
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Great minds think alike - or some ATCs made and received

Some ATCs are more fun to make than others, as the themes just appeal more....or less!!
Here is a selection of those done in the last few months; some with the theme *It's a man's world* - how true! sent to Karen; some of my favourite animal - naturally a cow, as my home is full of them, as pics, clocks, lights, tables etc - which were sent to Joanne (who unfortunately didn't get round to saying if she got them or not!), and then *my fave holiday* as theme. I was wavering between Paris and New York, but as I didn't have any suitable embellies for NY, it just had to be Paris. The tags went to Alma and to Susie J. On the day I sent mine off, I got a letter with my ATC and two beautiful tags from Susie, and had to really laugh out loud, as we had both chosen the same theme - as I said at the beginning, *Great minds think alike!* The first pic shows Susie's beautiful tag, the others are my efforts!
P.S. The ATCs for this mo nths butterfly swap are all done and dusted, but I can't show the pics till they have been posted and reached their destinations!!


  1. Love them all Val!
    Your fellow great mind (lol!)
    Sue xx
    p.s. can we call ourselves "the two wise women"?

  2. OOOOh, Sue, what a lovely idea!!! I am sure there's a bigger possibility of finding 2 wise women than three wise men!!!

  3. LOL at you two and sorry cannot join you as Paris was not my choice, but cannot tell you mine it till I've done it and sent it on it's way...

    all fab val, well done and you too sue...

    maria x

  4. Thanks Maria, now you've got me curious wondering what you are making!

  5. 3 wise men? That HAS to be a joke! Hugs, Sarah

  6. They all look terrific, Annette x

  7. Looks like you've been busy again! Hugs, T

  8. Now I'm really excited about receiving my ATC from you - you've whetted my appetite for one of your gorgeous creations!

    Hugs - Carole xxx


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