
Sunday 10 March 2013

A card and a satchel

Hi you all, hope you have had a restful weekend. The spring has disappeared for the time being, and we are once again in the grip of winter - not what I need! But when the weather's bad outside, there's always plenty to do inside, like clearing out drawers and tidying up! I am so happy that I have got this done at last, and tomorrow I will be carrying a big sack of shredded paper, garbage etc to the container. I found lots of old friends that had gone missing in action  - glue runners, sellotape, scissors, brads, pens & pencils, rulers, pencil sharpeners, photos and much, much more! And now I can open my drawers easily and see what is in them!

This card has been made for the 'Time flies' challenge at Try it on Tuesdays. I worked on a piece of card from some packaging, and mounted it onto dark brown and bronze matting. The photos in the film strip are from My great Auntie Fanny, My Mum as a kid, and My Mum with me. The stamps used are from LaBlanche, all other embellies were from my stash.

The second piece has been on the go for about three years. I made one of these little satchels for  a friend's baby, and as I still had plenty of the paper, I started a second one. I found it a couple of weeks back in one of my many boxes, and decided to finish it, which I did. In the meantime I have filled it with a pretty album and sent it to a friend in England, and it has already arrived. It has been made from cardboard, covered with paper from the 'Sascha' collection, and clear varnished.

I am glad that I got it finished, I don't like having half finished projects hanging around for too long!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful card! And those laces on the satchel are just adorable. :)

  2. Beautiful creations as always Valerie and glad you managed to finish your project (this is how my canvas today came about too)
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. What a great little gift box and three years is no time at all to get it finished! Your card is gorgeous, lovely embellishments and photos. We woke up to snow this morning. It's absolutely freezing! Xx

  4. Its a great gift box, bet you are please its finished.
    The time Flies card is gorgeous, love the photo memory strip. Thanks for sharing it with us at TioT's.
    Yvonne x

  5. That's a wonderful sentiment on the card Valerie :)
    Blooming freezing here too
    Von ♥

  6. I'll be over the steal both pieces. Gorgeous. Absolutely balmy here. :o)

  7. Snow for us too today, ugh :(

    Lovely card and the little satchel is delightful!

    Keep warm,

  8. I do agree - this is just such a wonderful card! Amazing!
    XOXO SanDee

  9. Vic asked me this morning what your weather was like Val so now I can tell him--our is very cold and keeps snowing so no Spring here either-well not yet.

    Love the pieces you have made and some great ideas to think about as well.

    Nice to know you can now get into your drawer and have gained some goodies.

    Have a really good day

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  10. I love your card - really gorgeous. Thank you for sharing it with us at TioT! x

  11. Very pretty card Valerie and the satchel is so the lacing.
    Hugs xx

  12. Gorgeous card Val... love the vintage feel... and such a pretty satchel... the papers are beautiful... Autumn has deserted us for the moment and we are back in the grips of summer's scorching heat... hoping for some cool soon... and some warmth for you...

    Jenny ♥

  13. Beautiful card and satchel. love all the little details.

  14. This is totally adorable! Hugs. Sarah

  15. wow Valerie both cards are totally gorgeous. We have had snow for two days....sob sob. Need Spring badly.
    Hugs Annette

  16. wunderschöne Karte so voller MEMORIEMAKING!!! himmlisch!
    und das Taschchen ist auch so süß mit dem raffinerten verschluss innen!
    Super dass Du fertig sicher ein tolles Gefühl und ja ..DU bist wie ich.. ich finde halbfertig, fertige Projekt und alles Mögliche..
    manchmal komm ich mir vor wie die alten Ommas ( gut könnt ich auch schon sein) die immerzu alles vergessen,,
    aber unsereiner hat 1000 Ideen am Tag im Kopf, stimmt´s---
    also wen wundert es wenn wir das ein oder andere Projekt nicht so ernst nehmen und vergessen....
    ist eben mal so..

    und ich seh es inzwischen immer als Geschenk der Bastelgottes, wenn ich was finde, an das ich nicht mehr gedacht habe..
    damit kann ich besser leben als wie meine Tochter immer zu mir meint:
    Mama: ALtersheimer!

  17. Both pieces today are really fab, Val! Hugs, Barb

  18. Busy girl! I love the card, especially the little clock on the back of the butterfly, that is totally awesome! The satchel is gorgeous also, I love how it laces up. Hope it warms up soon there! ~Diane

  19. I have unfinished painting projects from about 10 years! I love the satchel, but I am blown away by #1! Love the filmstrip family photos and that butterfly with the most amazing body! Where did you find such a treasure? Both are fabulous and I hope this week finds you with much nicer weather! Hugs!

  20. Beautiful work as always! I'm like you in that I don't like unfinished projects laying around either!

  21. Wonderful projects! Great job on both!

  22. What a fabulous Time Flies card, love all the details - it really is full of memories.
    Thanks for joining us at TioT

  23. What a sweet satchel... love the ribbon.

    Time flies Memories stay what a lovely saying and project.

    Sorting out drawers is quite satisfying... especially when you find so many friends you thought you had lost never to see again!

    Karen x

  24. Love that piece with the piano keyboard and filmstrip! The bag is lovely, too. I know what you mean about the feeling that comes with finishing up something too long on hold.

  25. Love it and the sentiment is so true. I love your satchel too!

  26. 2 beautiful projects. Love the entry for TIOT. So much beautiful detail. Have a great day. Angela


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