
Monday 22 August 2011


Good morning everybody. You will be happy to know that my dentist is back from his vacation, and that means my treatment will be carried on today - I can hardly wait!
The promised storms were not much yesterday evening, just a bit of thunder and lightning, at least here. Hope nowhere else suffered damage again either!
Over at *The Cheerful Stamp Pad* the theme this week is *portraits*. The challenge is open for 2 weeks. For my DT piece I have made an altered canvas, perhaps rather unorthodox for this theme. The canvas was one which had already been used and *stripped* to give it a new lease of life. I made a background of torn paper which I painted with gesso. There was some gold leafing round the canvas before, so I left some it as it was, and painted the rest with gesso, which turned it a nice greeny grey colour. For the main picture I have used a postcard of a self protrait of Stefan Lochner, which is one of the wonderful pictures in Cologne Cathedral, painted in the middle of the 15th century. The pictures of the woman and the hands underneath it are part of some wonderful carvings in Bamberg Cathedral, carved my the great master Veit Stoss at the beginning of the 16th century. I used different embellishments - lace, sack-linen, some torn pieces of a map, some prima leaves, a flower made from antique book sides and coated with Utee, and two Rafel Angels. And of course, one of my little leopards is running through the picture. At the top I have used a silver brooch, which has a small piece of Roman glass in it, bought from the Roman-German Museum shop in Cologne.

That was all for today, now I need to prepare myself for the dentist! Have a nice day, take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Valerie, the portrait is wonderful - so much interesting detail - I love it.
    Sparkles for the dentist.
    Hugs xx

  2. A wonderful collage Valerie, so many interesting bits and pieces to look at. Hope your dentist it gentle with you! xx

  3. Gorgeous collage, with fantastic images. Good luck at the dentist! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Fabulous collage Valerie - I love it. I don't envy you the dentist, good luck.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Great canvas Valerie! That woman is a little scary though. :) Or is she a he? I can't tell. :)

  6. It's a man Natasha, but it is a bit difficult to tell!

  7. Very interesting pieces put together by the skilled hands of a collage master. Such interesting details, Valerie. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  8. Beautiful collage Valerie! Always love your details in your artwork! Love the brooch!


  9. Fab collage Valerie. Love all the interesting detail. Hope all goes well at the dentist.
    Regards Florence x

  10. Wonderful collage love the references to the past a great reminder that art is a human tradition from all time. Good luck at the dentist thinking of you XOXO Zoe

  11. Lots to see, gorgeous details, Valerie!

    ps Good luck at the dentist :)

  12. Hope your dentist visit isn't too bad. Lovely creation x

  13. This is wonderful! Very creative! ~ Thanks for comment on my Share the Creative Journey ~ I work on being positive everyday! It is all part of the journey ~ ^_^

  14. You have created a wonderful piece with plenty of detail and interest! :-)

  15. I like the idea of re-using a canvas. Nice portrait interpretation. And good luck at the dentist.

  16. Wow, this is gorgeous, Valerie! and good luck at the dentist!


  17. Awesome all of the details! :) happy Monday

  18. Your collage piece is beautiful and I do hope all goes well at the dentist! Hasn't it been a crazy year for weather...I'm almost looking forward to fall this year!

  19. Hi Valerie, didn't have internet for ten days so am really behind with my visits. Fabulous DT Piece amazing collage, hope all goes well at the dentists . Hope to catch up with all of your posts.


  20. Stunning canvas Valerie. All the detail is just amazing.
    Hope all went well with your treatment.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  21. Incredible collage today. I love the fact that you are a very diverse artist! Always something interesting to see and read about. take care, gerri

  22. I hope your dentist appointment went as painlessly as possible! *healing sparkles* Lovely collage.

  23. wow...fantastic collage! Have you noticed that none of the images you have used are smiling with their mouths open and teeth showing!! Wonder if that had anything to do with your dentist trip??!! hehe!! Gooooodluck :)x


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