
Tuesday 12 March 2013

A Blast from the past and more....

Hi you all from the German Deep Freeze - brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I think we might have to make brightly coloured Easter eggs this year so that we can spot them hiding in the snow....
While I was clearing out I discovered this 'art-work' from my early days. I think it must have been made in the early 1950s. Cutting things out and sticking them into a scrap book was evidently a hobby then, too, although I think my fussy-cutting is better now!

But the back of the page is the real hammer! No comment....

And now to my day's crafting. I made a giant tag from cardboard, which has been partly peeled and then gessoed. I had some paper printed with eggs which I applied to the wet gesso to make the background. When it was dry, I rubbed the backing paper off the transfer to show the eggs. I painted over the background using some diluted metallic paints, and  then built up layers using rub ons and cut outs, then fussy cut eggs, glazed and rolled over a needle to make them look round, and fixed with foam squares. I added two stamped and fussy cut birds (TH), and some flowers, a wooden bird from crafty embellies and a butterfly from my stash, fixed down with foam squares of various thicknesses to give depth. I added the adage ticket and some beads to finish it off. I am linking to Inspiration journal, where we have to add some pop to our work, for example with foam squares.

Take care you all, thanks for visiting, and have a good day!


  1. Had to laugh over your taste in scrap pages! Love the new tag, beautiful colours! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh Valerie I love your 'early days' sticking!

    Great tag too.... so sweet :)

    Karen x

  3. What fun to find something like this when cleaning! Love your soaring piece today with the birds & eggs!

  4. terrific to find your old scrapbook pages Valerie and loving your beautiful tag. Hugs Annette x

  5. lovely spring tag, our weather has been mild here. Nice to see your work from the fifties!

    Isn't it great coming across old findings? :]
    It is wonderful to see how far we have come along in our "artful journey".
    Beautiful tag too!!
    Thank you for sharing, Valerie. ~xx

  7. I think it is so amazing that you still have things from way back when--I wish I had :(

    Sorry it is still cold for you but it is here as well so you aren't alone--snow again today for us.

    Oh I almost forgot the wonderful tag that you have made. So many lovely things on it and a real feel of Spring.

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Imagine you still having your old scrapbook, how fascinating. Your spring tag is beautiful, it's all white with us this morning. It does look pretty but a nuisance when you need to drive! Take care. Xx

  9. Gorgeous spring tag, Valerie!

  10. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous - I know that when you were born your Mother gave you the middle name of Talent! Well done!!

  11. Ah! Your old scrapbook - a true blast from the past. I would be sitting right down on that page and making a cocktail! Beautiful tag, Valerie. LOVE how you did the eggs. hugs, Donna

  12. Lovely "blast from the past." How fun to find this. I only first touched a stamp in late 2007 and even when I look back, what a difference! Love, love that gorgeous tag! The bird is so cool with the nest of eggs! Stay warm and hopefully the Sun will shine for Easter!

  13. I am sure you enjoyed sitting and looking through the old scrapbook Valerie.
    Amazing texture and colours on your tag.

  14. Oh wow! Love your old page from the past, especially the back, tee hee. Awesome, because those pix are from that era. I really like that and how wonderful that you kept it all this time and didn't know you still had it. Love your tag and yes no cookies in the cookie jars.:) Have a great day Valerie and weather the storm.

  15. How fun to go though your old scrapbook. Lots of fun images. And I am loving Your tag.. Looks perfect my friend.


  16. it´s a lovely spring tag and i love it!

  17. Your tag is gorgeous and very Spring-like. I admit I had a chuckle over your "Blast from the Past" piece...Quite a combination of images!

  18. Oh wow, how wonderful that you have artwork from your childhood. Such sweet memories. And today your tag is supreme! :0) Mo

  19. Love the scrap pages a real treat to see your childhood talents.
    The tag is gorgeous , love the textures and details.

  20. I love the look back in time! Your scrapbook page was fun even then. Today's tag is gorgeous, I love the bird with the eggs, butterfly and flowers are gorgeous. Well done! ~Diane

  21. I love your blast from the past scrapbook Valerie, I still have my Teddy bear from my childhood but that's about it lol. Todays tag is fabulous, I love the glossy eggs. No snow for us today Yay!! x

  22. I love all the texture going on in this tag. Perfect! Thanks for joining in the Inspiration Journal March challenge. =)


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