
Friday 14 February 2014

And another collage....

Hi everybody!
Hope you are all keeping warm and safe; I know there have been more floods in England, and snow-storms in the States - hope your weather will soon be better. I got soaked going out yesterday as we had quite a downpour here, so I sat in the kitchen and made another collage to dry off and warm up. I used the same painted and embossed background as in yesterday's collage, and more magazine cut-outs. I get the magazines from a neighbour, who gets them from a friend, and as I am at the end of the row I can cut them up afterwards, and they give me a good supply of material for collages. The image at the bottom right is a Gecko Galz one, it fitted nicely.  I wanted to show how women in different parts of the world live different lives, and sometimes I think it's a pity that we don't always take enough interest in others, but just concentrate on our own pleasures and problems. I used some rub-ons as embellishments, and some self-adhesive alphas and leaves.

Here you can see the double spread with the collages from yesterday and today - they were not made to match each other, but still seem to complement each other well.

Today it was dry, and cloudy/sunny, so I was able to enjoy 2 good walks, with a total of 17000 steps. Right now the wind is howling, and will probably be blowing more rain clouds along.

This lovely chap really posed for me - I paid him in bread and salad!

More budding hedges:

The sky was wonderful again:

And I loved the growths on this tree trunk, they look like shells:

Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful collage and photos, as far as I am concerned, you can make a collage every day, I love them! Fantastic work again! Hugs, Sarah

  2. The collage and the duck are very colorful!!! We got 40-45 cm of snow plus lots of wind today.
    At least it was warmer so so of it melted off the trees. Have a happy weekend!

    1. sorry to hear it, and hope it soon goes away! Keep warm!

  3. Wow, Stacy! This is absolutely gorgeous! We got between 40 and 45 cm of snow with more coming tomorrow night. At this rate, I'll be stuck inside all Winter! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  4. wonderful pages and a great way to present your subject Valerie. Happy PPF again, Annette x

  5. Wow, amazing collage and fantastic photos like always!

  6. I hope the weather improves! What wonderful art, I love the colors and the thoughts behind the piece are so intriguing. Beautiful photos too! The growth on the tree is fascinating to look at.

  7. Your collages are so beautiful - the color and composition are just perfect - love your photos. That is one handsome little duck!

  8. Wow, your lovely collage really speaks to the joy and color of life! Your nature photos, particularly the mallard and the tree fungus are wonderful as well. I can't help but feel like the tree fungus would be a great subject for an abstract painting. I've never seen one with such lovely bands of color.

  9. Deine Collagen sehen wirklich toll aus, Valerie!
    Mir gefällt auch das Bild von den Baumpilzen super gut! So ein schönes Exemplar habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen.
    Bei uns ist im Moment alles grau in grau, es regenet seit Tagen und der Wind ist furchtbar kalt:(

    Ich wünsche dir ein gemütliches Wochenende!
    LG Gaby

  10. Beautiful beautiful collage Valerie, the colours and images are so striking. Your photographs are fab, what a handsome duck! Hope you manage to get out for your walk today xx

  11. Eine sehr schöne Collage, ich liebe ja die Oma mit ihrem Enkel, da ist so viel Wärme drin.
    Auch die Fotos sind wunderbar.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Valerie!

  12. Imagine reading through your journal and suddenly coming across these two pages, I would be knocked over backwards, they are FABULOUS, they do go together extremely well. I like your patterned text on the new one, I wonder how you did that, I think you maybe had a set of ready-made letters on your magic table. Love these two pages.
    It's always good to have a duck photo and your long sky photograph with the line of trees and the strip of green is wonderful.

    1. Thanks Sheila! Yes, I have a lot of half used up sets of alphas flying about on my table, and used them here!

  13. I love Your two art journal pages.So beautiful and subjects profound.Your photography also is beautiful.I enjoyed visiting You and so glad to have been a follower of Yours all this time.

  14. What a wonderful, lovely page of two different women's life. I love your selfmade letters and the leave as well as other embellishment. The whole spread is fantastic. Hope you happy weekend and thank you for joining my followers:)

  15. eine wunderschöne Collage wieder,mir gefällt auch die Oma mit Enkel soo schööön,das zeigt soviel wärme,toll finde ich auch das du beide seiten verbunden hast,so gibt es ein ganzes.
    der Paumpilz ist ja der waahnsinn,und sieht wirklich wie Muscheln aus,auch Herr Entchen ist sooo süss.
    du machst sooo schöööne sachen,und ich bin immer ganz beindruckt.
    bin noch ganz hin und weg von deinen schööönen sachen für mich und nur am streicheln,bin leider noch nicht dazu gekommen ein bild zu machen,das licht muss gut sein,und gestern war es schon zu dunkel für bilder,aber ich mache das so bald wie möglich,und nochmal ein gaaaaaaanz libes daaaaaaaaanke für alles *knuddel*

    GLG Jeannette

  16. Sensationell auch die rechte Seite Valerie!
    Tolle Impressionen ..
    und gut, dass Du nicht zu nervös bist!

    Ich spüre dass dieses Jahr gut ist .. da gelingt uns viel ....
    ich denk an Dich!

  17. stunning collage! And thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!

  18. Your new collage is equally stunning. What great photos you included!


  19. Stunning artwork Valerie and a lovely theme too.
    Great pics and love the duck. Awful weather here - gale force winds and torrential rain and very tired as it kept me awake last night - yawn!

  20. That collage is beautiful. Such great composition. You have a very visually interesting blog.

  21. Hi Valerie, Your collages are always awesome. The two sure do compliment each other nicely. The details just keep the eye moving all around the page.
    Lovely photos again and the sweet duck took a cute pic up close. Another wonderful sky too.
    Have a great day.

  22. just awesome collage works Valerie!! I love your thoughts behind this second one along with the imagery. Such a sweet duck-I'd have fed him too:) Fantastic shot of the tree trunk-I think those are fungi but they sure do look like shells.

  23. I love your art journal! It's so pretty! And your photos are wonderful. I hope everyone is holding up in all this cold, wet weather!

  24. Another fabulous page, loved seeing the pages together, so vibrant and alive.
    Yvonne x

  25. These are stunning. Very well done!!

  26. Two posts in one day - Yikes! You are going too fast for me Valerie. Your fungus picture is incredible. Between looking at the sky and looking at the ground it's a wonder you know where you are going! I am sure the duck enjoyed his treats - isn't he pretty!
    Your latest college is not only beautiful but very interesting as well. I do love the deep and rich colors. The picture of the African lady with her child is so tender and sweet. Okay sugar - I have to get busy. We have been gone all day food shopping. No walking for us - it is way too far.
    Sandy xx

  27. Happy Paper Saturdays Valerie. I love the lettering you have used in your journal.

  28. Fabulous page Valerie! Love how you placed it together so seamlessly! ~Diane

  29. That beautiful compositions, the baby is a lovely old!. Saludos

  30. Another beautiful collage.Gotta love the duck, thanks for taking his picture and sharing it with us.

    Annabelle : )

  31. You two beautiful pages do compliment each other. A very moving theme and comment on women. And I love that duck!


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