
Sunday 1 August 2010

A weekend visitor, glass and other curiosities

If I haven't posted much the past week or so, it was because I have been spending a lot of time with a friend, who had her knee operated on 2 weeks ago. In the meantime she can run about again, and is doing very well, and came here to spend the weekend with me, a real (old) *girls weekend*. We did lots of nattering, played rummicub and cards, ate too much and had lots of nibbles to boot. All in all a pleasant weekend, with plenty of laughs and time to get to know each other better.
This evening I took some photos of some of the *curiosities* residing in my flat - it's a bit like a rather crazy museum, with lots of glass - which I have collected since I was small (and THAT was a long time ago!), strange animals, lamps, figures etc. spread through all rooms, including the bathroom, hall and kitchen. And this is just a part of it all, as I realised to my horror while taking the photos - at least I know now why I never have enough space to put anything in....
And a proud announcement to end the saga - my flowers on the balcony have been thriving since 4 weeks, this has to be an all time record, as I mostly manage to reduce them to the consistency of dried tea leaves within a few days.


  1. Ooh Val you have such beautiful bits and pieces, thank you so much for the viewing they are gorgeous. The flowers look great as well, better than my chilli plant which produced just one chilli after tender nurturing and I never swore at it once....hmph all that for one
    Take care, Hugs Annette x

  2. Thanks Netty! Chilli plants are very difficult, I think they prefer a hot climate! Take care & keep making such lovely things!

  3. Wow, Val - what a lovely collection - very eclectic.
    Well done with the flowers too.
    Sue xx

  4. Val I love each and every one and in fact have several of the same lol I love all glass it is indeed a shared passion we have I will indeed get round to photographing mine so you can see So many different and wonderful pieces hugs alma xx

  5. Thanks Alma, lookig forward to seeing your piccies!

  6. Your collection has grown since I last saw it! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Ooooo love your collection of glass. You can see your reflection in some of them taking the photo too.
    I love the cows with the long legs, they are fab.
    Jackie :-)

  8. Thanks Sarah and Jackie! The reflections were not avoidable, I was hoping nobody would notice!

  9. WOW val, it was like looking in an antique shop, they are all fab, cannot wait to see a LO with all the lovely

    and well done on your plants still being alive, lol...

    maria x

  10. Thanks Maria, my plants are growing more day by day, they are even being visited by he local bees - they must have been surprised to see such things on my balcony!


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