  24. Beautiful work, and beautiful photographs. saludos

  25. Beautiful photos! And I really love your collage... thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog for PPF. Have a lovely day...

  26. Wow beautiful spread, I love the bright colors and the all the pictures!!

  27. Your collage looks amazing. Sorry to hear you had a bad day. But your creations still look beautiful.


  28. I truly love this piece. The photos are so pretty too.

  29. Your collage is stunning, Valerie.

  30. Your fabulous collage takes me all around the page Valerie-wonderful eye candy! And your photos are always so beautiful-I really can't wait to get out and walk again-we just received another 17 inches of snow, they want a few inches today-and a mix on Tues. Wed. I amsoclose to hibernating:)

  31. Love the collage. Your pictures are full of poetry: I keep starting at the vertical one with all that serene. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  32. That is a wonderful collage - just a great composition. Love those photos - especially the 2nd one!

  33. Fantastic Collage!!!!! Lovely sky pictures too :) I just love to watch the clouds shift and move about... Have a great day!!!!!


    Tolle Fotos sind das auch wieder Valerie!

    schönes Wochenende Dir...
    ich hoffe Du bist noch nicht nervös wegen der OP--
    Ich drück Dich!


    1. Ein Bißchen nervös bin ich schon, und bin auf jeden Fall froh wenn ich sie hinter mich gebracht hab'! Noch 10 Tge, dann geht's los!

  35. I've been away so missed lots of posts I think. Your photos are beautiful again and your collage is fantastic, beautiful. Very interesting as well. Take care and enjoy those walks and treats after :) Greetings, Shirleyx

  36. Even though you have terrible weather the photos are fab, so is the collage! Love the action and color!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. even for a bad day, your collage is great! I love the pics of the sunrise. that's my favorite time to sky watch too!

  38. Wonderful collage and your photos of the landscape are beautiful! Love those clouds!

  39. Fabulous Valerie, I love the little dog in his frame, he made me smile. I wish I had nails like your ladies (the diamonds would be ok too lol) It's raining again here, and the forecast is er rain and wind, and rain and wind....Have a good weekend xx

  40. Eien tolle Collage, liebe Valerie!
    Und die Bilder sind wieder mal ganz fantastisch! Der Sonnenuntergang ist traumhaft schön! *schwärm*

  41. Gorgeous colour and movement in your photos. Your collage is full of interest and movement as well! Greetings from, Canada. Our cold spell here has finally ended. It is about time, the students at our school are starting to go squirrelly from being inside for so many days!

  42. Stunning collage Valerie. Love the juxtaposition of images. Yes you are right we should count our blessings even if we are wading through 15 inches of snow. Happy PPF

    1. Sorry yu are all having such a bad time with the snow. Hope it goes soon!

  43. Wonderful collage. . . and the pics are great. Blessings, Janet PPF

  44. Beautiful clicks and Lovely collage :)

  45. Supertolle collage!

  46. Stunning photos and your collage is looking so fabulous.
    Happy PPF

  47. Both works are lovely, the photos and the collage. I see Poe has a secret Valentine : )
    Take care.

    Annabelle : )

  48. Love the mix of different papers and textures on the collage work!

  49. Wonderul collages and pictures, so colorful. I love them all.


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