
Friday 19 August 2011

Paint Party Friday, Spare Parts & Thunder Storms

Yesterday started out with sunshine. Well, on the one hand, a nice thing; on the other hand, it showed up how much dust was flying around here. I know there are black holes somewhere in outer space, but it looked like one of them was here! So, don't be shocked, I will have to use a very dirty word - H*******k was necessary. I hoovered and mopped and scrubbed till it was more or less clean, and then had to take a break and a shower before I was fit enough to go and do the shopping. And while I was in a work mood - doesn't happen too often! - I did the washing, which is a lot of running up and down the stairs, as the washing machine is in the cellar and I live on the second floor without a lift.
Anyway, I spent the rest of the afternoon working on my sketch book for the Art House Coop, and I'm not showing it yet, as I would like to keep it till it is completed.
And that's the reason why I have decided to show you part of my collection of spare body parts for Paint Party Friday, which is, as always, hosted by Eva and Kristin. They are white plastic heads, torsos and butts for displaying clothes in shop windows etc, and they have been sprayed and painted to make them a bit different. I did show some of them before, but here they are.

I sometimes just have the urge to paint on something other than paper or canvases....

And then, at about 7 in the evening, the sky went a nasty greeny colour, the wind lashed the trees, and it rained in torrents, with loads of thunder and lightning flashes. It was pretty to watch, but I was happy not to be out in it. The thunder kept grumbling and rumbling all evening, and the lightning illuminated the night sky, but it seems to have blown over now.

Well, that was more than enough today. Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting.


  1. WOW You were a very busy bunny yesterday, lots of wonderful decoration on your body parts ( not your body, I might add here) great effect, it's a bit like the seventies psychedelic decorating, beautiful, love it, Gay xxx

  2. Love all your stuff, I still have one of your lovely bums hanging on my wall! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Morning Valarie, sounds like a full on day yesterday reminds me I keep promising to get the sucky thing out and move it around the house LOL

    Think out appalling weather of yesterday, heavy rain all day, came over to you in the evening. It washed the sky which is now a very pretty shade of blue so perhaps that is what you will get next!

    Body parts WOW! stunning glorious and brilliant fun. Blown away XOXO Zoe

  4. Loving the decorated body parts especially the torso. Did have a little giggle at the photo with all the butts! x

  5. Glad the butts gave you a laugh - sometimes things just need to be fun!

  6. Oh My goodness, these are STUNNING !!! So artistic and i reckon you should be selling these ? hope you are, they are amazing
    Hugs June x

  7. Wow Valerie these are all fabulous, you are one very talented artist. Make sure you have a fun day today after all your hard work yesterday! Take care. Suze xx

  8. June, I wish someone would buy them, would make a nice change!

  9. Wow! Those are big! :) I thought they were something to put on a greeting card. :)) You did a great job with painting them. I love those silver designs.

  10. These are fabulous. I love all the bottoms!

  11. Well look at this cheeky line up!! What a great thing to paint. Clever, multi-talented lady :)

  12. Wow Valerie the body parts are awsome and I can't beleive that a designer shop would not want them in their shop window especially the bums lol
    Have a fun filled weekend
    Von xxx

  13. These really made me smile Valerie. They're so beautifully decorated that they really should be on display in a shop window, maybe a curio type one as they're very arty.
    Hope you have a great day and a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  14. Hi Valerie - Hope you survived the storm well. Sounds like you had a very productive day. Neat idea with the body parts and hope you are enjoying your sketchbook. Happy PPF!

  15. oh these are so cool - i love the bodies and especially the black one with the silver! you are one talented lady! - i love a good thunderstorm, we had them here last night, too! glad to be home in my house, though - happy PPF

  16. wow I love your collection of spare body parts, so interesting and different. Love how they are different colours and beautifully decorated.

  17. What fantastic creations with all your body parts, Valerie!

  18. Those are the best body parts I've seen in awhile, however, I don't get the opportunity to see to many these days. :o) Very dramatic indeed, Valerie. Enjoy your day. hugs, Donna

  19. Valerie, love the body parts they are so cool. Bet they were fun to paint on and they look wonderful.

  20. Wow, Valerie these are just awesome. I love all the different ways you embellished them! :-)

  21. Wow you have been a busy bee Val. Don't do too much altogether without rest, you need your rest too you know. I love all your bodies and butts, are they all free hand painted? Excellent work altogether. Can't wait for the big reveal of the book. Take care Val. xx

  22. Very cool. Hope you have a great day!!! I always enjoying seeing all your wonderful art. Kim xx

  23. I live in the desert, so dust is part of the furniture! Dusting and cleaning is just never ending here! We could so use some rain! Now you have an amazing collection of body parts! So cool! Have a lovely day!

  24. Love your art work and art style ~ Wonderfully done and lots of hard work ~ thanks, namaste,
    Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

  25. I love your decorated spare parts - they're fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  26. Fantastic body bits, the black I think is stunning. Yvonne x

  27. Great to see the botts again as I loved them. Also love the other body parts as well Valerie, so creative. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  28. Oh my gosh...I haven't seen your body parts previously. They are so cool!
    Where in the world did you find them? When you feel lonely you can sit with them on your settee.


  29. Oooh, these are great, especially the black ones. Your vines and flowers are beautiful, and really turn them into something wonderful.

  30. Love these!
    Painting on things other than canvas, can be real fun... and it looks like you had a great time :]
    Very clever, just adore your concept on art.
    Take care <3

  31. WOW! You were a busy bee...your painted mannequins are marvelous! Fun idea for a new canvas! POP ART MINIS

  32. I'm lovin' all those bums!

    Have a great weekend, no more h*******k!!


  33. these are fantastic! how did you come to have so many of them? i remember some fantastic thunderstorms the summer i worked in Munich, so much more exciting than the damp squibs we have here! always better to be indoors though!

  34. Hi Valerie. Wow! These are fantastic! What an inspiration you are. Have a great weekend.
    Bottoms up! Florence x

  35. These are so cool! I have a thing for hands, myself, but I wish I had room for heads.

  36. I love these. They are so fun. Great job with the butts. hehehehe :))) Have a wonderful weekend.

  37. At first I thought they were little till I saw them on the couch, WOW so cool .Love what you did with the body parts!
    hugs Lynn

  38. What a fun and interesting collection of "spare parts"... so, so cool!


  39. Wow!! These are incredibly cool and you did a fabulous job on them! Gorgeous!!

  40. BRILLIANT!!!!! I love the buns Valerie, this is soooooo FUN!!!Deb

  41. These are beautiful! The black ones are striking! HAPPY PPF!

  42. You are SO very talented! I love the body parts especially the butts :D Thanks for the smile!

  43. brilliant choice of canvas! These are gorgeous and so much fun.

  44. Those body parts rock! Love how you painted them, would look awesome in so many different settings!

  45. Wow - another great idea! You're SO creative - taking what most would see as unusable trash and making such distinctive art pieces! I'm totally inspired!

  46. INCREDIBLE! I love these. I would just love to see them hung up in your home. They must be amazing. Cant say enough!

  47. I love these! What a great idea!!! Happy PPF!


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