
Monday 11 March 2013

Steampunk Cuck-owl clock

Hi you all. It's a very cold, windy and frosty evening, not how I would like it to be! Roll on spring!

Today I made a steampunk cuckooowl clock for the challenge at SanDee and Amelie's Steampunk blog.
I managed to resist the temptation to put a real clock-work into it, as I think if any more clocks start ticking in my kitchen I will really go round the twist! I used a cardboard box, covered with some coordinating DCWV papers, and trimmed with washi measuring tape, to measure the hours. I added lots of clockwork and other parts from an old clock, some flowers inside, a rusty owl'face, and a clock with a top hat throning on top. There is another owl holding an hour-glass, can you see it? 

I had fun making it, got very sticky, and never burnt any fingers with the hot glue gun, so that's something!

Have a good day you all, take care,  and keep warm - or cool, as the case may be! And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow Valerie. Fab piece you have created here. Lots of things to see. A stunning project

    Thanks for sharing

    Annie x

  2. Sensational!
    So many elements for the eye to take in.
    An incredible piece.

  3. Wow! What an absolute stunner Valerie!
    Totally amazing creation.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. I really love your playful take on the Cuckowl Clock Challenge, Valerie!

    So glad you didn't burn your fingers and had lots of fun! The owl with the hour glass immediately caught my eye and I like all the clock parts and awesome details (for example the corner embellishment or the birdie on top of the clock).

    Thank you very much for joining us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk challenges!


    die amelie xx

  5. I just love how your mind works! This is so cool! Love every little cuckoo detail and that hat on the clock face - too clever! Love this! Hugs!

  6. That is amazing such a wonderful project wow - so much details to find.... oustanding.
    Thank you for joining SanDee&Amelie´s STEAMPUNK CHALLENGE!
    XOXO SanDee

  7. Fantastic Valerie. Your ideas on this project are amazing

    Thanks for the link to the challenge blog I hadn't seen it before.

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. You can see the fun you had in putting it together Valerie :)bet that owl wouldmake a nice mould ;)
    Von ♥

  9. It is FREEZING here today... the wind could almost cut you in half! Like you I am SO ready for Spring. Least its not snowing today!

    I love your clock many fun elements to it like the owl the springs and the key.

    Karen x

  10. Fantastic clock, love the owl theme, what a 'hoot', that would be on the hour all day if it were connected up.
    Yvonne x

  11. Deine Kucksuhr haut mich vom Hocker, die ist sowas von schön und genial gemacht. Ganz große Klasse, Valerie

  12. I would love to be let loose in your crafty space for just five minutes, I find it hard to fathom how much crafty bits and pieces you could possibly have in your home as each of your projects are laden with so many beautiful pieces, i adore this so much to see on this wonderful non ticking clock.


  13. What a fun clock Valerie. You've used lots of lovely bits and pieces and dangly bits! Xx

  14. Beautiful work, this is really fun, too! Love it! Hugs, Sarah

  15. There is so much I adore about this piece I don't know where to begin. Perhaps the top had tops the list. Great job, Valerie. It would be very tempting to put the real works in it - so gorgeous. hugs, Donna

  16. Amazing detail in this clock! As you may know, here in the USA most of us change time twice a I try to keep the clocks to a minimum.

  17. Wow, that's fabulous! You sure do have an awesome amount of 'found objects' in this beauty. Love it!

  18. You really create the most awesome clocks Valerie, this is fabulous. Hugs Annette x

  19. WOW ein richtiges Kunstwerk mit tollen Details, großes Kino!

  20. Love it! Congrats on not burning any fingers! haha! :0)

  21. What a fun clock this is! You are so clever my dear, I love all the wound up wire thingies you have added too, this looks fabulous! ~Diane

  22. das ist mal was anderes , sehr sehr schön

  23. Superb Valerie!! You are so very inventive. There is so much to catch the eye, I was looking here, and there, and there, and here again. Love it! :0) Mo

  24. This is absolutely, positively wonderful - Fabulous!! So inventive and creative and out of this world grand!!! If this does not win first place then we will all know that the world has gone absolutely, positively mad!

  25. Boah Valerie das ist ein KRACHER!

    absolut genial Dein Teil!

    liebe Grüße

  26. AWESOME!
    It is so fun and love all the details!

  27. I love this so much! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. I wish I had your energy and imagination. You are my inspiration! Hugs to you!

  28. wow - die ist echt super geworden und man kann sie so lange anschauen da es so viel zu entdecken gibt!
    LG Dagmar

  29. Wow! fantastic piece Valerie.
    Hugs, Florence x

  30. Ooooh your clock is lots of fun. x

  31. Ein fantastisches Kunstwerk! Ganz tolle Gestaltung!


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