
Saturday 20 August 2011

Storm clouds and postcards

Hi everybody, it's weekend again, just in case you hadn't noticed....I had a bad night, got very little sleep again, so will be taking an afternoon nap today....Hope you all did better!
The storms I was telling about yesterday must have caused a lot of damage. Here it wasn't too bad, just the usual flooded roads and cellars and damage to some trees and cars, but just over the border in Belgium it must have been very severe. A lot of people were at a huge open air rock festival, and many were severely injured and five died. The next storms have been forecasted for Sunday, so I hope nothing like that will happen again. These are the pictures I took when it was just starting, afterwards it was too dark to take any photos, at least with my camera.

Yesterday I did some more work on my sketchbook, but I am not at all happy with what I have managed up till now, so I am hoping it will get better.
And I made a card for the *Just for fun* challenge, where they want to see the colours black, white and silver this week. I have used stamps from Scrollsworks, combining three images, which I stamped with archival black, and embossed in silver. I used a silver Edding pen and some silver stickles for more sparkle. I mounted the card onto a piece of silver printed card which was part of the packaging of some Anna Griffin embellishments.

And my last 2 postcards from the *Liberate your Art* postcard swap came today. The photo of the Vespa was taken by Kat who organized the swap, and the old cart photo came from the 2 Buds in Raleigh, North Carolina. Many thanks to both of you!

Okay, that was enough for today. Have a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Gees the weather is up and down all around the world :( great photos :)
    Your Card is just delightful :) and fits the challenge at Just for Fun perectly.
    Thank you for sharing it with us
    Von x
    fingers crossed no rain today ;)

  2. Your card is yummy. Love her wings. Great postcards, both of them. I have a love afair for the vespa. If I was younger, would have one myself. :o) Weather ... strange everywhere. It's been great here though, so we are very lucky. Enjoy your day, Valerie. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  3. Great card, the wings are beautiful.Beautiful photos of the storm but was sad to hear about the people that got hurt. There was flooding in some parts of the UK this the middle of August!The weather is all over the place. I LOVE the spare body parts from your last post!! They are amazing, the bums all lined up in a row are fantastic!!

  4. Fabulous photos Valerie, we haven't had a summer this year either. Love your JFF card, she's beautiful and the arty postcards too. Have a relaxing day. Suze xx

  5. We had bad storms here, too - a tree came down in our street and smashed several cars, looked awful! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Hi Valerie, The weather is a bother!! It's a favourite subject of the British but when it wrecks lives it's serious, I suppose there have always been extremes:{
    On a brighter note I adore your little angel card, simple and perfect and your postcards are great, vintage and lovely. Have a great weekend and I hope you get a better night tonight, Gay xxx

  7. Great storm photos but so sad that people lost their lives because of it.
    Thursday was horrible here and Bournemouth was flooded. They had a month's worth of rain in just 9 hours.
    Happier note now...loving the angel (great techniques again too!) and adore the images on the postcards.
    Have a great (and hopefully storm free) weekend Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  8. Beautiful photos the colours are lovely, and what a fab card , great image looks so canny i love it :-)

  9. Your angel card is gorgeous. Hope you stay safe in those storms. Loved your photos. Yvonne x

  10. WOW those storm photos are fantastic so much energy but tragic consequences for the rock fans.

    Your black and silver card is delightful with her very big hat and the rose. Thank you for sharing with us at Just for Fun XOXO Zoe

  11. Hi Valerie. Amazing photos what a shame nature has another side! Stay safe if you have more storms on the way. Beautiful card for JFF. Fab photos. Love the one with the cart.
    Regards Florence x

  12. Hi
    What a beautiful,serene entry for JFF.
    Have a great Saturday.

  13. She is too cute! Love her wings! Awesome card Valerie! Great photos too! I love naps in the afternoons! Clears my head! Get out that Configurations Box! Would love to see what you do with it! :)

  14. Beautiful card love the image used it really works well. Hugs Sandra XX

  15. Love all the pictures, so sad that people died during the storm. Storms can be so dangerous. Great card and the little angel is a sweet as can be! Enjoy your nap!

  16. beautiful storm photos Valerie, and sweet card. Heard about the Belgium rock concert tragedy, very sad.

  17. Hi Valerie, I hope you are taking your nap. Photos of storm clouds are always interesting and beautiful too. I like the ones you shared with us.

    I do hope the weather is gentle and does not do any more damage in your area or adjacent countries.

    It has been such a weird year everywhere weather wise.


  18. Hope the weather decides to straighten up and put on a sunny face soon! Your storm photos are great shots though! Happy Creating!

  19. love the scrollswork stamps on the card and the storm photos are great..we had to come home early from camping because of them!

  20. Hope you enjoyed your afternoon nap!

    I love your beautiful card... its so pretty.

    I'm going to look out for some Peter Ackroyd books in the charity shops.... 'spine chilling' is not a genre I normally read AT ALL.... but if I don't like it I can pass it on to my mum..... she is not such a baby as me :)


    Hope your weather is better now!

  21. Great storm photo's Val, glad you were not affected. Love your SW stamped card, looks awesome! Get some rest hope you feel better soon.

  22. Hi Val, love your fairy card, she is very pretty. Sorry the storms caused so much damage, poor people getting killed and maimed! Hugs, Barb

  23. You are in serious need of a good nights sleep Valerie and hope tonight is the night for you.
    Awsome photos of the storm and just terrible that people have died because of it.
    Loving your Angel card, so pretty. Annette x

  24. Your card is wonderful - love that image! - but I'm so sorry to hear of the deaths in the storms.

  25. Love the card Val and the postcards. The photos are great too, sorry about the storms and the deaths. We've missed all the bad weather but the allotment has turned brown and the crops are really suffering in the drought conditions we're now having.

  26. Amazing sky photographs! The second is very Neverending Story-esque. Wonderful card, too.

  27. Gorgeous storm cloud photos...Adorable card too.

  28. Awesome storm photos, so sorry people were hurt. I adore your card, the angel is fantastic. Julia xx

  29. Fabulous card Val, amazing photo's

  30. Love that old card photograph and those sky ones you took - so atmospheric! Great card you have produced for our challenge this week.
    Thanks for joining us at JFF - Hugs, Neet x


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