
Thursday 15 July 2010

More weather antics....

After the enormous heat wave of the last few days, with temperatures up to 40° and high humidity, everybody was looking forward to some cool relief in the form of rain and wind.
On Monday, as I left the house, large raindrops started falling thick and fast. By the time I got into the car, hail stones were rattling on the roof, making a scary noise, and within minutes the road was under water, branches, twigs and leaves were flying everywhere, and I had to turn back because the road was impassable. I tried 2 other turnings, but no chance, same story, so I was happy to get back home safely. The little lane at the back of the house - which is on cellar level - was also full, so I had to paddle home. 2o minutes later it was all over. No more rain, the sun was shining, and I decided to go to my frined's after all. The water was steaming off the streets, and apart from a bit of paddling to get to the car and a nasty and very muddy puddle at the post office, exactly THERE where I got out of the car, it was a journey with no problems. Tuesday and Wednesday the weather heated us up again enormously, and then, yesterday afternoon, the clouds started to build up again. In a few minutes, the trees were bending in the wind, the sky went from greeny-grey to lilac to dark purple, and then it started - thunder, lightning, strong gusts of wind, rain and hail stones, and it was as dark as night. Really spooky! It lasted all in all for about an hour, and caused a lot of damage throught the county - trees and roofs blown down, the airports here and in Frankfurt had to close, and trains and trams were blocked for hours because of trees and branches on the tracks and / or damage to the overhead cables. Lots of roads were under water again, a lot of people got injured, one got killed. A man from the fire brigade said it was the worst storm he had experienced here in his 30 years as fire-man.
Today it's a bit cooler, but will be heating up again today and tomorrow, and the weather men have predicted more storms for Saturday....are all those people right with their visions of global warming?

The photos were taken from my balcony, except for the last 2 which were taken from the internet.


  1. Gosh Val - glad you're OK. We had a thunderstorm yesterday but nothing like you've had.
    Take care.
    Sue xx
    p.s. stunning photos.

  2. Awesome pics, but scary! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Thanks girls, it really was scary, espcially as it all happened so quickly!

  4. hi Valerie, what incredible weather, fab photos, Fi x

  5. Terrific photos Val, can see why it was scary. Hailstones in July.....gosh how awful, we are all having some very freaky weather at the moment. Annette x

  6. Thanks Netty and Fi, it realls is scary just now!

  7. fab photos val, but so scary, so pleased you took them from the safety of your flat...

    maria x

  8. Wow! These are amazing photos Val, but I'm so glad you are alright!
    Suzie xxxxx :)


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