
Thursday 14 March 2013

Steampunk, cuckoos and moos

Hi you all, hope you are managing to keep warm. We had another icy night, after a cold and sunny day. It was so good to see the sun, and although it was so cold, the sun melted a lot of the snow away. But don't worry, it snowed in the night, so everything is white again....I am very much hoping that the weathermen are right and that the temps will be rising from the weekend!
Today I want to share another 'clock' I made yesterday, mostly from junk recycled materials, to fit the challenges at Sandee and Amelie's Steampunk Blog and at Moo Mania, where the theme this time is also steampunk.
The owl branch and 'Roof' of my cuckoo clock have been made from cardboard. The moo cards have been made from scrap card with steampunk paper, glazed, and then I  added steampunk eyelets and embellies. It was fun to make, as always.

 And this is one of the crazy clocks I have in my kitchen. It's a cowkoo clock, and the little cow comes out every hour and moos. There is a little sensor over the 'cowshed', so if there is no light the cow stays home and keeps quiet, I don't think I would want to be woken every hour during the night!

Have a good day you all, take care, have fun and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh wow this is fantastic! love It so much such a lot of details to explore! Thank you soooooo much for joining SanDee&Amelie´s STEAMPUNK CHALLENGE.
    Your crazy clock is so fun!
    XOXO SanDee

  2. I think you are really enjoying the Steam punk style clocks Valerie and this one is just wonderful. Great idea to have Moos as hangings from the bottom.

    The green clock is magic I love it.

    Have a good day and stay warm indoors.

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  3. LOVE your MOO pendants, Valerie!
    A great idea and looks cool!

    Your crazy clock reminds me of my crazy chicken alarm clock I once had - loved it a lot, even though it made me jump out of bed every day *lol.

    Thank you for joining us (again) over at SanDee&amelie's SPC!

    die amelie x

  4. Really fabulous creations Valerie. Just love that owl!
    Love the cowkoo clock too, a really quirky piece.
    Freezing here and so cold that even though it's sunny the snow hasn't melted!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. This is another of your wonderful, fun pieces - love it! Hugs, Sarah

  6. Hi Valerie. What a great project. Love it. Inspiring as always.
    Take care, Florence x

  7. at's a great idea to take the Moo there as a pendulum and your kitchen clock is really cool

  8. Great clock Valerie mine is still in the planning!!! not going very well...Love your Moo clock this made me smile....just imagined being woken by a "Moo" rofl :D


  9. I love your cuckoo clock and your kitchen clock is brilliant.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Meine Güte Valerie! Du bist ja wohl auch nicht grad wenig verrückt ( im positivsten Sinne gemeint)---was Dir so alles einfällt aus Wegwerfprdukten zu friemeln! Ich hab richtig meinen Spaß dran, wenn ich mir vorstelle wie es in Deinem Gehrin geraucht hat um Dir al diese genialen Komponenten zu Deiner Uhr auszudenken und dann so raffinerit gleich mal beie Challenges zu kombinieren!

    Du Deine Küchenuhr ist aber auch nicht ohne...
    und auch raffinert, dass sie in der Nach in ihrem Kuhstall bleibt!

    sehr raffinert!
    Valerie ..das Wetter können wir ja nict ä
    haben auch wieder 25 cm Neuschnee hier im Waldviertel..
    mir egal...
    kann ich basteln und brauch kein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben , vielleicht im Garten zu werkeln oder!

    Sei lieb gegrüßt!
    ich freu mich jeden Tag zu Dir zu kommen!


  11. you are so good at making these cute clocks Valerie! They're fabulous, each with their own personality.

  12. Lots of character over here again this morning! You are on a clock rampage. Love it. The cow one is soo much fun. Glad he goes to sleep at night! hugs, Donna

  13. I love your steampunk clock!! Great work, as always Valerie.
    And your cow clock is wonderful!! The light sensor is an excellent idea!
    Hugs xx

  14. Love your owl clock.. AND your cowkoo clock!.. My son used to have a train clock when he was a kid! Beautiful clock, but it's loud whistle was blowing day, night, no matter WHAT the light conditions were; so the clock stayed up, but the batteries for sound came OUT! Another battery stayed in to still keep time... Have a great day! ~tina

  15. I am cuckoo over both of your cuckoos! Love the owls hat and eyes, such a clever piece! ~Diane

  16. I love your creation but I covet your cow clock!!!!!

  17. Your owl looks brill Valerie. Stay cosy in this cold snap. x

  18. *schnappatmendumkipp*
    Deine Kuckucksuhr ist ja wohl der absolute Wahnsinn. Ich liebe sie.

    Deine Küchenuhr ist auch nicht von schlechten Eltern, herrlich verrückt.

  19. Well Valerie, your owl clock made me smile and your cow clock made me laugh. I've heard of the crazy cat lady, I fear you may be turning into the crazy clock lady! Have a fun evening! xx

  20. I am not turning into a crazy clock lady - I am one already!

  21. I love your clocks, especiall the Moo clock. For sure you are on time.:) Nice job.

  22. I love your crazy clocks Valerie, those hanging moos are perfect and you cowkoo made me lol xx

  23. Fabulous steampunk clock, love the owl. Gill x

  24. fabulous projects, love the Owl clock, but the Moo clock gets an extra vote, its such fun and so different.
    Yvonne x

  25. Fantastic steampunk tags, Valerie. Did you get a lot of snow this past week? Stay in, stay warm, and keep inspiring us with your art.


  26. Beautiful clock,Love your cow clock...

  27. Fabulous clock and tags Valerie! Love Steampunk, but haven't done anything lately!

    Your moo clock is too cute!

    Wishes From A Broad

  28. This one's a hoot! (sorry - couldn't resist). Love the dangling bits and bobs and his funky eyes. Hope you have a great weekend!

  29. What wonderful clocks Valerie! You cowkoo clock is just fabulous! Lucky it has a sensor, haha ;)
    Your steampunk clock with the dangly moos is amazing. I love your work very much.
    I don't have any steampunk stuff so no moos for me this week.
    Have a great weekend :0) mo

  30. Sieht super aus! Gefällt mir sehr gut!


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