
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Here we go round the mulberry bush....

Hi everybody!

Today was a sunny, but rather windy day, and good weather for walking. I enjoyed 2 nice walks along the Rhine and through our little town, making a total of almost 16000 steps. I was even able to sit on a bench in the sun, that was a good feeling! We have stormy weather on the way, so it's good to be able to make the best of the good days. And in between walks, I got three loads of laundry done, running down and up the 52 stairs to the basement each time, which is also a good training!

This card is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz this month.  The image is from the Arty Jewels collage sheet. I matted it with coredinations paper and then a piece of hand-painted paper, which complements the colours of the image. I used a 6" green card blank, and some netting to make the bow.
My material list: 6" card blank, image from Gecko Galz, coordinating paper, hand-painted paper, netting, textile flowers.

On my walks through the town I often go over the old walls and fortifications, and discovered this strange tree, which has been propped up with brick supports. It's a white mulberry tree, which is evidently quite rare. This one was planted 100 years ago by silk weavers in Kaiserswerth, as the silkworms like to feed on the leaves of this tree. The sign tells the history of the tree and that these trees were imported to Europe from Japan and China. The tree is a protected species. I will be watching it now, and take more photos when it gets leaves and bears fruit.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The Mulberry tree is very interesting, and I am glad "they" thought to provide the brick supports. Wonderful card!

  2. Your card is really stunning, love the colours, and the hand-painted paper. Very interesting tree, too! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous tree photographs Valerie-I have never seen one of those trees before.

    The DT piece is amazing. I bought the sheet after seeing your last piece using it but haven't made anything with it yet--you are so inspiring

    Love Chrissie x

    1. I remember seeing some of these trees at a place in Kent when I was a kid, but that really was a long time ago!

  4. Lovely blue card and beautifully presented as always.
    Interesting tree and looking forward to seeing it blooming.
    Have a great day.

  5. We've a few mulberry trees around the fruits too. Spring like green on your card, nice! xox

  6. Love the gorgeous colours in your card Valerie, great photos as well, Annette x

  7. Beautiful card, and wow a tree with such history!

  8. Gorgeous blues and image on you DT piece. Thats a majestic old curved tree, its good that they are propping it up.
    Yvonne x

  9. Hi Valerie, Love the gorgeous blues in your creation today. Your ideas are endless. The tree is amazing. We saw a tree on vacation to central Texas during Christmas and at one restaurant there was a tree growing like this. We asked about it and they said it was an Oak tree over 300 years old. They build tables and serving areas all around it. It was such a sight and I never saw anything like it before. Thanks for sharing this interesting history.

    Have a great day.

  10. The mulberry tree story is interesting, especially as I have just been reading a book about Robert Fortune, who was a plant hunter and went to Chine to steal their tea plants and methods so that Britain could grow their own and evade their monopoly. He also sent back hundreds of plant and tree specimens and seeds. He did all this by going into the interior dressed as a mandarin. So that is why I was intrigued.
    I absolutely loved the artwork, made special by the brialliant co-ordinating colours.

  11. Your hand-painted paper is perfect for the very mysterious image. But I suspect you know that!!
    That tree is beautiful - I sure hope they can keep it alive. It looks like it has been through the war of roses. I will be most interested to see your pictures of the tree as we move through the seasons.
    We have a storm going on now. Enough to keep one inside and not venture out in a car. I have thrown out some sunflower seeds and lots of peanuts and the birds are coming in like crazy. Bunker down kid but I imagine you are used to this. Will the impending storm kill the buds on the trees?
    Sandy xx

    1. I don't think so, as the winds will be coming from the south, which means it will get warmer, not colder! Stay safe over there!

  12. Gorgeous colors for your card today, Valerie, and a very interesting story abut the mulberry tree. Thanks for sharing and for the photos too.


  13. Gorgeous card Valerie, the hand painted paper really compliments it too. What an interesting tree that is and I did not realize till I read one of the comments that it is supported by the brick columns. Very interesting story. Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. Daaaaaaaanjke du liebe,habe mich sooooooo über deine post gefreut,das büchlein ist soooo wunderwunderschööööön mit den Engeln,und das schöne Blumenherz,boah was freue ich mich *hüpf*
    hab ganz,ganz lieben dank dafür,meine liebe,du hast mir damit eine riesenfreude gemacht,war ganz überrascht.
    sooooooo schööööööne sachen wieder *freu*


    der baum ist ja klasse,und die karte sieht sooooo klasse aus,bin ganz hin und weg,einfach großartig.
    bin gerade aufgewacht,habe bissi geschlafen,war sooo müde *gäähn*
    werde morgen bei gutem licht.ein bild von den tollen,tollen sachen machen *umarmknutsch*

    GLG Deine Jeannette

  15. Freut mich, dass es Dir gefallen hat!

  16. Lovely colours in your art Valerie.

    Are you training for a marathon or something? I am mightily impressed with your walking/running :)

    Karen x

    1. To be quite honest, I am impressed myself that I am keeping it up everyday!

  17. The card is gorgeous, love the colours! That looks to be a very interesting tree, looking forward to seeing more photos! Hugs, Barb

  18. Snap!
    You and I both posted our GG DT posts on the same day.
    Love the way you brought the colours from the image out onto the rest of your card, a very beautiful card this is.

  19. What an awesome card. And I LOVE the photo of that mossy tree. Very cool..


  20. Love your card Valerie, gorgeous colours in the background. What an interesting tree, if we had one of these round here though they would chop it down and put up a housing estate. Looking forward to seeing it in the Spring and Summer xx

  21. Boah Valerie, die Karte ist ja toll geworden. Wundervolle Farben und das Motiv ist traumhaft schön!
    Der Maulbeerbaum ist ja sehr bizarr und die Stützen sehen lustig aus. Danke auch für das Infoschild, ich wusste gar nix über Maulbeerbäume und schon gar nicht, dass sie unter Denkmalschutz stehen.


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